X-Cart: shopping cart software

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-   -   X-Cart v4.5.0 released (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=63422)

rocky 04-26-2012 05:05 AM

X-Cart v4.5.0 released

We are glad to announce that the new X-Cart v4.5.0 is now available for downloading in the "File area" section in your HelpDesk account at https://secure.qtmsoft.com or at http://www.x-cart.com/download.html.

v4.5.0 is a major X-Cart release which includes the following improvements:
  • All background/on-site/merchant hosted credit card payment methods removed due to PCI-DSS requirements (see the list of removed methods below). You can still use them via X-Payments software.
  • Two new built-in skins.
    http://www.x-cart.com/images/news/ideal_comfort_icon.jpg http://www.x-cart.com/images/news/books_n_magazines_icon.jpg
  • New demo products and related data.
  • USPS module completely revised and updated to meet the latest USPS APIs requirements.
  • UTF-8 is now supported.
  • TaxCloud module integration for better and more accurate tax calculation.
  • Updated shipping methods. Weight limits corrected for the USPS First Class methods.
  • Protection from SQL injection attacks has been improved.
  • Completely removed the subscriptions module.
  • Updated a bundle of CA Root Certificates.
  • Following payment gateway integrations updated: PSiGate, DIBS (cc_dibs.php), Authorize.Net SIM, Paypal, Checkout by Amazon, ProxyPay3.
  • Removed some unused CSS classes and obsolete language labels.
  • International product descriptions are now stored in separate tables (Multi-language stores performance optimization).
  • Socialize module update - Pinterest available.

    For the detailed changes description see the CHANGELOG file included into the distribution package.

    Find the installation guide at http://help.qtmsoft.com/index.php?title=X-Cart:Installation

    Payment modules removed from X-Cart (available via X-Payments):

    PayPal WPP Direct Payment
    GoEmerchant - EZ Payment Gateway Direct
    Virtual Merchant - Merchant Provided Form
    USA ePay
    SecurePay - Non-Recurring Interface
    PSiGate - XML Direct
    Sage Pay Go - Direct protocol
    iTransact (Process USA) - XML scheme
    PlugnPay - Remote Auth method
    PayFlow - Pro
    Ogone - Direct
    NetRegistry e-commerce
    Netbilling gateway - Direct
    First Data Global Gateway - LinkPoint
    Innovative E-Commerce
    DIBS (cc_ideb.php)
    GoEmerchant - XML Gateway API
    eWAY Merchant Hosted Payment
    eSelect Plus - Direct Post
    eSec - Direct
    eSec - ReDirect
    eProcessingNetwork - Transparent Database Engine
    ePDQ - MPI XML
    HSBC - XML API integration
    DirectOne - Direct Interface
    CyberSource - SOAP Toolkit API
    RBS WorldPay - Global Gateway
    Bean Stream
    ANZ eGate - Merchant-Hosted
    AuthorizeNet - AIM

cflsystems 04-26-2012 06:55 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Should this release count as stable? Since it derives directly from 4.4.5 and seems like for the most part code is the same. Have you guys decided on the upgrades - very important - hopefully there will be direct full upgrade pack from 4.4.x systems

agorvin 04-26-2012 12:58 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released

Originally Posted by cflsystems
hopefully there will be direct full upgrade pack from 4.4.x systems

I was under the impression from this post that there would be no full upgrade from 4.4.x. Unfortunately.

ediruzza 04-26-2012 01:11 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
The UPS registration goes around in circles. After hitting NEXT on the registration page, it asks you to log in again. This can't be right.

pomfret 04-26-2012 02:22 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released

Originally Posted by rocky
Payment modules removed from X-Cart (available via X-Payments):
  • AuthorizeNet - AIM

What, exactly, does this mean? Store owners must now shell out $1200 for X-Payments if they wish to use Authorize.net to process credit card transactions?

If I'm following this correctly, X-Cart is basically stating that all CC transactions through X-Cart, not handled by X-Payments or external gateway, are not PCI compliant?

adammc 04-26-2012 07:53 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
have to agree with SGS too....
What are the positives to upgrading from 4.4.5

When is the next release due?

sinobest 04-26-2012 08:27 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Hope the new version can improve the speed also.

bigredseo 04-26-2012 08:49 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Years ago the 4.x was to be killed off and 5.x was to take the place. Still waiting on that to really kick into gear. No need for 4.3, 4.4 & 4.5 - rather the fixes and then kill the branch and move forward with the 5.0 plan.

bigredseo 04-26-2012 08:52 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Also seeing the UPS Registration issue. We had a client earlier today asking questions on that as it wasn't working. We checked everything from HTTPS connections to .htaccess files, and everything appears correct, but once you click "Register" and then "Next" it dumps back to the login page and doesn't move forward.

ambal 04-26-2012 10:42 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Joined two threads about 4.5.0 release

qualiteam 04-27-2012 04:00 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released

Originally Posted by handsonwebhosting
Also seeing the UPS Registration issue. We had a client earlier today asking questions on that as it wasn't working. We checked everything from HTTPS connections to .htaccess files, and everything appears correct, but once you click "Register" and then "Next" it dumps back to the login page and doesn't move forward.

Possible fix: alter the "modules/UPS_OnLine_Tools/ups_register.php" script and replace this code:

PHP Code:

$ups_licensetext $ps['licensetext'];

$ups_reg_step 2

with this:
PHP Code:

$ups_licensetext htmlentities($ps['licensetext']);

$ups_reg_step 2


cflsystems 04-27-2012 07:45 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
So there is Smarty3 upgrade for XC 4.4.x.

Is 4.5.x using Smarty3 or still on Smarty2? Are templates cleared of the old code?

kustomrides 04-27-2012 08:01 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
I'm curious as to why there is a planned 4.4.6 upgrade when we already have this 4.5.0 upgrade. Is it because there will be no upgrade patch to 4.5.0 and users will have to do a manual install?

cflsystems 04-27-2012 08:03 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
There will be no 4.4.6 - it is being replaced by 4.5.x

PhilJ 04-27-2012 08:35 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Just an observation, the v4.5.0 official demo has 168 products, yet the demo I installed has only 110 products. Which is correct?!

EDIT: Ahh, I see there are many disabled categories, which explains why.

Also, the product description field (descr) is a mandatory one, but in the demo data, many of the products only have the fulldescr fields populated.

I think possibly the demo data needs tidying up. Quick SQL patch to fix descriptions...


UPDATE xcart_products_lng_en SET descr = fulldescr WHERE (descr = '');
UPDATE xcart_products_lng_en SET descr = 'Description pending...' WHERE (descr = '');

AMMoyer 04-27-2012 09:44 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Can someone tell me what the default login and password is for the admin side of 4.5.0?

Tried: demo-master@x-cart.com / master

without success. This is in a subdirectory of my current site with a new dbase if that changes anything.


cflsystems 04-27-2012 10:08 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
When you installed it the confirmation page should have listed username : password, these are also emailed to the email specified during installation. Password is random generated by the installation script so there is no fixed one

cflsystems 04-28-2012 08:45 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Confirmed on the demo site - bug on product details page -> customers also bought tab
The tab shows images only and if you hover over an image is supposed to popup the title and price. The info is there but works for the last product in the list only

cflsystems 04-29-2012 08:09 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
BUG - serious one: Patch/Update page - if applying patch file and some files get "could not patch" status the "tick here to apply patch..." checkbox is AGAIN checked by default. It should not be checked and the apply button should be disabled until box is checked. But the bigger problem is - if you uncheck the box the apply button is still accessible (not disabled) and if you click on it it will apply the patch even though the box is unchecked and there are files with "could not patch" status. This is serious

cflsystems 04-29-2012 09:32 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
The bug in post #18 - it is caching bug. If the Speed up tools are OFF all works just fine, with Speed up tools ON - bug is present. I assume JS Speed up only is affecting it.

ediruzza 04-30-2012 08:34 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ediruzza
The UPS registration goes around in circles. After hitting NEXT on the registration page, it asks you to log in again. This can't be right.

The patch related to this problem works, however, when registering, I get the following message on the Registration page...

"UPS Access License Response: The XML document is not well formed (10001) "

james elliott 05-01-2012 08:40 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
I have spent the last 2 days upgrading to this version, from what I understood this is not a Beta test version but a stable 4.5 cart. After reading this forum it seems they released this to early and I most likely wasted my time from the Smarty Upgrade with bugs now this issue with the UPS. Maybe someone can tell me if I should continue my work or just wait a month until someone from qualiteam actually tests every aspect of their work before releasing software that is unstable for production.

cflsystems 05-01-2012 08:58 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Never use .0 version for live store. You can continue with developing on it and testing, pretty sure in less than a month (maybe 2 weeks or so) QT will release 4.5.1 which may even include Smarty3 - too many bugs already so they have to do something

james elliott 05-01-2012 09:07 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Thanks for the input, maybe I am a village idiot here but in the beginning of this thread no where do they state not to use 4.5.0 as it may contain bugs wait for 4.5.1 seemed to me to be an official release and we PAY in trust that the people getting paid actually know what they are doing, in my file area it never stated beta. They might want to update the title tag her to 'USE AT YOUR OWN RISK OF WASTING TIME'.

cherie 05-01-2012 09:11 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
All versions *will* contain bugs. I see nothing wrong with moving forward with your 4.5 upgrade then applying the 4.5.1 patch when it comes out.

amsruned 05-01-2012 09:16 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Where can I find the 4.4.x to 4.5 database upgrade patch?

cflsystems 05-01-2012 09:16 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released

Originally Posted by james elliott
Thanks for the input, maybe I am a village idiot here but in the beginning of this thread no where do they state not to use 4.5.0 as it may contain bugs wait for 4.5.1 seemed to me to be an official release and we PAY in trust that the people getting paid actually know what they are doing, in my file area it never stated beta. They might want to update the title tag her to 'USE AT YOUR OWN RISK OF WASTING TIME'.

There is no "bug free" software. And it will never be one. QT did release beta version before they released 4.5.0. QT counts 4.5.0 as stable. But from my experience I can tell you - it is better not to use it for live store even though you can, it is a working version. It is not a waste of time to start development based on 4.5.0 and for the most part it will work out of the box.

cflsystems 05-01-2012 09:17 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released

Originally Posted by amsruned
Where can I find the 4.4.x to 4.5 database upgrade patch?

Not available yet. There are very few differences though and if you know sql you can do it yourself

bigredseo 05-01-2012 09:54 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
As the others have mentioned, using a .0 version is rarely something that we do on this end too. Any time there's a new release, especailly a new branch release, there's always a bug or two (or more). This is true of pretty much every software out there. Even when PHP comes out with new versions, we still give it at least 2 weeks before we even attempt to load it on a testing site. There's always something that's been overlooked and needs repair.

james elliott 05-01-2012 10:42 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
I am well aware of bugs in all versions of software and in my 20 years experience doing web design have no issues with a few flaws,I even look forward to them because errors teach you how to correct them and learn more about the product you're using. However when you release a version without stating clearly there might be major flaws such as the UPS or the Upgrade to Smarty3 that may or may not work on the version you released days prior I do see a issue, I am not paying for a product to Beta test nor are they paying me to Beta test, I am putting my trust in the people I spent my hard earned money on to only release a version that is stable enough to run on a live cart I don't care if its 4.5.0 , 4.5.1 and so on bottom line is the product is not ready for full use and should be stated as such. I am done replying I just wanted to say my peace and let Chevy or Ford release a car for sale that has a few bugs here and there before they are sure its ready for LIVE production and sell it anyways see how many legal battles they have..bottom line wasted time is wasted money lol

Peace people...

kustomrides 05-01-2012 02:34 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
The reason I'm going forward with a 4.5.0 live store is because I can live with the bugs... what I mean is that I have more issues with 4.4.3, and my mods make upgrading a pain. So it's a tradeoff. The UPS thing would have stopped me maybe, but I use FedEx.

Not live yet (fresh install, moving database files, etc). Still fiddling with things like x-cart's free ad they put into the copyright.tpl file, and css. I like the PCI compliance, and haven't yet tested Googgle/Froogle feed (sure hope that thing finally works). Shipping methods (USPS, FedEx) look good. SQL errors on "DELETE FROM xcart_amazon_data" whenever I try anything. It's not affecting anything that I can see. Probably something I messed with.

Not doing the Smarty upgrade until I can figure out how to make my BCSE mods to work with it. Maybe try later.

ediruzza 05-02-2012 07:38 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
So, does QT have a patch for the UPS XML parsing error? Should I put in bug tracker?

james elliott 05-02-2012 01:41 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
It would be nice if they would at least comment on the UPS error maybe a update on when a fix will be released.
" UPS Access License Response: The XML document is not well formed (10001) "

james elliott 05-02-2012 03:46 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Since I got forced into beta testing this version I don't know if this is an isolated issue for me only but if you add a product to the cart and check out to the payment page then Click back on the Home button it HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): the whole site. I do not have HTTPS set was just testing it and it happens eachtime. Suggestions?

cflsystems 05-02-2012 03:54 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Works just fine on my test copy

rocky 05-03-2012 05:00 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Hello, X-Carters

Please accept my apologies for the delay in answering to all your requests.

1. I can confidently state that 4.5.0 is a stable version and can be undoubtedly used for the live stores. As some of you have already mentioned there is no "bug free" software. It only depends on whether these bugs are minor or major. 4.5.0 version is as stable as 4.4.5. You don't have to wait for 4.5.1 and can unhesitatingly develop it.

2. UPS bug. We apologies for any possible inconvenience caused. Please try to apply DIFF_57313.patch attached to the following bugtracker ticket:

Patch application instructions can be found here:

3. We are currently working on the database upgrade pack.

Thank you for all your feedbacks, suggestions and reports, we will take them into consideration.

ediruzza 05-03-2012 09:03 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
I applied the patch to our test store and I get the same '10001' error message.

james elliott 05-03-2012 10:26 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
Patch did not install through the carts patching system I did however patch the files manually and it worked fine.

ediruzza 05-03-2012 12:27 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released

I double checked my UPS files that got patched and I still get the '10001' error. Did you do something else?

ADDISON 05-03-2012 01:05 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.5.0 released
In Opera 11.62 when I am moving the mouse pointer over a template link in [Debugging Console] nothing happening in page. Normally a border should surround that template in page.

In Firefox is working as usual.

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