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svowl 03-29-2006 09:49 PM

X-Cart 4.1.0 rc4 released
Dear friends,

After releasing X-Cart 4.1.0 RC3, we discovered some more problems, including a critical bug in Blowfish encryption which occur on some system environments. To make sure this bug is completely fixed, we made a decision to released a fourth release candidate (RC4) before we announce X-Cart 4.1.0 ready for production. We expect RC4 to be the last release candidate before the final 4.1.0 release.

X-Cart 4.1.0 RC4 is now available in your File area.

Below is the changelog between RC3 and RC4:


----------------- X-CART v4.1.0 rc4 RELEASED

Wed Mar 29 13:18:53 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: The option 'Remember visitor for a long time period' is removed from General settings, while the functionality itself is now made X-Cart's standard feature.

Tue Mar 28 16:47:20 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When the same cart page was open simultaneously in two browser windows, deletion of a product item from cart caused an error if the customer clicked the 'Clear cart' button in one browser window and then the 'Delete item' button in the other. Fixed.

Tue Mar 28 14:27:18 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: The routine of selecting tax rates for a product with a certain combination of options is optimized for speed: this kind of data can now be temporarily stored in the memory cache instead of DB, so X-Cart does not have to turn to MySQL every time it needs tax rate information.

Tue Mar 28 12:18:05 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: X-Cart's set of CSS files is brought to conformity with W3C recommendations (Errors which used to be detected by W3C CSS Validation Service have been eliminated).

Tue Mar 28 11:40:11 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: User registration procedure caused a JS error in MS IE browser. Fixed.

Tue Mar 28 11:23:21 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The procedure of subscribing to a newsletter did not work correctly when Neon Lights skin was installed. Fixed.

Tue Mar 28 10:16:56 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: The procedure of detecting the default product options set is changed: the default product options set is now defined by the options' Order By values and the default product variant instead of the cheapest product options set markup.

Mon Mar 27 09:42:53 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The return amount was not displayed correctly on the Returns page and in Email notifications (order item amount was displayed instead of the return amount). Fixed.

Sat Mar 25 14:18:25 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: JS WYSIWYG editor caused a JS error in FireFox browser if the user pressed a button on the editor control panel while the text area was empty. Fixed.

Sat Mar 25 13:22:46 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: JS WYSIWYG editor (HTML Editor module) added an excessive empty line after tags without an end tag. Fixed.

Sat Mar 25 12:33:00 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The amount of a discount coupon was calculated wrongly if the cart contained a configurable product. Fixed.

Sat Mar 25 11:37:24 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When a customer performed a payment transaction using a callback payment method (for example, PayPal IPN payment method), he was returned to X-Cart side from the payment gateway before the payment gateway callback request took place. As a result, the order changed its status from Processed to Queued. Fixed.

Fri Mar 24 16:59:06 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Taxes on the Order details page and on the Order invoice page were displayed included into the product price. Fixed.

Fri Mar 24 16:12:30 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The popup window of HTML editor module could be opened from a non-administrator area. Fixed.

Fri Mar 24 15:40:53 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: HTML editor module caused a JS error if the web browser was run under Mac OS. Fixed.

Fri Mar 24 14:01:42 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The procedure of adding a new state caused an SQL error if the state code with which the state was being added was already used by some other state of the same country. Fixed.

Fri Mar 24 12:25:51 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Newsletter was sent as plain text instead of HTML text when 'HTML mail' option was enabled. Fixed.

Thu Mar 23 16:27:06 MSK 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Charset column is removed from the Countries page.

Thu Mar 23 16:15:48 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: HTML tags were not erased from data being imported. This created the possibility of including scripting code in such tags. Fixed.

Thu Mar 23 14:17:59 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Product quantity was displayed as empty on the Product details page if the product's default variant had an empty quantity. Fixed.

Thu Mar 23 11:31:31 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When, after doing a product search, a user went from the first page of search results to some other page of the search results using the pagination bar, he then could not return from that page to the first one using the 'Back' button. Fixed.

Wed Mar 22 15:39:19 MSK 2006[*] - max - Improvement: USPS shipping method is updated: support for Domectic rate calculator API 2.0 is added.

Wed Mar 22 10:21:14 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Data cache was not cleaned after module installation. Fixed.

Wed Mar 22 10:19:32 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Section name validation procedure did not wrok correctly on the General settings page. Fixed.

Tue Mar 21 17:16:07 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: General settings page did not work correctly (page reference caused an SQL error) if the shop administrator entered an URL like 'admin/configuration.php?option=XAffiliate' while X-Affiliate add-on module was disabled on uninstalled. Fixed.

Tue Mar 21 16:49:21 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Blowfish encryption method did not function correctly on PHP 4.4.1. Fixed.

Mon Mar 20 11:46:22 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Product price was not defined on the Product details page if the product had variants and all the variant prices were empty. Fixed.

Fri Mar 17 18:00:04 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: "Check MD5 of compiled templates for better store protection at shared hosting" functionality did not work correctly: MD5 hash was checked, but wasn't created. Fixed.

Fri Mar 17 15:21:48 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The inner benchmark mechanism did not calculate SMARTY busy time correctly. Fixed.

Fri Mar 17 14:26:17 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When JS was disabled and a user attempted to submit a user registration form with some required fields not completed, he was notified of the necessity to complete some more fields, but the fields were not marked in any way so he could know, which fields still needed to be completed. Fixed.

Thu Mar 16 11:58:00 MSK 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: Tax rates were calculated without taking into account, which tax rate was created by which provider (PRO). Fixed.

Wed Mar 15 17:34:30 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: PayPal Web Payments Pro payment module did not send Shipping address information. Fixed.

Wed Mar 15 16:25:16 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When a new discount was added by a provider, X-Cart's validation routine that was supposed to check, whether such discount already existed or not, did not function correctly. As a result, some discounts were recognized as already existing ones, while some werei not. Fixed.

Wed Mar 15 15:39:47 MSK 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Default image was displayed as a link to the image file (instead of a link to the dynamic script) on the Product list page, Product details page and Cart page.

Wed Mar 15 14:34:03 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Changing the value of the Tax exempt field on the Product modify page caused a JS-error in FireFox browser. Fixed.

Wed Mar 15 11:59:55 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When Subscription module was enabled, any product could be added to cart in a quantity of no more than one item. Fixed.

Wed Mar 15 11:38:28 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: An attempt to view a Product features chart after all the products have been removed from it caused a PHP error if all the products in this chart did not have product class option values defined. Fixed.

Wed Mar 15 09:23:24 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The 'Check all checkboxes' JS-based functionality did not work on the Extra fields page. Fixed.

Tue Mar 14 17:43:00 MSK 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: When Fast Lane Checkout module was enabled, complete cart totals were displayed at the last checkout step only (before order submitting), while the minicart displayed the total including discounts, shipping and taxes at all times. Fixed.

Tue Mar 14 11:28:50 MSK 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Product images on the Cart page are now affected by 'The thumbnail width in the products list' option; product id is replaced by product code in product title.

Thank you.

Dongan 03-29-2006 10:29 PM

looks like we are driving fastly to get the stable release soon...

shan 03-30-2006 03:51 AM


Tue Mar 14 11:28:50 MSK 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Product images on the Cart page are now affected by 'The thumbnail width in the products list' option; product id is replaced by product code in product title.

Almost fell off my chair then. Looks like things are coming on :-)

Now if that is made as an option in general settings / appearance its useful to everyone.

Heres my list of other bits and bobs that i noticed when looking at the demo site http://www.x-cart.com/demo_preview/

Welcome to administration area

Could we move the top sellers and orders info to there own page instead of showing on the first page when you log into admin. On a store with hundreds of sales a day it takes forever to log in and this info is not needed every time you enter the admin area.



On this page you can switch your X-Cart to store images (category icons, product thumbnails and/or detailed product images) in the database or on the file system. By default, all images are stored in the database. Storing images on the file system may be helpful if your database performance is poor or its size is limited.

IMPORTANT! If you want to move images from the database to the file system, make sure you specified the correct path to the place where your images will be stored (Note: you should specify the path on the server where X-cart is installed, not on your local machine). For UNIX users, make sure that this directory has world writable permissions (go to the specified directory and issue the command: chmod 0777).

If you select the 'Allow to store images only in the directory specified here' check box, all your images will be stored by default in the directory specified in the 'Path to images on the local server' field. If you leave the check box empty, when uploading your images you will be able to choose a subdirectory of 'xcart/files' directory.

It's strongly recommended to make a backup of your database before you proceed.

Nowhere here does it ask you or tell you where the images are going to be stored. This text will not help anyone

Im sure both dialog.tpl and menu.tpl could be simplified easily. one thing i change ever time is to remove the
from after the content of menu.tpl. just wastes space at the foot of the menu

you could make the special instructions a text area instead of a text field. would make it easier to read

please make this as a module that can be switched on and off


if theres only one language available can we not have to choose it from the first drop menu


Enable tracking statistics: - Are these not linked to the advanced statistics

Parse Smarty tags in the content of embedded static pages: - Should this not be on the static pages page

The full path to Perl - could this not be checked as an environmental variable and entered if found

Displaying products -

Display only featured products list in multicolumn format: could this be switched off as default

Display product code (SKU) in the products list: - could we also ask about the sku in the title of the details page

I see the departments drop down is now able to switch off but why not make it an adition field there by default. that way people can edit it too.

Why not also show the company address and telephone numbers on the contact us page. we already have the data

Where the phone number is shown please change US TOLL FREE to CALL US or something more generic

make the text field text areas instead. difficult to try and enter stuff in a tiny box

Make the site title something configurable instead of using your company name. The same goes for the root link of the navigation links

can you confirm if both billing and shipping first and last name are stored in their own row in the database and not joined.

can you confirm if both billing and shipping address1 & address 2are stored in their own row in the database and not joined.

could we not join the Personal information & Contact Information into one section

it would be better if company was asked as billing address and then also for shipping address

All ill say is that the invoice has always looked unprofesional and could so easily be cleaned up.

PRINT INVOICE - pity it shows in times romain and not verdana or whatever the main body font of the store is


It would be great if orders were shown in their own menu box. this way it would be simple for an admin to disallow all other menus to fulfilment staf. There was a simple mod before to create quick links for 'todays orders' 'new orders' etc

ORDERS ORDER - Order must be shown with latest one first, NOT the other way round. Makes no sense

ORDERS DATE - please show this to include the hours and minutes too

ORDERS DETAILS - would be best to show products in more of an invoice type way rather then the old xcart way

good to see this has been worked on. dont understand why the categories list has its own style that just makes the category font bigger. dont see any point for that and makes things look disjointed.

could someone from xcart explain the logic behind how buttons are made and why we must have go buttons, full buttons and std text buttons. There does not seem to be any sense to it. Surely things could be made simpler here.



it would be so usefull to be able to use a list like that to also enter list price and other data. would speed things up no end

Anyway, Ill leave this for now and hope that even if none of this will go into 4.1 that at least we can have some discussion on it and if the ideas are bad then say so. If ideas are good then most of them are simple fixes and would make life better all round

Good to see progress

Megamuch 03-30-2006 05:05 AM

Just checked it out! I'm especially happy with the option to add a % or fixed value per payment method.

Hope to see 4.1 soon, it has a lot of options that i'd like to use.

photo 03-30-2006 07:19 AM

After installing 4.1.0 RC3 if I check the box for "Use HTTPS for users' login and registration:" when I try to check out or register the site will not redirect to the https link.

If I turn webmaster mode on then I am redirected to http://www.mysite.co.uk/register.php

Any ideas?


PhilJ 03-30-2006 09:51 AM

I get an alert box appear when trying to edit the welcome text (txt_welcome) using the WYSIWYG editor.


Advanced editor mode cannot be enabled, as this mode is available only in the following web browsers:
IE5.5+ (Windows)
Latest version of Netscape, Mozilla & Firefox (Windows)

It works fine when editing product descriptions. This happens in IE6 and Firefox.

If using the file system for images, where do you tell it to store them? The path option has gone!

cherie 03-30-2006 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by PhilJ

Advanced editor mode cannot be enabled, as this mode is available only in the following web browsers:
IE5.5+ (Windows)
Latest version of Netscape, Mozilla & Firefox (Windows)

The advanced editor is only available on Windoze?

PhilJ 03-30-2006 09:59 AM

I'm on Windows, never used a mac in my life!

geckoday 03-30-2006 11:42 AM

Never mind.

shan 03-30-2006 11:49 AM

the demo is a pro version so you have to log in to provider area

provider / provider

geckoday 03-30-2006 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by shan
the demo is a pro version so you have to log in to provider area

provider / provider

I haven't been able to login as master/master or provider/provider so I tried admin/admin and it worked. Of course, as you point out that's why discounts and coupons were missing. I went into the provider and master users and set the passwords to provider and master respectively (even though the warnings had come up saying the passwords were the default) and I still can't log on as either of those users.

timbrrr 03-30-2006 06:02 PM

Guess what? They did put a switch in for the send to friend....
General settings> Appearance> The section 'Send to friend' on the Product details page is enabled. CHECKBOX
FINALLY!! I havent looked for the other options you named, but you are definitely naming off some things I would have!!

please make this as a module that can be switched on and off

svowl 03-30-2006 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by PhilJ
I get an alert box appear when trying to edit the welcome text (txt_welcome) using the WYSIWYG editor.


Advanced editor mode cannot be enabled, as this mode is available only in the following web browsers:
IE5.5+ (Windows)
Latest version of Netscape, Mozilla & Firefox (Windows)

It works fine when editing product descriptions. This happens in IE6 and Firefox.

Thank you. This will be fixed.


Originally Posted by PhilJ
If using the file system for images, where do you tell it to store them? The path option has gone!

It is no longer necessary to specify a directory for images, because now all the images are stored in the directory "xcart/images". Product thumbnails are stored in "xcart/images/T", category icons - in "xcart/images/C" etc.

dpm747 03-31-2006 01:52 AM

How can you export/import products from 4.0.16 to 4.1.0 RC4?
The product CVS file from 4.0.16 gives a notification/warning in 4.1.0. RC4 "The file you are trying to import does not contain any sections."
and there are no products imported. Do I do something wrong or is there a special trick to do this? We have about 800 products in 4.0.16.

Thanks in advance,

svowl 03-31-2006 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by dpm747
How can you export/import products from 4.0.16 to 4.1.0 RC4?
The product CVS file from 4.0.16 gives a notification/warning in 4.1.0. RC4 "The file you are trying to import does not contain any sections."
and there are no products imported. Do I do something wrong or is there a special trick to do this? We have about 800 products in 4.0.16.

Thanks in advance,

An upgrade patch for converting the database from the last version of the 4.0.x branch (at the moment that is 4.0.18) to 4.1.0 will be available after X-Cart 4.1.0 is released. Even if you do not wish to upgrade your X-Cart 4.0.16 to 4.0.18, you will need, nevertheless, to upgrade the database from 4.0.16 to 4.0.18 by applying the database patch patch.sql from the upgrade patches 4.0.16-4.0.17 and then 4.0.17->4.0.18. Then you should be able to upgrade from 4.0.18 to 4.1.0.

shan 03-31-2006 04:10 AM

Svowl, would you mind adding your comments to my post.

I also noticed we are still not able to add a list price to a variant which causes the % saving to be lost.

I mentioned this a while ago. it was also discussed here http://forum.x-cart.com/viewtopic.php?t=19439&postdays=0&postorder=asc&sta rt=0

mffowler 03-31-2006 05:32 PM

I installed a Pro version and have created a test product which shows up as admin or provider, but the store still doesn't show any products.

Obviously, I have made the product "Available for sale" (set it at 1000 qty. etc.) and have even tried using the direct link to the product... no luck. Store is still empty???

Any ideas? Anyone seen this? Is there something I am missing in 4.1 that is diff. than previous versions?

**NOTE** : I just re-installed with sample products and when I changed a products category- it disappeared and repeats the same issue that I mentioned above... as I changed nothing but the category (after changing the default provider in the products table), it appears to be the case.



vulcan-works 03-31-2006 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by mffowler
I installed a Pro version and have created a test product which shows up as admin or provider, but the store still doesn't show any products.

Obviously, I have made the product "Available for sale" (set it at 1000 qty. etc.) and have even tried using the direct link to the product... no luck. Store is still empty???

Any ideas? Anyone seen this? Is there something I am missing in 4.1 that is diff. than previous versions?

**NOTE** : I just re-installed with sample products and when I changed a products category- it disappeared and repeats the same issue that I mentioned above... as I changed nothing but the category (after changing the default provider in the products table), it appears to be the case.



i had the same problem, go to the tools page in xcart and do the "force regenerate cache" or something like that. it fix it for me :)

mffowler 04-01-2006 02:36 AM

Thanks, but no luck. Quite bizarre.. any other ideas?

- Mike

red_and_white 04-01-2006 10:17 PM

Is this a bug? Can it be fixed?
Hello all..
well, I was testing this last release and I found out a problem in the checkout and payment step.

#1 - When You are in the checkout step Yo can't change language
#2 - In the payment details, if You choose a language different from english, paymet method are always in english. In example (bank transfer)..

Can it be fixed?
thank You

cherie 04-02-2006 08:52 AM

Now seems like a good time to bring this up. Some of our stores are not in an area that has daylight savings time so we have to remember to go in and change the tz offset. Would be nice if we didn't have to. :D

svowl 04-03-2006 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by mffowler
I installed a Pro version and have created a test product which shows up as admin or provider, but the store still doesn't show any products.

Obviously, I have made the product "Available for sale" (set it at 1000 qty. etc.) and have even tried using the direct link to the product... no luck. Store is still empty???

Any ideas? Anyone seen this? Is there something I am missing in 4.1 that is diff. than previous versions?

**NOTE** : I just re-installed with sample products and when I changed a products category- it disappeared and repeats the same issue that I mentioned above... as I changed nothing but the category (after changing the default provider in the products table), it appears to be the case.



Re-check the product memberships, please.

svowl 04-03-2006 04:53 AM

Re: Is this a bug? Can it be fixed?

Originally Posted by red_and_white
Hello all..
well, I was testing this last release and I found out a problem in the checkout and payment step.

#1 - When You are in the checkout step Yo can't change language
#2 - In the payment details, if You choose a language different from english, paymet method are always in english. In example (bank transfer)..

Can it be fixed?
thank You

#1 - The language selector is intentionally removed from the checkout to save customer the trouble of having to complete any redundant forms, dropdowns etc. We think, you should not worry too much about customers not being able to change the language at the stage of checkout, as most probably they have already selected a language by that time.
#2 - You need to define the payment methods in German before they appear in German on the checkout. Multilingual names and descriptions for payment methods can be defined in the Admin area/Payment methods section.

svowl 04-03-2006 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by shan
Svowl, would you mind adding your comments to my post.

I also noticed we are still not able to add a list price to a variant which causes the % saving to be lost.

I mentioned this a while ago. it was also discussed here http://forum.x-cart.com/viewtopic.php?t=19439&postdays=0&postorder=asc&sta rt=0

Shan, we reviewed your wish lists very carefully and some of the items were implemented even after the release of RC3. I am going to publish a list of items from your post that will be included into the final 4.1.0 later.
Thank you.

pkwsg 04-03-2006 08:36 AM

For all you folks evaluating 4.1.0, here is a link to an Export issue I posted in the wrong place.

mffowler 04-03-2006 01:49 PM


Re-check the product memberships, please.
OK, I have re-installed rc4. I still cannot get a product to show up.

The only things that I have done are:
  1. Created a provider
  2. In admin: created a category
  3. (Still in admin) Made a product
  4. Deactivated the Premium and Wholesale memberships
  5. ... and NOTHING.
I've been using X-Cart for nearly five years and I can't get a product to show up with those steps (which would work on any other version of Pro).

NOTE: All requirements of activating a product (inventory, availabilty, etc.) are as they generally need to be.

Can anyone help me to at least get a product to work with rc4? I would like to test this and get a development project underway, but I am stumped.

- Mike

TL408 04-03-2006 01:49 PM

Can anyone here confirms that they're able to get the "product import" fuction working correct in this RC4 release?


TL408 04-03-2006 01:53 PM

Additionally, is there an test account ID/Pass that we can log into the Admin area of the demo store? http://www.x-cart.com/demo_preview/admin/


mffowler 04-03-2006 01:56 PM

It is usually admin/admin...

- Mike

TL408 04-03-2006 02:23 PM

Thanks Mike. :)

TL408 04-03-2006 02:34 PM


can you confirm if both billing and shipping first and last name are stored in their own row in the database and not joined.

can you confirm if both billing and shipping address1 & address 2are stored in their own row in the database and not joined.

could we not join the Personal information & Contact Information into one section
I've been asking for the change for the past 2-3 RC releases. Just don't see any particular reason why the registration form should have two different sections, "Personal Information" and then "Contact Information" right below it.

Addtionally, we don't have any option to easily move the "Phone" and "Email" fields in from "Contact Information" section into the "Personal Information". And when contacted X-cart about doing this, they wanted to charge support points because it is a custom mod.

PLEASE make the necessary change. Or at least give us the option of making that change within the Admin Pannel. I hope to see this change in the next release. THANK YOU for listening.


pkwsg 04-03-2006 08:43 PM


Thu Mar 23 16:15:48 MSK 2006 [!] - max - Bug: HTML tags were not erased from data being imported. This created the possibility of including scripting code in such tags. Fixed.

This was a bit of a shock. Can I ask why this was considered a bug?

Is the feature of importing HTML product data officially removed?
Does this mean that if we want to use the export/import feature for moving a store between installations - that all the HTML will be blown away? This effectively means that HTML in product fields (and extra fields) is no longer a supported feature.

Please explain?

pkwsg 04-03-2006 08:47 PM

Would it be possible to change the field type of
xcart_extra_field_values.value from char(255) to text ?

It seems rather inflexible to have the user-definable product fields restricted to 255 characters. It prevents use of the extra fields for things like "sample text", or "table of contents".

svowl 04-03-2006 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by mffowler

Re-check the product memberships, please.
OK, I have re-installed rc4. I still cannot get a product to show up.

The only things that I have done are:[list=1][*]Created a provider

Please check the status of an account and activity of this provider ('Account status' and 'Activity' fields at the bottom of 'Modify provider profile' page). By default provider profile created with suspended account and disabled activity.

mffowler 04-03-2006 08:58 PM

Ah, it was the activity. That should be an option when creating a provider (it was not) as who would have known that it would show up after a provider is created. Now the product shows up.

Time to get crackin'...

- Mike

gastu 04-03-2006 09:39 PM

language and state
have state spain but not have language spanish?!

i can help with translate to spanish if you need :D

svowl 04-04-2006 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by mffowler
Ah, it was the activity. That should be an option when creating a provider (it was not) as who would have known that it would show up after a provider is created. Now the product shows up.

Time to get crackin'...

- Mike

The fact that 'Activity' field was not displayed when administrator created a provider profile was a bug. It has been fixed. Thank you for the report.

svowl 04-04-2006 03:21 AM

Re: language and state

Originally Posted by gastu
have state spain but not have language spanish?!

i can help with translate to spanish if you need :D

It would be very helpful for X-Cart users who need a Spanish translation. There is a special section in this forum for such things - http://forum.x-cart.com/viewtopic.php?t=17926 (Contributed translations). Your translation is very welcome! :wink:

svowl 04-04-2006 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by pkwsg
This was a bit of a shock. Can I ask why this was considered a bug?

Is the feature of importing HTML product data officially removed?
Does this mean that if we want to use the export/import feature for moving a store between installations - that all the HTML will be blown away? This effectively means that HTML in product fields (and extra fields) is no longer a supported feature.

Please explain?

For reasons of security, X-Cart employs a built-in routine to validate input data. This routine cuts off all tags from the input parameters passed via POST/GET/COOKIES. However, some data (like product and category descriptions, language variables etc) need to contain HTML code. In order for the above mentioned validation routine not to affect such input variables, we use a special constant at the beginning of scripts. Below is an example from admin/product_modify.php:


$trusted_post_variables = array("product_lng","product_new_descr","product_new_full_descr", "descr","fulldescr", "posted_data","js_code");

The import procedure simply duplicates this validation for the data passed from CSV file.

mffowler 04-04-2006 05:01 AM

Import errors... 4.1rc4
I just did a 6,000+ product import and noticed a few things. First off, it did work albeit there were some errors (listed in the logs) that were easily corrected. But, upon exporting the added products, my "Avail" and "Keywords" columns were completely wrong.

I am in the process of re-importing them with those columns empty to see what happens. This is most likely a bug as I had dropped all products prior to the last load and didn't propagate the keywords field (but it showed up w/ incorrect data!).



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