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-   -   HERE is how to change invoice numbering with MYSQL (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=13213)

smitty 04-04-2005 03:08 PM

HERE is how to change invoice numbering with MYSQL
I was trying to find out how to change the invoice numbering. The data for invoice numbers is stored in your my sql database.

Unforch, all the posts on how to change the invoice numbering said to use phpMyAdmin. It's a great program, but installng it or figuring out how to use it can be as much work as making this change by telnetting in and making the change to mysql that way.

Soooooooo, I saved all my work on how to just telnet in and I'm sharing it with anyone who wants it.

This is how to change invoice numbering very easily. It assumes you know how to telnet into your host. If you don't know, I'm sure there is info in this forum.

BTW, I did this with fake orders during development so as to play it safe. And as always, when monkeying around, backup your mysql database in case something goes wrong.

Us the telnet program of your choice to connect to your web host. Log in. Once you are successfully logged in, you will access your mysql database via command-line prompts in telnet.

(letters in ALL CAPS below should be substituted with your own user info)

1. get into mysql
at the prompt, enter:


mysql -h HOSTNAME -u USERNAME -p

the shell will reply with


Enter password:

enter your password for your mysql database

the prompt will now look like this:



you want to tell it which database to use, so enter the command



All you want to do is change the number of the last (highest numbered) order in your system to whatever you want to start the invoice numbers at.
I didn't want them to read 1, 2, 3. I like to have them start at 50000, with the 5 representing 2005. In 2006, I will reset the invoice order to 60000.

So, first, we want to see the orderids already in mysql, so issue the command


select orderid from xcart_orders;

for me it returned: (your data will probably be different)


| orderid |
|      1 |
|      2 |
|      3 |
|      4 |
|      5 |
|      6 |
|      7 |
|      8 |
|      9 |
|      10 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This shows me the orderid info stored in the table "xcart_orders." There are 10 orders in the database, with invoices numbered 1 through 10.

Invoice numer 10 is the last one in there, and that's the only one I want to change. So I told mysql to add 50000 to the orderid number, when the orderid number = 10. (This will change order 10 to 50010 and leave the other ones alone.)

the command to do that was:


update xcart_orders set orderid=orderid+50000 where orderid=10;

Now, if we ask to see the orderid data again,we issue the command:


select orderid from xcart_orders;
it says:

| orderid |
|      1 |
|      2 |
|      3 |
|      4 |
|      5 |
|      6 |
|      7 |
|      8 |
|      9 |
|  50010 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So, the next order that is placed will be 50011. Ba bing.

I hope this makes sense and saves someone some time.

Jon 04-04-2005 03:11 PM

This works too ;)


ALTER TABLE xcart_orders AUTO_INCREMENT = xxxxxx;

shan 04-05-2005 02:46 AM

and you can do all this without shell or phpmyadmin just by entering the sql command into the sql part of the patch upgrade page in your admin

neonrider 10-18-2005 08:53 PM

How is it done?
How exactly is it done step by step? (reset order numbering to a desired figure). I prefer to do this from X-Cart admin or from "phpmyadmin".
I have no idea what mysql, php etc. is.

Thanks for your help!

balinor 10-19-2005 03:50 AM

As Jon said above, just enter this command into the SQL Queries section of the Patch/Updgrade area of your admin:

ALTER TABLE xcart_orders AUTO_INCREMENT = xxxxxx;

Replace xxxxx with the number of the invoice.

neonrider 10-19-2005 09:06 AM

Ryan, thanks. I saw several posts on this matter and I saw this one, but I was not sure where exactly to go on which program. Everyone talks about "mysql" and I don't have mysql. I found "phpmyadmin" on my Plesk and I remember somehow digging into it when I had another cart and being able to reset (edit, update, change, customise) the orderid (order number), but in X-Cart's phpmyadmin it's just not there. I tried everything in phpmyadmin and nothing worked. Also I saw a post with a long 4-5 line code to be entered somewhere on X-Cart Admin area and then he posted also another code how to remove it. Now a question: after I enter this code (if I find where to enter it) will I have to remove it with another code after a next order is placed?

P.S. Do I have to also include the ; sign after the x'es?

Thanks again.

balinor 10-19-2005 09:13 AM

You do have MySQL, that is the database type. X-Cart doesn't run without it! :) PHPMyAdmin is the interface tool used to edit a MySQL database.

Yes, enter that statement exactly as posted, with the ;

You don't have to change anything, this simply sets the next invoice number.

neonrider 10-27-2005 02:53 PM

Error: perl executable is not found or patch.pl has no right
Now I went to "Patch/Upgrade" section and I'm getting the following red text warning right away by just going there, not doing anything:

Patch/Upgrade center

Error: perl executable is not found or patch.pl has no rights to execute. In that case you cannot use patch/upgrade code of X-Cart.

balinor 10-27-2005 03:19 PM

You need to specify the pearl path in General Settings and make sure patch.pl has the correct permissions.

neonrider 10-27-2005 03:23 PM

E:\perl\bin\perl.exe - no difference
I found some info on the forum about it and entered:


into the empty field under "General Settings/General Options"

The full path to Perl interpreter executable (e.g. WIN32: 'd:\perl\bin\perl.exe'; UNIX: '/usr/bin/perl' or leave this field empty): (was empty, then I entered E:\perl\bin\perl.exe)

... but nothing, so I cleaned the field again. There seems to be no solution? I wonder what X-Cart providers say about this issue?

neonrider 10-27-2005 03:38 PM

Not solved
I asked my host to help me and here's what they wrote:

"The permissions of both perl and the file /var/www/vhosts/store.domain.com/httpdocs/patch.pl is setup correctly in the server. But when i logged in i was still getting the error."

P.S. My host gave me this "formula" to enter into "pearl path" field:


After I entered it, the patch/upgrade error disappeared. I hope this helps others as well. All I needed was these three words! /usr/bin/perl

I just entered that patch: ALTER TABLE xcart_orders AUTO_INCREMENT = xxxxxx; (where I replaced x'es with my desired number) and then I placed a test order and the order number is still "old".

UPDATE: I just found a partial solution: before I was trying to change a higher number (3000) to a lower number (2600) which for some logical reason did not work. Maybe because I already had test orders running at 3015...3016... etc. But now I patched the "sql" to the number "3500" and it worked. So the problem was that you can not go to a LOWER number, especially if a higher number order already exists. Perhaps I'll now try to delete ALL orders and see if I can get 2600 set up finally.

OK, now all is clear:

You can use:

ALTER TABLE xcart_orders AUTO_INCREMENT = xxxxxx;

only if you want to change lower order numeration into a bigger one.
And if you wish to change let's say 3015 into 2015 then you have to delete ALL the existing orders in your cart and only then you will be able to go below the existing numbers.

HWT 10-28-2005 08:05 AM

Slightly off topic but...

Does anybody know how to change the starting RMA number for XRMA? I just issued our first RMA yesterday and felt pretty stupid as it gave the customer RMA #1.

"Yes, we've been around since God made Adam...your just our first return...what's the matter w/you?! Your RMA number is #1" :)

I checked through all of the SQL tables I thought would be appropriate, but couldn't find the field. Anybody know where it is?

rjcbear 10-28-2005 09:30 AM


Contact X-cart they made a modification to the RMA so the number in the RMA will be the same as the order id.

It works great for me.

Kind regards,

smartoption 07-09-2006 02:47 PM

Hi all

Does anyone know how to make the order numbers go up in 5's or 10's


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