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-   -   XCSEO Pro (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=39752)

intel352 05-14-2008 02:43 AM

MODERATORS NOTE: This vendor has stopped responding to e-mails/orders, and has been banned from the forum for unethical practices. It is highly recommend that you don't order from this company.

XCSEO Pro development is based on experience developing the highly popular XCSEO Basic module, which has been available for free to the X-Cart community for 3 years. XCSEO Pro is preferred by many users due to it's greater speed, features, and search engine results over other SEO modules, such as CDSEO Pro & DSEFU Pro, with many users actually leaving such other SEO modules to use XCSEO Pro.

XCSEO Pro is available for $119.99. At that price point, it is easily the best deal for an SEO module for X-Cart, considering it has a better feature to price ratio than any competing commercial module!

XCSEO Pro is currently live on many client websites, without any known issues.
A sampling of client websites is listed below:

  • Supports URL rewriting of Categories/Products/Manufacturers/Static Pages
  • Supports Manual URLs, meaning if you want to specify help.php?section=faq to be rewritten as frequently-asked-questions.html, you can do so. - This feature is completely unique to XCSEO Pro!
  • No subfolder requirement/limitation
  • URL history, so that if any url is changed, 301 redirects will occur for visitors to the historic urls
  • Fast! - due to code quality and query caching
  • Central URL management utility to manage all urls from a single interface
  • Automatically generates new url when managing products that don't have a url
  • Url management via CSV import/export
  • Custom Page Titles
  • Custom Meta Keywords and Descriptions
  • Custom Link hover-text
  • Control your link value by marking non-important pages as no-index or no-follow. - This feature is completely unique to XCSEO Pro!

  • High quality support - any issues reported by clients thus far have been resolved within a matter of hours
  • Faster than the competing SEO modules
  • No more broken URLs - With XCSEO Pro, when you change a url, old urls automatically 301 redirect to the new location due to our URL History feature!
  • Constantly under development - at PHP Site Solutions, we don't "release and forget" our modules - each module is updated for performance, fixes, and enhancements, with free updates provided to all purchasers
  • No customer left behind! - with PHP Site Solutions' modules, you don't have to worry about your purchase becoming obsolete due to a "new product release" - XCSEO Pro will never be replaced or made obsolete by a "newer" module that you have to re-purchase, as all development is contributed back into the module that you already own!
  • Less expensive, yet with more features, than the competition!
  • Module developed solely by PHP Site Solutions! - XCSEO Pro has been created solely in-house, meaning PHP Site Solutions has a complete understanding of the module's functionality, and as a result can provide support that reflects such familiarity with the module.


Updates are provided freely to all customers, and customers that purchase the extended install option will receive free installation of all updates for the period of time specified!
Additionally, support for any bugs/issues is provided for free, as are most feature requests that can be contributed back into the overall module feature list.

  • X-Cart 4.0 or 4.1 - (most current version is always recommended)
  • Linux/Unix/Windows based hosting with Apache, Zeus, or ISAPI Webservers - (Most servers use Apache)
  • Apache's mod_rewrite (or Zeus/ISAPI alternative) enabled - (Almost all Apache servers already have mod_rewrite enabled)
  • Server must support or allow the Ioncube loader for encoded files!

  • 25% discount off purchase + install price for users migrating from CDSEO! -- Contact us for this discount
  • 15% discount off purchase + install price for users migrating from DSEFU! -- Contact us for this discount

intel352 05-15-2008 11:15 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Below is a testimonial, written for XC SEO [basic]. I felt it is relevant, as XCSEO Pro is based on some of XC SEO [basic]'s code and principles, and it also references the quality of results you can expect from PHP Site Solutions


Originally Posted by Case Study: JoBananas.com

Having been running our online business since 2000 on a leading UK based HTML shopping cart solution, towards the end of last year we decided that some of our required features were unable to be developed by our current vendor. With this in mind we began the process of evaluating a suitable replacement that gave us a greater degree of flexibility in design and expansion.. Having a few years X-Cart experience under our belts on smaller scale stores we decided that X-Cart met almost all of our needs and took the plunge to make the conversion.

Once our design was complete and the products had been loaded (all done in house) our next challenge was to decide on a suitable SEO option as by default the X-Cart PHP URL or HTML catalog was never going to be an ideal solution. After reading forums and customer reviews our initial decision was to plum for the CD-SEO module and in November our site was live and running on this mod. We always had a couple of reservations about CD-SEO.

a) CDSEO always seemed slow to output pages. ( I guess due to a lot of the code being obsfucated, code design, etc)
b) We were always concerned about burying our URLs in a sub category as this is how CD-SEO works and is sold as an advantage for the user to add "additional keywords" into the page URL. All the SEO talk we have ever read tells you to get your product URL coming off the sites root directory. One of the most common questions asked on the support forum is how do I move my cart to root level!

After a few months our internal pages were beginning to slump in the SERPS even after being properly managed by .htaccess and 301 redirects and top 3 positions for our main products that we had held for many years had now gone. Customers had also started to complain about the speed of our site compared to competitors also running on X-Cart. We eliminated the server possibility as we are running on a fast dedicated Linux box with lots of memory and disk arrays, we monitored the performance over a period of time and at different times during the day.

Whilst browsing the forums one day we checked out a couple of X-Cart sites running the XC-SEO mod and noticed a significant speed difference with sites that had a similar product number and style to our own store. We contacted Jonathan at PHP Site Solutions and asked him his opinion about our issues and if we would see both a speed and search result benefit from converting to XC-SEO. Jonathan could not have been more helpful and went beyond the call on helping us setup what is still in fact a FREE mod. He handled the removal of CD-SEO from our store and took care of both the URL redirections and our XML sitemap generation that was initially causing us a few headaches.

It was instantaneous to see the improved speed benefits XC-SEO brought to our store and within hours customers were beginning to ask us how we managed to speed up the site. Within a couple of weeks our SERPS had also started to improve and looks on track to be back where we were before the change of cart platform.

We cannot recommend the services of PHP Site Solutions and Jonathan enough, XC-SEO should be on every X-Cart store owners lists of "Must Have Mods" and is an essential part of any good search engine strategy.

David Smith
Co Owner
JoBananas Body Jewellery

intel352 06-05-2008 04:48 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
I'm happy to announce that Firetank's Feed Manager will soon have support for XCSEO Pro. I'm working with Firetank to get XCSEO Pro supported, and will be testing their implementation shortly!

Additionally, feedback on XCSEO Pro has been great, clients love the new URLs, and several have already commented about how the speed of their site is much faster now than when they had a different SEO module installed.

As always, if you have questions about XCSEO Pro, you can contact me via email.


rogue 06-05-2008 08:25 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Is there a user manual available for download so that we can see what is involved in the setup and continuing maint of the product?

Does this product "phone home"? If so what is the connect timeout?

intel352 06-05-2008 09:20 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi rogue, usage of XCSEO Pro is simple enough that a manual is not needed. For example, when adding/editing a product, you have a new URL field where you can specify your custom URL. If you leave the field blank, it will autogenerate the URL for you.

The installation process consists of applying a patch, uploading the provided files, and then running the installer (which generates all urls automatically).

I am developing a more central administration section as well though, and depending on the complexity of that, I'll put together a manual.

And no, there is no call home in this module. I've additionlly only used a call home in one of my modules, and it's configured to check in only once a day, so that if my server ever is down, there's no outage. I'm even contemplating moving that once-a-day to once-a-week.


rogue 06-05-2008 10:09 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
The autogenerated URL - how is that constructed for a product page?

Does the install add the URL field to the product import/export?

Do you, in the product, suggest "best practice" URL's?

intel352 06-05-2008 11:38 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi rogue, an example autogenerated url:
Product name: Javascript (Definitive Guide)
Product url: javascript-definitive-guide.html

Autogenerated urls always generate as .html pages currently, but I'm working on giving options for how URLs should autogenerate.

The URL fields are not yet supported under import/export, but that is planned. If you purchase XCSEO Pro, and feel that you need that feature asap, I'll move it to the top of my priority list. Implementation could be completed within a day.

Regarding best practice, not currently, but that is a very good suggestion which I'll plan on implementing. I have found that the url structure that works best, are .html files in the store root (not within virtual subfolders), as I've had many clients that have migrated to XCSEO solutions from the older CDSEO (non-pro) product, and as a result they have seen their pagerank increase over their prior search engine rankings.
The non-pro CDSEO had a limitation of requiring a virtual subfolder for all rewritten URLs, and due to the noticeable improvement in rankings for migrant users, myself and others believe it was that virtual subfolder that was limiting ranking.
Just a note, while I'm referring to non-pro CDSEO, that product was recently replaced by CDSEO Pro after the release of XCSEO Pro, and no longer has that subfolder limitation.

Additionally, if you would like to contact me directly via email, I can provide you with the URL to my development website, where you can view XCSEO Pro in action, or provide you with links to customer websites using XCSEO Pro.


pcparts 06-05-2008 08:36 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi Jon
Do you know of any incompatible issues with firetanks feature products manager?

And are you able to add rewite rules in the .htacces file with this mod like a sitemap etc?


intel352 06-05-2008 08:41 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi Greg, I've not had the chance to test Firetanks Feature Products, but there shouldn't be any conflicts, as the module is working fine with all other parts of X-cart. If an issue did crop up, I'd work with Firetank to get it resolved as quickly as possible. I've already dealt with unique issues for customers, typically just requires a few edits in XCSEO Pro and then it's good to go, and I actually feel that the mod is pretty solid now.

Regarding additional rewrite rules in .htaccess, you can add other rewrites as needed, they just need to be written in the RewriteRule fashion of course, and at the end, have [L] so no further processing is done on that URL.

Furthermore, due to the arbitrary URL feature of the mod (which is being tested by 2 customers right now without any issues), you can specify a file that you want rewritten, and XCSEO Pro will take care of it for you (i.e. - rewrite sitemap.php to sitemap.xml, or rewrite the help.php pages, etc)


GDScards.com 06-06-2008 03:21 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Is this the same Feed Manager put out by BCSE?

JazzyJeff 06-06-2008 03:46 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
BCSE sells the Feed Manager that is produced by Firetank Software. Don't believe that BCSE has their own Feed Manager.

intel352 06-06-2008 04:15 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
It's this product:

Firetank Software is actually the software vendor that created that product, BCSE is the reseller.

pcparts 06-14-2008 04:49 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
We just got XCSEO Pro on one of our sites.
The support it just amazing a few other company's out there should take note.
Thanks again Jon for the excellent service and the mod.


GDScards.com 06-14-2008 05:57 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
I got it installed last week and on a Sunday, Jons support is awsome, he is now helping me by moving my cart to the root folder... A++ Support.

intel352 06-18-2008 10:21 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Thanks for the posts guys, I'm glad you like XCSEO Pro, and happy to have been of assistance to each of you ;-)


intel352 06-19-2008 01:21 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
I'm happy to say that the NewsPro module, from SafetyNetWeb, is now supported by XCSEO Pro!

You can see NewsPro supported by XCSEO Pro at:

Example article url:


Primordial Performance 06-20-2008 01:51 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

We are looking at several different SEO mods, such as these two -



Does this XC-SEO mod have all the features of these two mods? How would you compare them?


intel352 06-20-2008 08:33 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi Eric,

CDSEO Pro and XCSEO Pro function fairly similarly, and both allow full control over your URLs for Categories, Products, Static Pages, Manufacturers. Both also keep a URL history of all urls.

CDSEO Pro additionally supports custom page titles, custom meta tags (keywords/description), and custom anchor title text, as well as import/export.

XCSEO Pro supports "arbitrary" urls, meaning that you can rewrite pages that aren't automatically supported, such as help.php?section=faq, could become frequently-asked-questions.html, for example. The "arbitrary" url feature of XCSEO Pro is completely unique to XCSEO Pro.

Those features I mentioned that CDSEO Pro has, are being added to XCSEO Pro.

Additionally, there is a fairly distinct difference in administration between CDSEO Pro and XCSEO Pro. CDSEO Pro has a centralized administration interface, with it's appearance designed to separate itself from the X-Cart administration. To modify any of your URLs, you have to use that central interface.

XCSEO Pro, on the other hand, supports modifying your URLs when you are adding/modifying products, categories, static pages, manufacturers, within the native X-Cart interface.

Additionally, XCSEO Pro will soon have a central interface for managing all urls (in addition to the management capability from each of those 4 sections as I just mentioned), so that you can manage your URLs in whatever way suits you best. This central interface will also be ideal for better managing arbitrary urls, as well as the custom title, meta tags, and anchor title text.

For most users it seems to come down to value for your money. XCSEO Pro only costs $120, or $150 incl install fee, whereas CDSEO Pro is $200, or $250 incl install fee. That's a noticeable price gap for the same base features.

Regarding MagneticOne's module, I'm not qualified to say. It's been around for awhile, but has never been one of the more widely used SEO modules. Additionally, they're in the middle of revamping their module apparently, as it's not available for purchase, so it'd be unfair to try to compare when they're likely going to revise their feature set.

Primordial Performance 06-20-2008 09:03 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Thanks for the reply intel.

How soon until the XCSEO has the same functionality as the CDSEO? Will there be an additional cost for the upgrade?


intel352 06-22-2008 07:40 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi Eric, I hope to have that functionality implemented within 1-2 weeks (preferably sooner, but I can't guarantee). And no, all updates to XCSEO Pro are provided freely to all XCSEO Pro customers. Additionally, XCSEO Pro will never be replaced by a similar product, with customers having to pay the difference in cost. Anything that can be done to improve XCSEO Pro, will always be contributed back to XCSEO Pro's code and all customers ;-)

carpeperdiem 06-23-2008 04:01 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Additionally, XCSEO Pro will never be replaced by a similar product, with customers having to pay the difference in cost.


As a 25 year veteran of the software biz, using the word Never is dangerous. Many software releases are updated and improved, and the companies will charge an upgrade fee. This is reasonable and expected. Those that do not charge upgrades "forever" risk the ability to stay in business. At some point, you must be paid for your work.

I applaud your enthusiasm and idealism, but the reality is that just because a competing product charges an upgrade fee, it does not make it a lesser product. I hear what you're trying to say, but this is not the place to try to make this point. Please keep your pitch to your web site, ok?

intel352 06-23-2008 05:07 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
1st, this is the place that I'm pitching my product, as this thread is here to... pitch my product. Same as other vendors in this forum.

2nd, it's not dangerous for me to offer this, as this software is not my sole source of income. Heck, I've offered XCSEO Basic for free for several years now, it's not hurt me any, and actually has only helped me and the X-Cart community.

I'm just trying to offer a good product, and assure my customers that they won't be screwed over. Who wants to purchase software, have some feature(s) missing or some severe limitations, and then see a new version of that software released later on, fixing the missing features/limitations, and you're charged for it?

So really, I feel this is the perfect place to pitch my product, it's features, etc, as this is the *thread* for my product, and I feel that your criticisms (which always seem to focus on me, interestingly) don't belong in this thread, and instead would belong in a private message to me if you feel there's an issue.


Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
the reality is that just because a competing product charges an upgrade fee, it does not make it a lesser product

Agreed, it just proves the point that others are more focus on making as much money as possible, as opposed to being concerned with delivering a good product on the first go-round.
And while both my product and the competing product are very similar, I have not yet lost a single client to the competing product, yet I have already had several clients migrate *away* from that competing product, to my product, so that means the competing product isn't superior either, now does it?

Regardless, I feel if Qualiteam can offer a lifetime license for X-Cart, and survive, then I can do the same for XCSEO Pro. I'm not so eager to make money, that I'm willing to hurt my customers financially in the process.


William Lam 06-24-2008 01:47 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi Jon,

Recently Google authority Matt Cutts warns of cloaking (XCSEO)

Is this true ??

intel352 06-24-2008 07:54 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi William, I actually created a post in this forum a week or two ago, to defend XCSEO against the propaganda being spread against it by WebsiteCM, but the thread was kaiboshed by "carpeperdiem", as he's apparently chosen to support WebsiteCM, despite being a moderator.

Regardless, that article title is bogus, was specifically designed by Jon Peters to make you think that Matt Cutts was warning against XCSEO. Additionally, he generalized his statement by saying "XCSEO" instead of "XCSEO Basic" (my free module, which is the only module he can try to address with that statement), just so he can try to ruin sales for XCSEO Pro. Sly, eh?

To explain XCSEO Basic & Pro:

Basic is free, and open source. It's been out for 3 years, auto-replaces URLs similar to DSEFU Pro, and users have NEVER had a problem with Google when using XCSEO Basic. The controversial feature of that module, is that when it sees a search engine on the website, it only shows the search engine links to this-is-my-product-pr-123.html, and doesn't show url variations such as this-is-my-product-c-4-pr-123.html or this-is-my-product-print-pr-123.html

The reason being that you don't want to have duplicate content issues with Google. Also, removing those extra URLs reduces the amount of time that a bot has to spend on your website crawling urls/pages. It's a two-fold benefit. And as I mentioned, I've never had a user of the free module, ever report a problem from this.

This actually is NOT cloaking, although Jon Peters would have you believe so. Cloaking, as specified by Google, is anything that tries to fool search engines and/or users, to show different content, etc. All that happens with XCSEO Basic, is that the URLs get reduced to 1 primary URL structure, with the page content still being the same (the -c-4 just specifies the category name in the breadcrumb, the -print- just shows a printable page version, but it's always the same content, which Google is happy with).

I'm sure Jon Peters is "weary" of this technique (despite the word being "wary"), but that's only because XCSEO Basic, a free module, has stolen several of his CDSEO customers already, and then he generalized to cover XCSEO Pro as well, since THAT has already stolen a number of his customers already.

To continue, XCSEO Pro is my commercial SEO module that allows full URL control, and was released about a month ago. It does not use this technique, as it is very different from XCSEO Basic. It blocks bad urls via robots.txt, and has no controversial techniques being employed.

Regarding base feature comparisons of XCSEO Pro & CDSEO Pro, both have the same basic feature set (with each having extraneous additional features), so really it comes down to a price difference of $80 to $100, depending on without or with installation, respectively.

In closing, I apologize if this post makes it obvious that I'm more than bothered by Jon Peters' propaganda, and the fact that a moderator in the forum has been stopping me from responding to this uninformed propaganda attempt, but I'm sure anyone can understand my feelings on this subject.

Thanks for bringing up this issue, William, which has allowed me to address it directly within the forum.


TL408 06-24-2008 09:33 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Originally Posted by intel352
Hi Eric, I hope to have that functionality implemented within 1-2 weeks (preferably sooner, but I can't guarantee). And no, all updates to XCSEO Pro are provided freely to all XCSEO Pro customers. Additionally, XCSEO Pro will never be replaced by a similar product, with customers having to pay the difference in cost. Anything that can be done to improve XCSEO Pro, will always be contributed back to XCSEO Pro's code and all customers ;-)

Just wanted to add my name to the thread as reminder. Will check back in a few weeks on the new module progress.


intel352 06-24-2008 09:36 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Sounds good, I hope to have the bulk of this functionality available this week. I'll update via this thread when ready ;-)


Primordial Performance 06-24-2008 10:40 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Originally Posted by intel352
Hi Eric, I hope to have that functionality implemented within 1-2 weeks (preferably sooner, but I can't guarantee). And no, all updates to XCSEO Pro are provided freely to all XCSEO Pro customers. Additionally, XCSEO Pro will never be replaced by a similar product, with customers having to pay the difference in cost. Anything that can be done to improve XCSEO Pro, will always be contributed back to XCSEO Pro's code and all customers ;-)

I will be ready to make the purchase as soon as this functionality is ready. Thank you.


TL408 06-24-2008 12:21 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Originally Posted by intel352
Sounds good, I hope to have the bulk of this functionality available this week. I'll update via this thread when ready ;-)


Forgot to ask, would this mod work with IIS6 on Windows 2003 Server? Thanks!

intel352 06-24-2008 01:07 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Originally Posted by TL408
Forgot to ask, would this mod work with IIS6 on Windows 2003 Server? Thanks!

It has not yet been tested on IIS, but I will work with you to ensure that it functions properly.

William Lam 06-24-2008 03:12 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Thanks for clearing everything up, I am now ready to purchase this off you.


Primordial Performance 06-24-2008 03:35 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Maybe this has been asked already... but is this mod also optimize the x-cart static pages?

And how is the interface for changing url's, meta tags, titles, ect? Is this all stuff that can be done within x-cart admin?


intel352 06-24-2008 03:45 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi Eric, it handles Categories, Products, Manufacturers, Static Pages, and arbitrary urls (i.e. - you can rewrite help.php?section=faq, for example)

Only URLs are editable right now, and are handled on the add/modify pages in X-Cart admin for Categories, Products, etc.

A central interface will be complete soon, within the X-Cart administration, that will allow you to address all urls at once. So there will be 2 routes to modifying XCSEO-related settings per entry.

Once I get the new update ready, I'll post screenshots ;-)


intel352 06-24-2008 04:03 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!

Originally Posted by William Lam

Thanks for clearing everything up, I am now ready to purchase this off you.


Hi William, I'll contact you via email ;-)

phicaloma 07-03-2008 08:27 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hello Jon,

I have been reading a little lately about SEO and found that your module seems not to deteriorate response time AND add real value by setting up legible URL's.
So. I am interested. A few question though:

1) Is there any known incompatibility between XCSEO pro and current commercial Mods and Addons (for instance those that you can find in my signature) ?

2) I have Firetank's Feed Manager installed. I am pretty unable to manage it other than by updating the feed once a week (don't understand the manual - must say that I am french and not that much technical)...BUT...Google seems to really appreciate it (got tons of pages indexed). How will Feed Manager work with XCSEO Pro ?

3) Is there any incompatibility issues between XCSEO "free" and Feed Manager or commercially available mods (see point 1) ?

4) What is the usual time schedule for a XCSEO Pro implementation if I choose to have the install performed by you ?

5) What will happen regarding Google (and others...) page indexing once XCSEO (pro or not) is installed ??? What necessary actions are (or are not) to be taken once installed ? What would the "old" URL's become ? Will it be still possible to access them ?

Sorry for the "rookie" questions, I will be more than happy to have your precious answers,

Keep up the good work,


intel352 07-03-2008 11:54 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hi Philippe, I got your email as well, I'll respond here ;-)

1. None that have been reported to me. A customer of mine that migrated to XCSEO Pro from CDSEO Pro, reported that he changed mods due to compatibility issues with Featured Products from Firetank (as well as an admin login issue), yet he had no issues with XCSEO Pro. Additionally, Firetank has added support for XCSEO products in their own products (specifically for their feed products)

2. You'll need an update to Feed Manager for XCSEO compatibility, should function fine. Make sure Firetank knows you need the update for XCSEO Pro.

3. None that have been reported, and again, you'll need an update to Feed Manager

4. Typically 1 day

5. No action should be required on your part except to regenerate your sitemap.xml file. Old urls get rewritten & redirected automatically. Google will start showing your new URLs, and you may have a flux period of a couple of weeks before your urls stabilize back out with pagerank transferred. Typically you'll start seeing higher ranks within a couple of weeks.

Hope that answers your questions!


phicaloma 07-03-2008 12:16 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Thank you very much Jon, I emailed you a direct reply.


WilliamB 07-15-2008 05:06 PM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hello Jon,

Wanted to thank you for doing the install very fast service. Sorry I was gone this weekend but set an Email Monday. When you get a chance please hook up with me. Thanks for everything!


Warwick 07-19-2008 04:19 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Not sure if this is a stupid question, but when you have a multi language store; will multi language url's be generated when a specific language is chosen by a customer and if so, can they be 'seen' by Google as well somehow?

dunpeal 07-23-2008 08:32 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
Hey Jon,
I'm currently using XCSEO basic but am thinking of upgrading. Have you added the ability to edit title & meta tags yet? Also, once this has been added, will you be able to populate these fields via a spreadsheet import?


dunpeal 07-23-2008 08:41 AM

Re: XCSEO Pro - Best X-Cart SEO module available!
One more question (for now). How will (or does) XCSEO deal with the duplication issue raised in this post:


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