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Anastasia Zhavoronkova 10-20-2022 06:22 AM

X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
Hello fellow X-Carters!

We are happy to announce that we just released the newest X-Cart and that it is now built on Symfony 5.4 and uses a unique add-on system with multiple inheritance via code generation. Among other improvements in the newly released version are:

- PHP 8 support
- New API Platform with full automated documentation
- Built-in service tool for developers
- Improved backend design and navigation
- Updated free themes
- Updated more convenient Storefront Builder
- Add-on and integration improvements
- More efficient background jobs
- Improvements in catalog and order management
- Built-in Banner System and several other add-ons available out-of-the-box
- Other improvements and bug fixes

Check out the full changelog >> https://developer.x-cart.com/changelog/5.5/
The new documentation is available here >> https://developer.x-cart.com/
API >> https://developer.x-cart.com/api

Feel free to discuss the changes, contact us with any questions, and make sure to stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

cflsystems 10-21-2022 05:05 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
PHP 8 support - does this means 8.0 or 8.1 and 8.2 is covered as well?

Triple A Racing 10-21-2022 06:13 PM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by cflsystems
PHP 8 support - does this means 8.0 or 8.1 and 8.2 is covered as well?

We've not gone anywhere near X-Cart 5.5.0.* yet, but if we do, it must at least; fully support PHP 8.1.
Answer ^^ please X-Cart Team??

A quick look at the PHP Support Schedule indicates clearly, why this must be the case.
PHP 8.2 (at this point in time...) is still at Release Candidate / Not officially released status, so arguably may not (yet), be a factor.
Previously, we posted: "...XC seem happy to always be very, very lax, when maintaining current technical ability and security specifications for their paying customers..."
They need to have massively changed all of this ^^ IF X-Cart 5.5.0.* is going to be a useful, valid cart choice.

cflsystems 10-22-2022 11:04 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
I bet you by the time XC 5.5.x is consider usable - meaning initial bugs are fixed, 3rd party modules are compatible - PHP 8.2 will be the standard and 8.0 will be considered "should not use".
If XC 5.5.x does not support at least latest PHP 8.1.x right now I am not sure what they are doing...

donavichi 10-22-2022 11:50 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by Anastasia Zhavoronkova
Hello fellow X-Carters!

We are happy to announce that we just released the newest X-Cart and that it is now built on Symfony 5.4 and uses a unique add-on system with multiple inheritance via code generation. Among other improvements in the newly released version are:

- PHP 8 support
- New API Platform with full automated documentation
- Built-in service tool for developers
- Improved backend design and navigation
- Updated free themes
- Updated more convenient Storefront Builder
- Add-on and integration improvements
- More efficient background jobs
- Improvements in catalog and order management
- Built-in Banner System and several other add-ons available out-of-the-box
- Other improvements and bug fixes

Check out the full changelog >> https://developer.x-cart.com/changelog/5.5/
The new documentation is available here >> https://developer.x-cart.com/
API >> https://developer.x-cart.com/api

Feel free to discuss the changes, contact us with any questions, and make sure to stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

Looks promising!

Triple A Racing 10-22-2022 05:00 PM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by donavichi
Looks promising!

Promising - For what? :?:
Maybe you missed some of the previous SellaLottaLabs scripted PR's and their consequential real world results? :?:

Dougrun 10-26-2022 07:33 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
They need to post what version of PHP is supported. I'm not upgrading until they do that.

Triple A Racing 10-26-2022 07:53 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by Dougrun
They need to post what version of PHP is supported. I'm not upgrading until they do that.

They have enough time to visit and add thanks to posts praising them (see above), yet they can't answer a simple, technical question... Go figure :roll:

cflsystems 10-26-2022 09:19 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
From what I can see in the packages requirements XC should work with PHP >= 7.4.x and < 8.2.x
At least 2 packages require PHP version below 8.2 (so don't even try to install/run on PHP 8.2.x) - laminas/laminas-code and phpspec/prophecy - which at this point is understandable even if these packages are PHP 8.2.x ready. Since PHP 8.2.x is still in beta and won;t be officially out of beta until a month from now.
I would guess/suggest XC 5.5.1.x in the beginning of 2023 with PHP 8.2.x support.

Dougrun 10-26-2022 10:59 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
had to install sodium php on my server manually. But the list of disabled extensions shows the REST API module which we use for linking to our internal program, so no upgrade yet. I assume this is still needed or does 5.5 have it built-in??

cflsystems 10-27-2022 06:02 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
Did you install with PHP 8.1?

The XC docs clearly states 7.4 or 8.0


PHP (7.4 or 8.0)

So PHP 8.1.x, MySQL 8, env file with dev environment, debug set to 1, all other settings as needed.

First attempt to install clean copy failed with "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No handler for this scheme" error. It took me some time to realize the db socket not being specified in .env file is the reason. So make sure all DB info in the .env file is properly added.

Then off to the next error - "Handling "XCart\Messenger\Message\SendMail" failed: Warning: Undefined array key "REQUEST_URI" - which is not something I could find in any settings file to adjust.

Changed the "debug" in .env file to false produces next error

"You cannot define a sequence item when in a mapping at line 11 (near "- 'CREATE TABLE xc_countries (code CHAR(2) NOT NULL, active_currency INT DEFAULT NULL, currency_id INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, lng_id INT DEFAULT NULL, id INT NOT NULL, code3 CHAR(3) NOT NULL, enabled TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_63D5E39A38248176 (currency_id), INDEX IDX_63D5E39AD7077436 (lng_id), INDEX enabled (enabled), INDEX active_currency (active_currency), PRIMARY KEY(code)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB'")."

At this time I just gave up for the time being. Now this was a clean install attempt and I want to run an upgrade but I cannot imagine running this on a live store and failing like that. It will be disastrous.

Dougrun 10-27-2022 07:55 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
I have 8.0 and 8.1 on my server (easyapache4) but have not attempted any upgrade yet.

Anastasia Zhavoronkova 10-31-2022 12:16 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by cflsystems
PHP 8 support - does this means 8.0 or 8.1 and 8.2 is covered as well?

Hi Steve! It’s PHP 8.0 for now, we had to offer this to support upgrades. We are working right now on adding support for PHP 8.1 and 8.2. It’s going to be available in the next updates, stay tuned for our news and announcements.

Triple A Racing 10-31-2022 02:26 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by Anastasia Zhavoronkova
Hi Steve! It’s PHP 8.0 for now, we had to offer this to support upgrades. We are working right now on adding support for PHP 8.1 and 8.2. It’s going to be available in the next updates, stay tuned for our news and announcements.

If people are stuck on PHP 8.0, they themselves, are already behind...
Most active software companies would have launched a new upgrade / platform that supports PHP 8.2 / 8.1 / 8.0 - by default. Still, let's see, when the "next update" arrives, to avoid making any incorrect or unfair pre-judgments.

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Initial review shows most if not all 3rd party modules will require complete overhaul/rewrite. This doesn't sound like a major upgrade. More of a new XC5 platform.
The bad news here is 5.5.x "is out of beta" and we did not have a chance to adapt anything to it while it was in beta. Now any new XC5 installations will rely on QT/SL modules only. Any existing XC5 stores will not be able to upgrade for many months.I have over 30 modules. There is no way all of them will be 5.5.x ready soon especially with holidays around the corner. Maybe thought this is a good thing - it will give a chance for the bugs to be worked out before any of the existing stores move to upgrade.

No extra words needed ^

cflsystems 10-31-2022 06:28 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by Anastasia Zhavoronkova
Hi Steve! It’s PHP 8.0 for now, we had to offer this to support upgrades. We are working right now on adding support for PHP 8.1 and 8.2. It’s going to be available in the next updates, stay tuned for our news and announcements.

Any word on the errors I am getting? I tried on another local machine although similar environment and got the same errors. The "You cannot define a sequence item when in a mapping..." although had different line. Is this due to the fact I am running it on PHP 8.1?

I am yet to try an upgrade from the latest 5.4.x but I have the feeling it will fail. So at this point unless I start changing my working environment (which I am not happy about doing) I can't try the new XC 5.5.x and cannot start working on the modules.

Changed PHP to 8.0 - same, no go. Same errors and new one now - Handling "XCart\Messenger\Message\SendMail" failed: Undefined constant "XLite\Core\RemoteResource\CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION"

Anyone else tried new install of 5.5.x and had any success?

Dougrun 10-31-2022 07:06 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
The REST API module is still not ready so i'm waiting.

cflsystems 10-31-2022 08:54 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
Finally managed to get this installed. So definitely PHP 7.4 or 8 only, MySQL 8 works, now to figure out the rest.

cflsystems 10-31-2022 12:27 PM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
Ok here is the latest. It is a nightmare to get this thing working. At least what's my experience with it so far. And still not fully tested.
My local env is running PHP 8.1.x. With XC 5.4.x I just have a line in htaccess to direct it to use PHP 7.4 and all is good. This does not work with XC 5.5.x installation as it runs from the command line and webdir htaccess doesn't matter. So I had to switch PHP cli too. Which means I have to constantly do this while working on different sites and XC 5.5.x - not a good thing.

But that's not all. In order to run the app after installation you have to modify the web server config - not the htaccess which doesn't even exists with XC 5.5.x but the actual web server config. So you have to have access to that or ask the host to do it for you. I do have access but then since it is a local machine with many sites and I use directories not individual web server configs I didn't want to mess up with that right now. There is a way to still direct XC 5.5.x through htaccess but not everything is working properly. And the admin side complains about that even though according to the docs it should work.
The docs are lacking tons of info so good luck getting everything in order - tons of time to experiment and fix every error/complaint.

So far really not a good experience with XC 5.5.x.
XC 5.4.x runs under PHP 7.4.x and MySQL 8, and it has been out of years so as less bugs as possible.
XC 5.5.x runs under PHP 7.4 or 8 and MySQL 8 - so just about the same. And it just came out. With drastic changes, ssh access required with possible web server access required.

All this is not necessarily a bad thing but I just don;t see why anyone will want to go through all these trouble at this point to upgrade to the same server environment which soon will be out of support anyway.
Until XC 5.5.x is PHP 8.1 and 8.2 ready I don't see the point. At least I guess I can start working on some module adaptation despite all the going back and forth between PHP versions.

Adding the Symfony debug bar is a nice touch but then I would expect form a stock installation to be free of errors. Yet it is not - every page I loaded shows some DB association or mapping errors. Also get we get the debug par page to load in new window/tab when clicked?

** Edited **
Spoke too soon about the PHP version - both cli and web must use 7.4 or 8 in order for the cart to fully work. After switching cli to 8.1 I tried removing modules from admin (web) however it threw up an error and until I changed back the cli PHP version I was not able to complete the task.
So back to - XC 5.5. must be able to run on PHP 8.1+ , until then I'll just wait. Hoping this will be soon.

kevinrm 11-01-2022 05:11 PM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
I'll never forget the hell I went through went I upgraded from 4.x to 5.x. It looks like 1/3 of the mods I have won't work, there's no way I will upgrade anytime soon.

Dougrun 11-03-2022 08:00 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
i see they have disabled the upgrade in-store, it now just says "contact us"

cflsystems 11-03-2022 09:01 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
I was told this is due to licensing - new way or something. So your current XC5 license works for XC 5.4. and earlier. You have to ask them for a new one for XC 5.5 and replace the existing one in order to be upgrade.

Triple A Racing 11-06-2022 09:50 PM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
Besides the previous PHP Release questions in this thread, the other related question, is; What Database Releases will XC 5.5.* run on?

Here: https://support.x-cart.com/en/articles/5258766-x-cart-tech-stack we have MySQL 5.7+ AND/OR MariaDB 10.2+ listed, but in both cases the + is totally non-specific and therefore, it is pretty meaningless.

Can we have an Official X-Cart Confirmation of what the LATEST release of MySQL and MariaDB is fully supported by XC 5.5.* ?

cflsystems 11-07-2022 05:40 AM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?
It works on MySQL 8.0.31 so I would assume latest MariaDB as well. From my very limited test mainly the installation and few pages load

Triple A Racing 11-07-2022 07:34 PM

Re: X-Cart 5.5 Is Out! What's New?

Originally Posted by cflsystems
It works on MySQL 8.0.31 so I would assume latest MariaDB as well. From my very limited test mainly the installation and few pages load

Thanks for that first hand knowledge. FWIW On several previous occasions, X-Cart's compatibility with recent MySQL releases has been in advance of the updates that include recent MariaDB releases. That's why X-Cart need to be a bit more open and accurate with the details, instead of the non-specific, vague, generic PR stuff that they seem focused on. So on that note @Anastasia Zhavoronkova Can you check and post the correct, official answer please?

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