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lixy 04-08-2003 07:48 PM

Force HTTPS administration
How can I force all admin sessions to be conducted via HTTPS? I want any admin attempting to access the admin area using HTTP to be redirected to the HTTPS login area.

B00MER 04-08-2003 09:08 PM

I do this to my admin/orders.php and provider/oders.php as sensitive info is stored with the customers cc so I add the following include at the top of the orders.php:


@include "../customer/https.php";

And make adjustments in customer/https.php:


$https_scripts = array("orders.php","cart.php");

You'll need to add the include on every area in the admin you want secure so if it is hit with http it will switch over, you'll also need to add the filename of the admin php script your wanting to secure, note ive got orders.php in my $https_scripts array.

hth. ;)

lixy 04-09-2003 10:38 AM

Boomer, that worked perfect! Thanks alot for the help.

brian 04-11-2003 12:20 PM

I wanted the entire admin section to be https, so I added the following to admin/auth.php:


# Force the admin section to be secure
if($HTTPS != "on"){
        $xcart_host = ($HTTPS == "on" ? $xcart_https_host : $xcart_http_host);
        $pos = strpos($xcart_host, "/");                                                                                                                 
        $dir = $pos !== false ? substr($xcart_host, $pos) : "";
        $current_script = substr($REQUEST_URI, strlen($dir) + strlen($xcart_web_dir));
        $additional_query = ($QUERY_STRING?"&":"?").(strstr($QUERY_STRING,"XCARTSESSID")?"":"XCARTSESSID=$XCARTSESSID");
        header("Location: $https_location".$current_script.$additional_query);

Now if you visit the admin section at http you are redirected to https. So far so good.


lixy 04-14-2003 07:05 AM


That is exactly what I was looking for - thanks alot. Forced SSL Admin working 100%

jolandia 05-22-2003 12:30 PM

Thanks a lot, I tried this as well and it seems to work fine! I haven't tested it extensively, but I assume that in theory there should be no way now to access the admin functions without https? Obviously this is very important with regard to credit card details, as we all appreciate. :o

e1front 06-25-2003 09:39 PM

works 100% but now i can't generate sql files
When i click on the "generate db"

the dialog box asks me if i want to save or open,
i tryed both

then a new dialog box opens with the following message


getting file information

then after a minute I get this message,


Internet Explorer cannot download db_backup.php from www.yoursite.com
Internet Expolrer wasn't able to open this internet site.
The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.


if($HTTPS != "on"){
$xcart_host = ($HTTPS == "on" ? $xcart_https_host : $xcart_http_host);
$pos = strpos($xcart_host, "/");
$dir = $pos !== false ? substr($xcart_host, $pos) : "";
$current_script = substr($REQUEST_URI, strlen($dir) + strlen($xcart_web_dir));
$additional_query = ($QUERY_STRING?"&":"?").(strstr($QUERY_STRING,"XCA RTSESSID")?"":"XCARTSESSID=$XCARTSESSID");
header("Location: $https_location".$current_script.$additional_query );
# end of code
when i ereased this piece of code, The "generate SQL file worked fine ....

So how can i work out this conflict???
please help

Chris B 11-04-2003 10:39 AM

Forced administration ssl
Make sure your database has a connection via localhost.

I've seen this problem when x-cart is making a database connection via a URL or IP address.

(Therefore, the data is being transferred through an insecure connection.)

nfc5382 11-26-2003 07:32 AM

i just modified the following for complete https access:



# everything https
function is_https_link($link, $https_scripts) {
        return true;

and for admin login - admin/auth.php:

add this to the top:

@include "../customer/https.php";

i just added the support for admin login but I have been using the whole site as https b/c many customers complained about portions of the site not secure. Personally I think they are parinoid, but if it will make them happy i'll accomodate for them!

kangus 12-07-2003 03:36 PM

3.5.1 does not work with HTTPS
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_https_link() (previously declared in /home/nquest/public_html/store/customer/https.php:54) in /home/nquest/public_html/store/customer/https.php on line 54

leon 12-09-2003 08:56 AM

I havent thought of using HTTPS yet, but I can see the importance now, so how can I make this done or configured on a VPS?

shan 12-09-2003 10:00 AM

If your talking about using a system where your users are sent to a different company who deals with the payment part of the sale then they should take care of the secure side themselves

leon 12-09-2003 05:06 PM

I think that's what I will have to do for the moment, but in the meanwhile do you know how to set it up (SSL) on a VPS ?

kangus 12-12-2003 03:32 AM

the position of the include seems to make a difference
With 3.5.1 I tried the https include before the require's and it fails

But this seems to work.

# $Id: orders.php,v 1.17 2003/08/11 10:44:46 svowl Exp $
require "./auth.php";
require $xcart_dir."/include/security.php";

if ($config["General"]["secure_store"]=="Y"){
@include "../customer/https.php";

Then add this to the database
INSERT INTO `xcart_config` VALUES ('secure_store', 'Enable Secure Store', 'Y', 'General', 5, 'checkbox', 'Y');

And modify https.php with:

if ($config["General"]["secure_store"]=="Y"){
$https_scripts = array("register.php","cart.php?mode=checkout","ord ers.php","order.php");
$https_scripts = array();

I move the UNTOUCHED original files into my "patch" backup directory and add them to my "Patch-setup" script - before I patch I copy all changed files from the site with directory paths and replace them with these backups - If I need to, if the file name in not in the file.lst with the patch then the script by-passes the file.

garryhs 01-29-2004 02:52 AM

Entire Store in HTTPS (Customers & Admin) ???
Hi all,

In this thread I was reading how to change the entire store to HTTPS.

Can somebody shed some light on this.

I think it is great, and have just made the changes to 3.4.11 and it works perfect so far.

Why is this not common practice ??? Is this a performance thing ??? Will my Web Host provider complain ???

Please tell me why it should not be HTTPS....


kangus 01-29-2004 07:19 AM

You should only enable HTTPS on personal information and ADMIN functions that expose personal information. Encrypting everything sucks CPU so if you what your customers to have a snappy response only use HTTPS on personal information and ADMIN functions.

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