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-   -   X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=73597)

Anna_Shvetsova 02-18-2016 09:28 AM

X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Hi friends,
We are glad to announce the release of X-Cart 4.7.5. You can view the description of major changes that come with this release in our blog http://blog.x-cart.com/4-7-5-released.html
and also I'm adding X-Cart 4.7.5 changelog which contains detailed information on all the changes.

Anna_Shvetsova 02-18-2016 09:31 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
------------------ X-CART v4.7.5 RELEASED

[!] 03 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0133319, 0042463): Overlapping text at bottom of Colorbox popup for long detailed product images description. Fixed. Thanks to Seyfin.
[!] 30 Dec 2015, mixon - Bug (0146485): Certain input controls (like SKU, meta, etc.) were displayed misaligned on the product editing page in admin back end. Fixed. [product modify]
[!] 03 Dec 2015, mixon - Bug (0146111): Admin top menu was displayed incorrectly in Webmaster mode. Fixed.

*INTERFACE*[*] 08 Feb 2016, aim - Improvement (0147342): HTML5 placeholder attribute is used instead of obsolete js code. Google pagespeed/insights/ improvement.
[*] 29 Dec 2015, aim - Improvement (0146996, 0044013): Added the ability to use a non-standard price format, such as using thousandths. The 'Input and display format for floating comma numbers' setting has to be changed manually. Thanks to Joe Funderburg (Cherie).

[!] 03 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0112713, 0040175): Required unchecked checkboxes were not highlighted in the user profile forms. Fixed.
[!] 01 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0136576, 0043010): Added the "Generate lowercase Clean URLs" setting on the "General settings :: SEO" page in the admin area. Thanks to Steve Stoyanov (Cflsystems)

[*] 17 Feb 2016, aim - Improvement (0145281): Updated the Payment gateways per country selector on the 'Main page :: Payment methods' page. Thanks to Lera and Ambal.

[*] 11 Feb 2016, aim - Improvement (0133110): CKEditor HTML Editor updated to the newest 4.5.7 version.
[*] 03 Feb 2016, aim - Improvement (0107032, 0039409): The popup dialog for product selection now shows disabled products in red color and hidden products in cyan color.
[*] 29 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0087808 ): Improvement for the 'Update inventory' feature. Added the ability to update inventory by sku or by productid only.
[*] 15 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0138103): 'Quick Search' feature now works with variant productcodes in the admin area. The search query is the same, 'p variantcode'.
[!] 07 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0147333): "More search options" form was not closed on the 'Search for orders' page in the admin area. Fixed.
[!] 01 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0147284, 0042438 ): Some improvemens related to "MySQL Error Updating Duplicate Key" error related to duplicated clean URLs.
[!] 13 Jan 2016, aim - Bug (0147115, 0045558 ): Clean URLs were not generated properly from the admin area for Flyout_Menus categories. Fixed.
[!] 08 Jan 2016, aim - Bug (0147077): The edit label popup window was not resized to ckeditor editor size in webmaster mode. Fixed
[!] 29 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0147019, 0042994): A writable subcategory could not be edited if root category had read only permissions. Fixed. Thanks to Joe Funderburg (Cherie). ["Main page :: Edit templates" tool]
[!] 29 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0147006, 0043127): HTTPS module test tool was not working. Fixed.
[!] 22 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0146938 ): Max year was 2015 in the calendar widget on some pages. Fixed.
[!] 25 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0146645): There was a redirect to a wrong location after the 'Validation script (JavaScript)' textarea had been changed. Fixed. Thanks to Barni. [Product option groups]
[!] 09 Nov 2015, mixon - Bug (0146451): Inventory update was showing inadequate results. Fixed.

*USERS*[*] 05 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0102355, 0038881): Included address info into 'Profile is modified' email notifications.
[!] 29 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0128208 ): Breadcrumb path is more informative now when a user's 'Profile details' page is opened from search results on the Users page.

*PRODUCTS*[*] 08 Feb 2016, aim - Improvement (0146493): Cost pricing module added. This module allows you to define product cost prices and calculate gross profit on the orders page.[*] 23 Nov 2015, aim - Improvement (0104754): Added a new setting 'Add catid parameter for correct operation of breadcrumbs and additional product categories' on the ' Main page :: General settings :: SEO' page.
[!] 21 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0146910): Hidden products were not displayed in the 'Recently Viewed' section. Fixed. Thanks to Michel Nijman.

[*] 10 Feb 2016, mixon - Improvement (0146468 ): The PayPal Transparent Redirect integration added (PayPal Partner Hosted with PCI Compliance payment method).
[*] 18 Dec 2015, aim - Improvement (0093267): NetBanx (Optimal Payments) payment integration updated.
[!] 20 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0118191): Callbacks did not work for the 'NAB Transact - Hosted Payment Page' gateway. Fixed. Thanks to Lurker.

[*] 17 Feb 2016, mixon - Improvement (0145974): CanadaPost: Replaced API access info with Merchant Registration wizard.
[*] 29 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0147272): USPS updates (January 2016)
[*] 28 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0146464): Added the ability to set the store's ship-from address ("Company ship-from address").
[!] 18 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0146899, 0045485): Fedex insurance information was missing from data submitted to Fedex. Fixed. Thanks to John R Wright

[!] 31 Jan 2016, aim - Bug (0147276, 0041215): Taxes were not updated if customer changed the street address only (One Page Checkout). Thanks to Kosmos Central.

[*] 21 Dec 2015, mixon - Improvement (0146716): After PayPal Express Checkout has been initiated, other payment methods on the order confirmation page are hidden.
[!] 05 Jan 2016, aim - Bug (0147057, 0045524): Order summary totals were not updating when changing the shipping address by unchecking the 'Ship to a different address' option in some cases. Fixed. Thanks to Jason Zander.

[!] 01 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0147292, 0042372): Address title fields were missing in order notifications for anonymous customers. Fixed. Thanks to Ian Johnson.

Anna_Shvetsova 02-18-2016 09:38 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
[*] 10 Feb 2016, mixon - Improvement (0146468 ): Simplify: Moved JS lib from the module lib dir to the common lib dir, to share with other modules.
[*] 30 Jan 2016, mixon - Improvement (0145337): Amazon Feeds module added.
[*] 26 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0147175): Added List ptice (market price) for variants. [Product Options]
[*] 27 Dec 2015, aim - Improvement (0138886): The module Login with PayPal allows to link existing X-Cart
account with Paypal account by email.
[*] 03 Dec 2015, aim - Improvement (0124078, 0041595): Products Map: Added a new setting 'Grey out the
characters that do not have corresponding products in the database' for the Products_Map module.
[*] 19 Nov 2015, aim - Improvement (0146600): Google Shopping now exports the product_type attribute in the choosen language.
[!] 16 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0147431): Pay with Amazon: The 'Shipping is not applicable or shipping address is not defined yet.' error related to anonymous users. Fixed. Thanks to Xplorer.
[!] 09 Feb 2016, aim - Bug (0147347): Price, image and weight data were lost for disabled variants in the Product_Options module. Fixed.
[!] 06 Jan 2016, aim - Bug (0144775, 0044774): 'Checkout by Amazon' returned ZIP+4 during checkout which led to problems with tax/shipping calculation. Fixed. Thanks to Ron Bessems (Promixis).
[!] 29 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0117463, 0040758 ): X-Magnifier moved the image from the original server location instead of copying it. Fixed.
[!] 01 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0146722): Google Shopping exported the additional category instead of the main category as the 'product_type' field. Fixed.
[!] 30 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0146483): JS error on One Page Checkout when only one COD payment was used. Fixed.
[!] 25 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0146656): AOM PHP Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in file.customer_options.tpl.php on line 131 (related to old orders). Fixed.
[!] 25 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0146641): Add2CartPopup module removed all custom popups when a product was added to cart. Fixed. Thanks to Snake.
[!] 18 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0109794): Updating a configured product in the wishlist did not work. Fixed. [Product_Configurator]

[!] 14 Dec 2015, aim - Bug (0129671): Coupon status was not updated during import. Fixed.

*PERFORMANCE*[*] 22 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0147198 ): Small optimization for products.[*] 10 Dec 2015, aim - Improvement (0146797): Small optimization for Canada Post shipping.[*] 03 Dec 2015, aim - Improvement (0105193): Optimization for manufacturers list in the admin area.[*] 01 Dec 2015, aim - Improvement (0134343): Optimization for the "Apply selected taxes to all products" feature. Thanks to Snake.[*] 25 Nov 2015, aim - Improvement (0146639): Added the ability to load css modules only for certan pages.
[!] 29 Jan 2016, aim - Bug (0147194): "Use cached buy_now.tpl template calls" is now disabled by default to avoid var/cache/smarty_cache dir overflow.

*SECURITY*[*] 24 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0147212): Security improvement related to the Gift Registry module.[*] 11 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0147094): Security improvement related to the Affiliate module.[*] 25 Nov 2015, aim - Improvement (0070943): Security improvement for Nginx and Microsoft-IIS web servers.

[*] 30 Dec 2015, mixon - Improvement (0146485): Category dropdown list has been replaced with category selection widget on modify product and add coupon pages. The widget allows the user to quickly select a category by typing in a few characters from the category name. [product modify]
[*] 24 Dec 2015, mixon - Improvement (0146484): Date period selector (with separate "start date" and "end date" fields) was replaced with Date range widget.

[*] 09 Feb 2016, aim - Improvement (0147337): SEO improvement related to the "EU Cookie Law" module. Thanks to Seyfin.
[*] 22 Jan 2016, mixon - Improvement (0146484): Template widgets CSS loader added.
[*] 04 Jan 2016, aim - Improvement (0147039): Added the ability to use calls like
XCTplDeferResource::getInstance()->registerCss('admin/css/accounting_adv.css') instead of load_defer.
[!] 25 Jan 2016, aim - Bug (0147084): PHP7 non-critical changes. Unknown Error: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP. [PHP 7 compatible; deprecated constructor]
[!] 24 Dec 2015, mixon - Bug (0146484): Config validation rules were not escaped. Fixed.
[!] 30 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0146697): Runtime Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in modules/Product_Notifications/func.php. Fixed.
[!] 19 Nov 2015, aim - Bug (0146602): Clean URLs were not working under nginx web server without a fake .htaccess file in X-Cart root. Fixed.

cheap eyeglasses 02-18-2016 11:43 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
great, i will update my shop today!

Eyeglasses Expert 02-18-2016 11:45 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
updated so quickly, i will be busy about 2 days again to experience the latest x-cart.

Dougrun 02-18-2016 11:46 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools


@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
  <td colspan="2"><br />{include file="main/subheader.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_product_owner}</td>
  {if $geid ne ''}<td width="15" class="TableSubHead">&nbsp;</td>{/if}
  <td class="FormButton" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">{$lng.lbl_provider}:</td>
  <td class="ProductDetails" width="90%">

what exactly does this accomplish? Looks like that whole page could be cleaned up a lot.

sinobest 02-18-2016 11:53 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
have you added any new responsive templates?

mixon 02-18-2016 09:23 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by Dougrun


@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
  <td colspan="2"><br />{include file="main/subheader.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_product_owner}</td>
  {if $geid ne ''}<td width="15" class="TableSubHead">&nbsp;</td>{/if}
  <td class="FormButton" width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">{$lng.lbl_provider}:</td>
  <td class="ProductDetails" width="90%">

what exactly does this accomplish? Looks like that whole page could be cleaned up a lot.

The main changes are related to "Categoryselector" and "Cost_Pricing" features. The other changes are removing some spaces in the templates.

herber@wirehub.nl 02-19-2016 05:05 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Congratulations to the team working on XC4: a lot of small bugs were fixed in very little time!
Great accomplishment, thank you very much.

I will need some time to test the upgrade since we don't really have much time for this now.

A bug I have encountered in 4.7.4 is that when using "Create new order" in the admin, no tax is displayed on invoices created by the admin (even when selecting a country where tax is set).
Tax is calculated in the prices, the field for tax on the invoice just stays empty.
Has this been addressed in 4.7.5? If not, here's another bug for the list ;-)

Dougrun 02-19-2016 01:37 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
go to modify a product and I get a blank page. gonna try fresh files..

fixed my product_modify.php, had somethign wrong in it. works now.

herber@wirehub.nl 04-06-2016 01:36 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
I have just upgraded our live store to 4.7.5 and now we get these errors:

[06-Apr-2016 11:18:10 Europe/Amsterdam] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function func_decimal_empty() in /public_html/include/func/func.product.php on line 1305
[06-Apr-2016 11:18:24 Europe/Amsterdam] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function func_decimal_empty() in /public_html/include/func/func.product.php on line 1305

In addition to that: the cost price is not calculated on the dashboard, and it is not shown on the orders list (like in this screenshot). The module is enabled.
I checked & skin/common_files/main/orders_list.tpl has indeed been modified and the requires modifications have been made by the upgrade.

/include/func/func.core.php has also been modified, function func_decimal_empty($value) is declared in that file, so I don't understand the call to undefined function.

aim 04-06-2016 05:57 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by herber@wirehub.nl
I have just upgraded our live store to 4.7.5 and now we get these errors:

In addition to that: the cost price is not calculated on the dashboard, and it is not shown on the orders list (like in this screenshot). The module is enabled.
I checked & skin/common_files/main/orders_list.tpl has indeed been modified and the requires modifications have been made by the upgrade.

The module shows the 'Gross profit' field only.


Originally Posted by herber@wirehub.nl

/include/func/func.core.php has also been modified, function func_decimal_empty($value) is declared in that file, so I don't understand the call to undefined function.

It is very strange bug.
May be this a single case during the upgrade.

Thank you.

herber@wirehub.nl 04-06-2016 11:47 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by aim
The module shows the 'Gross profit' field only.

Unfortunately, it does not. See attachment, that is all that we see.


Originally Posted by aim
It is very strange bug.
May be this a single case during the upgrade.

Thank you.

Can we isolate the problem somehow?

This error is also showing up in the logs:

[06-Apr-2016 16:42:27] Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /public_html/include/func/func.cart.php on line 4313

[06-Apr-2016 17:25:44] Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /public_html/include/func/func.cart.php on line 4313

[06-Apr-2016 18:36:00] Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /public_html/include/func/func.cart.php on line 4313

[06-Apr-2016 19:49:52] Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /public_html/include/func/func.cart.php on line 4313

[06-Apr-2016 20:17:08] Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /public_html/include/func/func.cart.php on line 4313
But that line is about the DMO mod, that bug ticket is already filed under number 0045393.

cflsystems 04-06-2016 01:05 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /public_html/include/func/func.cart.php on line 4313

is just a warning. Not an error and it will not prevent cart from functioning. It will however fill up your log files. This is not the only place this warning will show up.
It is due to the outdated code in XC and the use of newer PHP version.

cflsystems 04-06-2016 01:10 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Bug reported - https://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=45911

herber@wirehub.nl 04-06-2016 01:13 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by cflsystems

Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /public_html/include/func/func.cart.php on line 4313

is just a warning. Not an error and it will not prevent cart from functioning. It will however fill up your log files. This is not the only place this warning will show up.
It is due to the outdated code in XC and the use of newer PHP version.

That's not great though.. but as long as my customers won't see the error I can live with it, but I'd rather have it fixed ofcourse.

Cost Price thing still not working here though, I'll wait with upgrading my other store from 4.7.4 to 4.7.5 until there's a fix for that.

cflsystems 04-06-2016 02:36 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
You can fix it. The error generally means you are trying to use string as a full array.
In the XC code this probably means $products is not set or is false and the next line of code is trying to run foreach on it.

You can fix it by checking if $products is an array and only then run the foreach. But I can tell you right now same error pops up on several places in XC depending on settings, modules active, customizations, etc. But yes it is possible to fix these pretty easily.

aim 04-06-2016 08:14 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by herber@wirehub.nl
Unfortunately, it does not. See attachment, that is all that we see.

Can we isolate the problem somehow?

I cannot localize the "Call to undefined function func_decimal_empty" problem without a ssh/ftp access to your server.

Could you provide us with the valid FTP/SSH or Control Panel access to your X-Cart server ?

Please place the access information into a special secure form in the "Communication index", "Post access info" section:

* https://secure.x-cart.com/customer.php?target=create_access_info

aim 04-06-2016 08:18 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by herber@wirehub.nl
Cost Price thing still not working here though, I'll wait with upgrading my other store from 4.7.4 to 4.7.5 until there's a fix for that.

The 'Gross profit' field is not shown for orders with zero gross costs.

Thank you.

herber@wirehub.nl 04-06-2016 11:17 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by aim
I cannot localize the "Call to undefined function func_decimal_empty" problem without a ssh/ftp access to your server.

Could you provide us with the valid FTP/SSH or Control Panel access to your X-Cart server ?

Please place the access information into a special secure form in the "Communication index", "Post access info" section:

* https://secure.x-cart.com/customer.php?target=create_access_info

If it's only a 1 time thing right after the upgrade or something, then no need. I'll keep an eye on it & if it pops up more often I'll open a ticket.


Originally Posted by aim
The 'Gross profit' field is not shown for orders with zero gross costs.

Thank you.

What are the condintions for the field to be shown like in the screenshot?
I have added costs prices for all items in 1 order for example, then searched for that order & it still does not show, while both products in that order have costs entered.

aim 04-06-2016 11:56 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by herber@wirehub.nl

What are the condintions for the field to be shown like in the screenshot?
I have added costs prices for all items in 1 order for example, then searched for that order & it still does not show, while both products in that order have costs entered.

Could you check again ?

1)add cost price for a product
2)buy the product
3)place the order
4)process the order
5)check the gross profit field on the search order page.

The condition is simple. The module is active and the $gross_costs_total is not empty.


{if $active_modules.Cost_Pricing and $gross_costs_total}
  {include file="modules/Cost_Pricing/admin_orders_list.tpl" gross_profit=$total-$gross_costs_total}

Thank you.

herber@wirehub.nl 04-07-2016 12:37 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by aim
Could you check again ?

1)add cost price for a product
2)buy the product
3)place the order
4)process the order
5)check the gross profit field on the search order page.

The condition is simple. The module is active and the $gross_costs_total is not empty.


{if $active_modules.Cost_Pricing and $gross_costs_total}
  {include file="modules/Cost_Pricing/admin_orders_list.tpl" gross_profit=$total-$gross_costs_total}

Thank you.

Ah alright then there is no need to check, if the condition only becomes active if the cost price has been added to items before they have been purchased as I've added all the cost prices after these orders.

aim 04-07-2016 12:41 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Thank you, Michel!

herber@wirehub.nl 04-07-2016 03:07 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
For 4.7.6: may I suggest cost pricing update in the Update Inventory page?
So, importing CSV files with SKU;costprice for example, just like how you can alter the normal price & product quantity.

aim 04-07-2016 11:12 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by herber@wirehub.nl
For 4.7.6: may I suggest cost pricing update in the Update Inventory page?
So, importing CSV files with SKU;costprice for example, just like how you can alter the normal price & product quantity.

You can use the standard import for that.

The format is like






Thank you.

cflsystems 04-14-2016 09:02 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
I was working on 4.4.5 version to find out why AOM does not work properly. As it turns out this is a bug in XC present even in the newest version. So I assume it is on all XC versions.

If you try to modify an order which used Special Offers offer this info will be lost when you save the new changes. It took a while to find out what is happening with the order and why but I tracked it down to this

modules/Advanced_Order_Management/func.edit.php has following code

PHP Code:

if (!empty($active_modules['Special_Offers'])) {
$saved_state true;

This is inside a function that rebuilts the whole cart on any AOM page run and uses it after that for the duration of the session.
Now who think of that and why there is a need to turn off the Special Offers module I have no idea. It makes no sense at all.

To fix comment out the "unset" line. It will make the Special Offers run on the rebuilt process and properly apply to the new temporary cart so you won't lose the info with the order modification.

Bug report: https://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=45948

red_and_white 04-17-2016 12:15 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
are you Xcart team planning to update ALL modules to 4.7.5 version? Actually I can't find mine. they are 4.7.4 version. Thank You

cflsystems 04-18-2016 08:40 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
I have updated the bug report posted in the #26 above after a response from XC support.

Also after more testing it turns out if you use the solution posted and modify orders with variants it will screw up the products ordered by combining variants into one product.

XC does not think this is a bug. To me this is a bug. There are 2 modules - AOM and Special Offers - which do not work together. So the solution - there is no solution. Do not use Special Offers module. Period.

red_and_white 04-18-2016 09:20 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by cflsystems
I have updated the bug report posted in the #26 above after a response from XC support.

Also after more testing it turns out if you use the solution posted and modify orders with variants it will screw up the products ordered by combining variants into one product.

XC does not think this is a bug. To me this is a bug. There are 2 modules - AOM and Special Offers - which do not work together. So the solution - there is no solution. Do not use Special Offers module. Period.

Hello Steve,
did You try to modify skin/common files/admin/menu_box.tpl?
In example to delete that horrible orane menu called goodies.
I tried but with no success.....

It's not a cache problem. I cleaned up anything.

Lloyds 04-18-2016 10:48 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Where is the "How to setup Amazon Feeds" page located? I can't find anything.

Where can I find my "Merchant ID" at Amazon seller?

Can I use the same info as my AWS CDN information, or is it separate for sellers?

Thanks in advance for any help.

mixon 04-18-2016 10:34 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Lloyds
Where is the "How to setup Amazon Feeds" page located? I can't find anything.

Where can I find my "Merchant ID" at Amazon seller?

Can I use the same info as my AWS CDN information, or is it separate for sellers?

The Merchant ID and other required info is provided during the Amazon MWS account registration.

You should have a Professional Seller Account in order to get Amazon MWS info and use Amazon Feeds.

You can find more info about Amazon Feeds submission in the Amazon Documentation.

IMPORTANT: The Amazon MWS account info is provided only after the successful registration.

aim 04-19-2016 03:30 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by red_and_white
are you Xcart team planning to update ALL modules to 4.7.5 version? Actually I can't find mine. they are 4.7.4 version. Thank You

We have updated the modules.

Thank you.

duragrit 04-19-2016 09:07 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Hello, where are the rest of the product categories for the X-Cart Amazon Product Feed?

There are only a select list of product categories shown in the X-Cart Amazon Product Type?

Our products are tools, which fall under various sub-categories of the Amazon "Tools & Home Improvement" parent category.

Example Amazon sub categories that our products are applicable for are:
Cutoff Wheels
Power Tool Accessory Sets
Cutting Burs
Ocsillating Tool Accessories
Power Rotary Tool Cutting Wheels
Power Rotary Tool Sanders
Hook & Loop Discs
Woodworking Project Kits
Hand Rasps
Flat Files
Round Files
Sanding Blocks
Random Orbital Sheets
Half Sheets
Multi Sheets

Can you please add the "Tools & Home Improvement" parent category, and at the very least the above sub categories to the X-Cart Amazon Product Types.

Also, some of our products are applicable to multiple sub-categories.
Can you please make it possible to have the option to list them under multiple sub-categories?

Also, we want to sell on the Amazon USA, Canada & Mexico marketplaces.
Our Amazon Seller Account is setup with a Marketplace IDs for each of these marketplaces.
Presently the Amazon Product Feed only allows us to select one of these marketplaces (USA, Canada or Mexico).
Please make it possible to allow us to list our X-Cart Amazon Products Feed on all 3 marketplaces.

Thank you.


P.S. Not sure if I should have posted this here or created a new thread in the forum?
If the latter, please advise and I'll do so accordingly. Thank you.

Dougrun 04-19-2016 11:28 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Looking in the support files section you have named 2 modules the same thing. The Amazon payments advanced, and the pay by amazon.
kinda confusing. The module is named Pay by Amazon in XC backend so all files should be named the same.

zebu 04-19-2016 07:50 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Hi All,

We updated successfully to 4.7.5 (from 4.7.4) yesterday. All has gone seamlessly - except we have a reoccurring error in our logs:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/....../public_html/include/func/func.user.php on line 140

HTML Code:

class XCUserAddressBook {

    public static function getDataForMail($address_book, $ship2diff, $existing_address, $new_address) { // {{{

        $res = array();
      >>>> Line 140 >>>>  foreach ($address_book as $addrid => $data) {

Any ideas on what may have effected this in the upgrade?


cflsystems 04-19-2016 08:19 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Some code is calling the function with $address_book not being an array. You can add before that line

PHP Code:

if (!is_array($address_book)) {
$address_book = array();

aim 04-19-2016 09:08 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Some code is calling the function with $address_book not being an array. You can add before that line

PHP Code:

if (!is_array($address_book)) {
$address_book = array();

The solution from Steve Stoyanov can be used.

The PHP notice does not affect any functionality.

Thank you, Steve.

zebu 04-19-2016 09:13 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Thanks Steve and Ildar - much appreciated!

cherie 04-20-2016 09:12 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools

Originally Posted by cflsystems
XC does not think this is a bug. To me this is a bug. There are 2 modules - AOM and Special Offers - which do not work together. So the solution - there is no solution. Do not use Special Offers module. Period.

Flashbacks to this bewildering back-and-forth thread about Bugs vs Features:


Lloyds 04-27-2016 12:45 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.5 released: Amazon Feeds, Gross Profit, Convenient search tools
Seriously, there is no step by step process published for getting this set up? I have attached an image for the Amazon page. What do I select to get to the next step?

Note: I do have a seller account setup.


Originally Posted by mixon
The Merchant ID and other required info is provided during the Amazon MWS account registration.

You should have a Professional Seller Account in order to get Amazon MWS info and use Amazon Feeds.

You can find more info about Amazon Feeds submission in the Amazon Documentation.

IMPORTANT: The Amazon MWS account info is provided only after the successful registration.

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