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CenturyPerf 06-28-2015 12:51 PM

Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
For client websites, is there an easy way to remove the various XCart branding in the admin area?

NOTE: I have already configured "user roles" which does remove some content. However, it would be nice to have a feature that toggles these items on or off.

Examples, My clients do not need:

- XCart branded login screen
- Social links
- X-Cart News
- RSS Feed
- Blog
- Powered By label

Additional items under ADMIN user:
- KB link
- Developer Docs
- Suggest Idea
- Bug reporting

Also, the upper left logo (all logos) should be changed to represent the client's own logo.

tony_sologubov 06-29-2015 06:16 AM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
Sorry, I am afraid you will need to apply a change to admin interface that will alter its content. There is no some "setting" that will hide everything related to X-Cart.

cflsystems 06-29-2015 10:13 AM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
I actually started working on a module for this, no ETA on it yet but it is being worked on.

totaltec 06-29-2015 10:41 AM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
One of my biggest complaints is the branding in the admin, along with the selling of various services. I want to promote X-Cart to my clients, as do we all. But it is so hard to do so when we find ourselves competing with XC in some ways.

For instance, I introduced a local merchant to X-Cart, and built him a site. Then I quoted him on a custom skin. I did not hear back from him so I reached out to see what happened. He had looked at the Look and Feel section of the site, where there is this text:
"Need custom design? We can modify this template or create a completely unique design for you Free Quote"

He of course followed that button link, and got a much lower quote from X-Cart than what I was going to charge. Thankfully he became very dissatisfied with his experience, and has since come back to me for modifications. But it is still disheartening to lose business due to my own promotion and recommendation of XC.

This is a real problem. We have to find a way around this. I would pay a premium for a white label version of XC.

cflsystems 06-29-2015 10:49 AM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
This has been complaint about numerous of times starting with XC4. Since it is paid software their shouldn't be direct advertisement like this. If you search the forum you will find a hack I posted for XC4 how to take out all the ads and banners form admin.

It is really a very bad practice. I would understand it if you get XC5 fully functional with all the modules for free - advertise as much as you want. But when you purchase and on top of that have to pay an annual fee to keep it up to date having all these little things in there is just not right.

It is a different question about the cost of service - you can't really compete with quotes from Russia, or India, or China... they will always be way lower than the ones from USA. Your best selling point in this case will be the quality of the work performed.

CenturyPerf 06-30-2015 10:53 AM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
Steve, Mike --- I agree.

I do not want to confuse my customers or have immediate access within the XCart backend to undercut my services.

In the short term, is there a quick way to comment out code or certain modules that show up in the Admin section -- as mentioned above?

cflsystems 06-30-2015 06:37 PM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
You can use the webmaster mode to find the templates and/or php files and modify directly there but next upgrade will put it all back in. And just commenting out in templates may result in broken pages - either code not working properly or elements not positioned properly.

ambal 07-06-2015 05:22 AM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
Hi Everyone,

We can provide anyone who has official X-Cart 5 reseller status with X-Cart 5 package where our ads are removed completely (except "Powered by X-Cart" in the footer).

cflsystems 06-15-2017 12:52 PM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
Late update:
I am working on this module and so far the module removes:
- ads on payments page in admin
- ads on taxes page in admin
- ads on layout page in admin
- top right dropdown menu in admin - remove or replace items
- news/blog block on dashboard page in admin
- powered by text in admin (logged in or not) and storefront
- XC site link and social links on admin login page
- XC logo and text below on admin login page

Is there anything else I am missing?
Any preferences whether to remove or allow to replace any of these items?

CenturyPerf 06-15-2017 01:12 PM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
Hello Steve:

Marketplace messages should only be shown to site admins, not those processing orders.

Is it possible for your module (or possibly a different one in the future) to include (replace) the amateuristic error messages with something more professional? The cartoonish "Oops" pages that XCart uses are quite horrible. They tell the customer NOTHING as to how to react to the errors, causing lost sales and an impression that the vendor using this software is incompetent.

This might be beyond the spec of your module, but the X-Payments pop-up error messages are also useless and could include a bit of information for how the customer should proceed.

cflsystems 06-15-2017 03:11 PM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x

Marketplace messages should only be shown to site admins, not those processing orders.

Do you mean user roles? This is not stock? It is strange user with no permissions to modify store will see these if that's what you mean.

cflsystems 06-28-2017 06:26 PM

Re: Remove Branding - XCart 5.x
Here it is - https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?p=403984

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