X-Cart: shopping cart software

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-   -   X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6) (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=66629)

random 04-11-2013 05:15 AM

X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Dear X-Cart mod developers,

We would like to inform you that the several changes will be introduced to the module system:

1) Redesigned "Modules" page which will use AJAX to enable/disable modules.

2) This leads to module enable/disable event changes - former "module_enable" event is now called "module.enable" and NOT called immediately (it is now postponed till next page open)

3) To do something exactly at a time module is enabled/disabled, you should now add listener for "module.ajax.toggle" event, which will be called with 2 arguments: (string) $module_name, ($bool) $active

Doing func_header_location() will not work during this event, you should instead return redirect url in your function, e.g. return "modules.php" to reload the page after AJAX request.

Moreover, if module sets "$top_message" during this event it will be displayed after AJAX request is completed. Current limitations: only "information" message type is supported.

4) It is now possible to prevent store crash if store admin tries to enable incompatible module which makes every store page showing Fatal Error constantly.

5) Pay attention to the fact that this protection will not work if module is enabled directly in database, so you should make installer insert module entry in disabled (N) status.

6) Module tags which can be used for filtering modules to be displayed.
There is a new field in "xcart_modules", called "tags".
You can specify allowed tags for your module delimited by comma here.

List of allowed tags:
userexp (User Experience),

7) It is now possible for module to specify css for admin back-end.
Just add the follosing code to module's config.php
$css_files['Module_Name'][] = array('admin' => true);
and place "admin.css" to your module skin dir.

8 ) Due to optimisation, any changes to xcart_products withou calling "func_build_quick_flags" + "func_build_quick_prices" after it, will lead to database incosistency.

Any code which makes direct changes in xcart_products_categories and/or updates avail in xcart_categories must be revised.

9) For the function "func_search_products" we changed the "from_tbls" format

Please let me know if you have any questions.

ambal 04-11-2013 05:21 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes
> 1) Redesigned "Modules" page which will use AJAX to enable/disable modules.

Short video:

Please note that the video was made before the "Modules" section was finalized.

cflsystems 04-11-2013 09:58 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes
Please call this new release 4.6.x, please please please..... These are major changes and if you call it 4.5.6 it will cause major problems for everyone, again. 4.5.5 should have been 4.6.0.....
It is good you are posting here about the upcoming changes but these are still just fragments of code which is hard to code for without actually seeing the whole picture.... since there is no pre-release for developers to get familiar with the changes....

cflsystems 04-12-2013 08:24 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes
@ Alex

As I see it you have 2 options - 4.5.6 or 4.6.x

Option 4.5.6: If you release it as the next fix in the same branch everyone now on 4.5.x will jump to it with or without the knowledge that this will break their 3rd party mods - we've seen it happen and we know it will happen. The 3rd party vendors will not be ready for this for sure - how we can be ready and modify our code if don;t have the upcoming distribution to prepare? And do you think a developer with 100 mods can look at all of them for a day or 2? Not happening. So it doesn't matter if the XC users do the upgrade themselfs or hire someone else to do it - their live cart will drop all 3rd party mods. nd what do you get? 100's of angry XC users blaming you, blaming developers, and then developers blaming you... and I can also see it XC staff saying - sorry - contact the vendor of the mod as we cannot help you there.... If you release it as 4.5.6 all the blame and liability will fall on QT and you will get many unpleasant posts in here. Trust me.

Option 4.6.x: Release 4.5.6 that fixes bugs in 4.5.x only. No new features, no new modules, ONLY bugs fixes. This will allow any 4.5.x cart to be safely upgraded to 4.5.6 and fix possible bugs in their older versions.
Release 4.6.x with the new fetaures, new ways of loading modules, etc., new modules... whatever you want to include in there. And release it as beta. This will give time to 3rd party developers to adjust to the new release, new XC users or existing to test the new version and decide if they want it or not... And this will only benefi QT - while doing this and modifying modules for this new release the 3rd party vendor and user will report to you bugs so you can fix them before you release this version as final. Take the liability off of your hands. Anyone who wants to start new store based on this beta release or upgrade existing store to it is doing this at thier own risk.

Think about it. If you release 4.5.6 like you want to now it will call for another disaster and angry customers. Is that what you want?
If you release bug fixing ONLY 4.5.6 and beta 4.6.x with the new features you can only win.

Do a survey here and see what your customers think about this? If I am wrong I will gladly admit it

xim 04-29-2013 06:21 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes
Steve, we had a meeting and decided to start new branch - 4.6.x

xim 04-29-2013 07:05 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Also, the new version will contain Resposnive template out of box:

We had a great cooperation with Mike White (aka totaltec) with this project and we used his fantastic skin as base for a new built-in skin - Ideal Responsive

xim 04-29-2013 07:08 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
I believe that adaptive design is the new trend in web and more and more users start surfing from mobile devices and it's very important to provide your customers with the best experience depending on their devices.

That's why Ideal Responsive will be available out of box in the next X-Cart version

cflsystems 04-29-2013 08:48 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes

Originally Posted by xim
Steve, we had a meeting and decided to start new branch - 4.6.x

Great decision. I hope for less headache with upgrades :)

Anything else new in this branch (except what you have already mentioned above)

BCSE 04-29-2013 10:52 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
I just want to say a HUGE thank you so much for changing this to 4.6.0!! We are one of the ones that has over 100 modules we've built ourselves plus about 100 more modules we sell for others and this change would have been a nightmare if it were named 4.5.6.


ADDISON 04-29-2013 10:54 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
I appreciate you are sharing with Community your near future plans. A wise decision after weeks of silence.

I appreciate more if you take a look to bugtracker and ideas to improve those small issues for 4.6 release. I would like to see AJAX as well in Feature Comparison module. It is so ancient to see how this module works when choosing items for comparison. I spent hours to research what is good and bad in your products. Please do not waste these efforts.

carpeperdiem 04-29-2013 10:58 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
I am happy this is being called 4.6.0

<beating the dead horse>
4.5.5 SHOULD have been called 4.6.0
</horse is dead>

Based on the info here, 4.6.0 will break every mod every written.

That's OK, but please RED-FLAG the daylights out of the new "features"

ONE minor gripe:

X-Cart has historically forced upgrades to go to tl;ast dot rev in a branch before jumping to the new branch -- but in the case of 4.5.4 to 4.5.5, there was SO MUCH carnage, a successful upgrade from 4.5.4 to 4.5.5 was essentially impossible.

MAY I PLEASE REQUEST that you treat 4.5.4 and 4.5.5 as separate and distinct "final rev" of the 4.5.x branch for upgrade purposes? (that is, we need to be able to upgrade from 4.5.4 to 4.6.0) for those of us who tried to upgrade to 4.5.5 but due to 4.5.5 upgrade defects, this was not possible.

Thank you.

ADDISON 04-29-2013 11:06 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
... not only modules will go crazy. also the custom work ... we'll see, but I would like more infos.

NuAlpha 04-29-2013 01:48 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Estimated release date for 4.6?

Will 4.5.6 be released as a purely maintenance bug fix release as suggested?

xim 04-29-2013 09:19 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Here is more info about the next release:


carpeperdiem 04-30-2013 04:40 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by xim
Here is more info about the next release:


- Improvements of module management section

Shouldn't that be:
"Total re-design of module management section requiring every module to be modified and tested. Modules that work perfectly in 4.5 will not work in 4.6 without modification."

random 04-30-2013 04:46 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
Shouldn't that be:
"Total re-design of module management section requiring every module to be modified and tested. Modules that work perfectly in 4.5 will not work in 4.6 without modification."

Actually, no. In most cases they will work like previously. The only one noticeable change is that "module_enable" event from old code will not be called. And the change required in this case is very small - just add the same code either to postponed "module.enable" or immeditaly called "module.ajax.toggle" event.

random 04-30-2013 04:53 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by xim
Also, the new version will contain Resposnive template out of box:

We had a great cooperation with Mike White (aka totaltec) with this project and we used his fantastic skin as base for a new built-in skin - Ideal Responsive

For existing users of that template - it is not just AS IS copy, we have improved the Responsive template:
- CSS media queries are used instead of a bunch of JS code. They work in all modern browsers, and for IE8 we load special compatibility script.
- Banner System works properly without using non-default js script instead of built-in carousel.
- Other fixes and improvements

carpeperdiem 04-30-2013 04:55 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by random
Actually, no. In most cases they will work like previously. The only one noticeable change is that "module_enable" event from old code will not be called. And the change required in this case is very small - just add the same code either to postponed "module.enable" or immeditaly called "module.ajax.toggle" event.

If I have 3rd party code that is obfuscated or encrypted, this will require the module developer to modify it before it will work in 4.6

The nightmare here: let's say I have a version of a mod that was built for 4.4.4, but works perfectly with xcart 4.5.4; I want to upgrade xcart to 4.6.0 - but in the mean time, the 3rd party developer has introduced new features... the current version of the mod works perfectly with 4.5.4/4.5.5 but since we're jumping a branch, I have to pay $50 for the new version upgrade to be compatible with 4.6, and I will have to do major reworking to keep the mod compatible.

Multiply this by 10 mods.

I STRONGLY suggest that any changes to xcart core that require EVERY mod to be edited be saved for "version 5"

Dougrun 04-30-2013 08:32 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
I agree with you guys, I have a 4.5.4 store that runs great. I didnt upgrade because it was our busy season and the forums lit up with problems. We only have a few mods but I ran a test upgrade and it went ok. We would be going from 4.5.4 to 4.6.x and when i do it, i'll upgrade our hosting server and do a test upgrade before switching it over live.

carpeperdiem 04-30-2013 08:36 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by Dougrun
I agree with you guys, I have a 4.5.4 store that runs great. I didnt upgrade because it was our busy season and the forums lit up with problems. We only have a few mods but I ran a test upgrade and it went ok. We would be going from 4.5.4 to 4.6.x and when i do it, i'll upgrade our hosting server and do a test upgrade before switching it over live.

You can't do that with the current upgrade tools.
X-Cart removed the ability to do a post-upgrade database only "final" upgrade.

It is CRUCIAL for a live store to upgrade in a dev environment, and then after all testing is completed, run a final database patch on the live (clone) database.

Unless X-Cart permits this, nobody actually making money will be interested in upgrading.

Dougrun 04-30-2013 09:04 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
I think you misunderstood my terminology. The hosting sever would be the actual hardware server so i'll have a blank server to play with by testing an upgrade before i actually shut down the old one and move it.

carpeperdiem 04-30-2013 09:07 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by Dougrun
I think you misunderstood my terminology. The hosting sever would be the actual hardware server so i'll have a blank server to play with by testing an upgrade before i actually shut down the old one and move it.

the term "dev server" can be anywhere. It can be on same server, different server or hosted from outer space.

MY POINT is that if you develop upgrade somewhee, anywhere, at some point you will need to bring the live database into upgrade state. Right now (vers 4.5.5) there is NO WAY to do this on its own.

xim 04-30-2013 12:51 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
You can't do that with the current upgrade tools.
X-Cart removed the ability to do a post-upgrade database only "final" upgrade.

It is CRUCIAL for a live store to upgrade in a dev environment, and then after all testing is completed, run a final database patch on the live (clone) database.

Unless X-Cart permits this, nobody actually making money will be interested in upgrading.

We also do not really like "only database upgrade". Therefore we have been working on the tools to give upgrade patches between branches. Every release, we improve our processes (on the previous we release new version and upgrade patches at the same time). Hope the new release will also improve developers experience.

carpeperdiem 04-30-2013 01:01 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by xim
We also do not really like "only database upgrade". Therefore we have been working on the tools to give upgrade patches between branches. Every release, we improve our processes (on the previous we release new version and upgrade patches at the same time). Hope the new release will also improve developers experience.

Hi Maxim,

Since I have your attention, can you please take a look at this thread:

To summarize: we need a tool to "re-patch" a production database at the very end of an upgrade...

1. clone production store to dev server
2. upgrade dev server
3. when #2 is ready for production, move dev to production and then PATCH the live database as you take it live.

Version 4.5.5 upgrade removed the ability to do step #3. A live store can't be upgraded. Unless we have tools for #3, a live store will never upgrade.

cflsystems 04-30-2013 09:12 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by random
For existing users of that template - it is not just AS IS copy, we have improved the Responsive template:
- CSS media queries are used instead of a bunch of JS code. They work in all modern browsers, and for IE8 we load special compatibility script.
- Banner System works properly without using non-default js script instead of built-in carousel.
- Other fixes and improvements

This sounds good but...

You need to completely scrap all current XC stock templates and include, even if it is just one stock template, a true HTML5/CSS3 responsive template. There is no excuse anymore to continue with the HTML4/CSS2. All modern browsers support HTML5/CSS3 like at least 80% and whatever is missing they have their own rules, for the stupid IE like 8 and 9 (don't even think 7 anymore) there are js libraries that help. IE10 has been out for a while and it seems to have better WC3 and HTML5/CSS3 compliance.

Why am I saying this? I am working on bringing a site to full HTML5/CSS3 and you cannot imagine how much lighter and cleaner the code is and easier to work with and style... not to mention the css file is probably 80% less than stock XC css file..... not to mention how much js code can be omitted because CSS3 takes care of it... not to mention all the images you can get rid of by simply using CSS3 which saves a lot on bandwidth.... not to mention that all Apple products (probably the most used mobile device) have HTML5/CSS3 built-in as default and do not respond well to HTML4 code... try to watch video or flash from HTML4 site on iPad...

Seriously - scrap everything from the template and js files and go HTML5/CSS3 only.

Even XCN is build on HTML4/CSS2 and has nothing of the new standards....

And seriously - XC still using tables to output data.... the whole products thumb page is tables, search page is tables.... there is no need for that.

Online Michael 05-01-2013 04:26 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Steve, you certainly are one very passionate individual... Your contribution to this forum is incredible. If X-cart were a car, I'd have YOU behind the wheel with a full tank of gas! :D

yowstar 05-03-2013 06:16 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Will there be any improvements for One Page Check out (OPC ) in 4.6.0?

elmirage001 05-03-2013 06:29 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by xim
We also do not really like "only database upgrade". Therefore we have been working on the tools to give upgrade patches between branches. Every release, we improve our processes (on the previous we release new version and upgrade patches at the same time). Hope the new release will also improve developers experience.

Dear Maxim, This has been said very well by others but I just want to emphasize how important it is to be able to easily and smoothly upgrade the database only. Our live store is on 4.4.5 and we're developing 4.5.5 and almost ready to go live but now we have 4.6.0 coming out. We will immediately start work on 4.6.0.

So lets say that by the time we are ready to go live on 4.6.x that you are now on version 4.6.1 and store in operation is still at 4.4.5. The best option for both x-cart and us as users is to build in a database upgrader right into the x-cart admin.

So if 4.6.1 had this database upgrader built in we would do the following

1. Download 4.4.5 --> 4.6.0 Database Upgrade
2. Download 4.6.0 --> 4.6.1 Database Upgrade
3. Upload both 4.6.0 & 4.6.1 Database Upgrades to 4.6.1 folder
4. In Admin select Tools/Upgrade "Copy" of Live Database to Current Version
5. Upgrade Mod would see Current Version files as 4.6.1 and would see both the 4.4.5 --> 4.6.0 and the 4.6.0 --> 4.6.1 upgrade scripts.
6. Upgrade Mod would ask for the 4.4.5 "Copy" database information
7. Upgrade Mod would then upgrade 4.4.5 copy --> 4.6.0 --> 4.6.1
8. Upgrade Mod would give option to change config.php to the new database

Now we can test the dev store using a current database and once testing is complete and we are ready to go live we make a new 4.4.5 copy and go through the above STARTING AT STEP 4. We should not need to do steps 1-3 again.

If we were still developing and 4.6.2 came out and we upgraded the dev store to 4.6.2 then we would just download and add the 4.6.0 --> 4.6.2 database upgrade files and the x-cart Upgrade Mod would ignore the 4.6.0 --> 4.6.1 database upgrade and instead do the 4.6.0 --> 4.6.2

We upgrade our database from the live version to our current test version about 3 times before going live so being able to easily repeat would be wonderful.

Thank you!

cflsystems 05-03-2013 08:26 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
This sounds great but there is one small problem - since QT releases new features, improvements and bug fixes all in one upgrade - 4.6.0 to 4.6.2 will have not only bug fixes but also new stuff - so doing the db only without fixing file may (and probably will) cause some errors since features loading with the database are not present in files....

By the way if you take for example 4.5.0 -> 4.5.4 upgrade pack and empty file.lst file XC upgrade will process db only and no file changes....

elmirage001 05-03-2013 09:15 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Hi Steve,

Step 5 takes care of that. The x-cart Upgrade Mod looks at it's current file version number and would not allow an upgrade past it's current version

5. Upgrade Mod would see Current Version files as 4.6.1 and would see both the 4.4.5 --> 4.6.0 and the 4.6.0 --> 4.6.1 upgrade scripts.
It could tell the user that upgrading the database beyond the current version is not allowed.

Yes, editing the file.lst is what I do now but could not do for 4.5.4 --> 4.5.5 and it sounds like x-cart wants us to do full upgrades for all future versions which would be so much more work and trouble.

sinobest 05-03-2013 10:12 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
x-cart v5.6 should be faster than v2!!!!!!

ADDISON 05-03-2013 11:09 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
If you refer to V2, as the famous rocket built by nazi in WW2, we cannot compare it with XC. Just two different products.

xim 05-06-2013 02:01 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Thank you for your suggestions and thoughts about upgrade process. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make the one-click upgrade in v4 without totally architecture refactoring.

However, we already decided to provide upgrade patches between branches, and all the merchants can upgrade their existing stores, but not start new development on new 4.6.0 version

PS. Meanwhile, our new platform - X-Cart Next has one-click easy upgrades. We have tested it on our hosted customers and stores were upgraded successfully. Here is the video:

PS2. Let's back to the initial topic: new features and changes in new X-Cart v4.x version

carpeperdiem 05-06-2013 05:38 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by xim
Thank you for your suggestions and thoughts about upgrade process. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make the one-click upgrade in v4 without totally architecture refactoring.

I do not think you understood my post.
I am not requesting one-click upgrading.
I am discussing last-minute "bring the production database to new version" as it was in all versions prior to 4.5.5
Please re-read my post. I think I speak here for many.

amsruned 05-15-2013 06:22 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
Any idea when in June this will be released?

Marc Washburn 05-15-2013 07:27 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by amsruned
Any idea when in June this will be released?

I have money on June 17th at 11pm EST!

carpeperdiem 05-15-2013 08:07 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by Marc Washburn
I have money on June 17th at 11pm EST!

I think they'll take it live while a bunch of us are in Chicago at IRCE. I predict June 4, 7am, EDT

carpeperdiem 06-03-2013 07:13 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
I think they'll take it live while a bunch of us are in Chicago at IRCE. I predict June 4, 7am, EDT

I was close... within 22 hrs of my guess!

loopsound 06-03-2013 08:30 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
LOL @ carpeperdiem. Your guess was very close....if only I'd had your crystal ball....I released a 4.5.5 site just yesterday about 24 hours before 4.6.0 was released!

Now looking into whether it feasible to upgrade 3 quite heavily customized sites. Not a particularly happy bunny :?

Liking of the Ajax modifications coming through slowly and surely. However, I been asking/commenting about features like this over 4 years ago though so been a bit of a loooong wait.

I personally would welcome comments on whether people think it is worth rushing to upgrade especially as all my sites are 4.5.4/4.5.5? Not really sure if I am gonna gain much although one of my sites uses Ideal Comfort and I am being swayed slightly to upgrade to get the responsive version

Bit reluctant to get back on my PC after 8 months of redesign/upgrading etc. It seems like X-Cart time upgrades to release just as I finish. :wink:

carpeperdiem 06-03-2013 09:05 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.5.6 upcoming changes (UPDATE: the next version will be 4.6.0, but not 4.5.6)
IMO, responsive does justify a look.
I'm at 4.5.4 (heavily modded) and many things have to fall in place before I'd consider the jump.
i would wait until next week at the earliest -- there will be an assembly of some of the xcart brain trust in Chicago this week (IRCE) and I think we will all learn a thing or three before the week is over. And considering they dropped the release right as many are getting on planes/trains/automobiles, no opportunity for some of the major developers to deal with this... until later in the month. I will look, but I need to hear from my BFF devs before I proceed. remember, there is a new mod architecture that will break all older mods without some edits.

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