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-   -   X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=74358)

PhilJ 08-25-2016 03:22 PM

X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template

X-Cart Ultra is a fast, advanced, fully responsive, SEO friendly template for X-Cart Classic, based on Bootstrap 4.


  • X-Cart v4.7.10 Gold / Gold Plus / Platinum
  • Basic - Intermediate HTML / CSS / Smarty knowledge
  • Good working knowledge of X-Cart
  • PHP v5.6.x and above
  • Some knowledge of Bootstrap is a bonus
No longer available to purchase, try the reBOOT template

iClerisy 08-25-2016 11:09 PM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Can't Wait !

elmirage001 08-26-2016 08:27 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Hi Phil !!

Well... You have me drooling on my keyboard again :lol:

4.7.6 fired up and waiting!


Bluemonk 09-05-2016 08:57 PM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Hi Phil, Do you have a new estimated date Ultra will be ready? I noticed you percent complete went backward. Sorry to rush you... I'm just excited to for the release.

PhilJ 09-07-2016 06:28 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
I've been waiting for the next Alpha of Bootstrap 4, which was just released and is pretty stable IMO, so am hoping to launch next week.

Mr. G 09-15-2016 06:31 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Hi Phil. I definitely am going to switch from my current Light Responsive template to either reBOOT or Ultra on my current store at http://GadgetsGo.com. (Was using your Smart Template on 4.4 since 2011!) But, I don't know which to choose.:-k Can you offer any quick advice? What advantages does Ultra have over reBOOT, and vice-versa? (doesn't need to be a comprehensive answer :wink: ). Thanks.

susilosaja 09-23-2016 01:43 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Hi Phil, I notice in ultra the shop_closed.html has turned into lot of pictures and those latin words "lorem ipsum..". Is this a mistake?

PhilJ 09-23-2016 07:14 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template

Hi Phil, I notice in ultra the shop_closed.html has turned into lot of pictures and those latin words "lorem ipsum..". Is this a mistake?
It's a more SEO friendly alternative to the default shop closed page. It's meant to be edited :)

elmirage001 09-23-2016 08:17 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Hi Phil,

Just purchased it! :D/

Thank you so much!!


susilosaja 09-23-2016 08:02 PM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Phil, I noticed this line in patch_install.sql :

REPLACE INTO xcart_config VALUES ('parse_smarty_tags','Parse Smarty tags in the content of embedded static pages','y','General',620,'checkbox','y','','','');

When the "y" character is lowercase, the checkbox in General Settings is not checked. I changed it to uppercase and it fixed the problem.

PhilJ 09-23-2016 08:07 PM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Thanks for reporting, fixed.

susilosaja 09-25-2016 09:29 PM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Phil, is the ticker text multi language?

susilosaja 09-25-2016 11:06 PM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
I also notice that the texts in account section, like "I'm a new customer", "I'm an existing customer", etc, is still hard-coded. Can you provide the multi-language version of it? I can add the variables myself, but I figure having more custom codes will make it harder to upgrade in the future.

susilosaja 09-26-2016 12:08 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Can you also tell me how to set category's image size? Both on header's menu and category page.

susilosaja 09-26-2016 02:03 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
1 Attachment(s)
Hi phil, when a customer just registered and trying to add a new address in "my account" section, the div is positioned at the bottom, and the bottom part of the div is hidden. Scrolling doesn't help.

I saw this doesn't happen on ultra demo though. I'm using the same browser (chrome) to open both pages.

susilosaja 09-26-2016 03:36 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Phil, I also noticed that company logo is missing from the invoice?

PhilJ 09-26-2016 09:33 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template

Phil, is the ticker text multi language?

You can make it multi-language by using eg. {if $shop_language eq 'EN'}...{elseif $shop_language eq 'FR'}...{/if}
See skin/ultra/custom/widgets/widget_ticker.tpl

There's not many hard coded texts, but I'll tidy those up in the next release and include a language patch. I tried to utilise the default language labels where possible.

Can you also tell me how to set category's image size? Both on header's menu and category page.

See step (5) of the install, which sets the maximum width and heights of the category icons.

See also CSS...

img.subcategory-icon {
    max-height: 125px;
    width: auto;


When a customer just registered and trying to add a new address in "my account" section, the div is positioned at the bottom, and the bottom part of the div is hidden. Scrolling doesn't help.

Popups should be centered and also responsive. It's fine here in chrome, FF etc. using the mousewheel or scroll bar. You can set the popup maximum height by editing skin/ultra/js/popup_open.js

Phil, I also noticed that company logo is missing from the invoice?

I remove the logo on the invoice, as I saw no point in it being there. If you want it back, then just replace skin/reboot/mail/html/order_invoice.tpl with the stock version.

susilosaja 09-27-2016 01:38 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the response phil. I'm currently having problem with the popup address. Reducing max height helps show all part of the div, but it still is not positioned on the centre and does not look good.

Changing into this also doesn't do anything : $('.popup-dialog').css('overflow-y', 'auto');

It's not just the position of the div. The header text "New Address" is not in the header. Any idea?

PhilJ 09-27-2016 01:47 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Can you go live chat?

susilosaja 09-27-2016 01:48 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Regarding the missing company logo on the invoice, I just tried on ultra's demo, and there is no logo as well.

PhilJ 09-27-2016 07:38 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
I removed the logo on the invoice, as I saw no point in it being there. If you want it back, then just replace skin/reboot/mail/html/order_invoice.tpl with the stock version.

susilosaja 09-27-2016 07:48 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
I found out that the bug about the address popup is caused by my custom code. Sorry for the trouble!

susilosaja 09-28-2016 01:32 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Phil, I got a broken image of the checkout avatar. Can you tell me how to fix it?

I also got this js error when the page loaded :

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)


PhilJ 09-28-2016 01:55 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
The store must be open and on a live server for avatars to work...

PhilJ 09-29-2016 09:22 PM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
v1.0.2 Released 4th Oct 2016
  • Now supports PHP 7.0.x
  • Support added for the Product Configurator module
  • Open Graph data added
  • Categories can now be hidden from the category menus
  • FAQ page is now multi-language capable
  • Minor tweaks and improvements

PhilJ 10-11-2016 09:46 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
https://xcartmods.co.uk/ultra/ultra.mp4 :)

Bluemonk 10-15-2016 09:29 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Hi Phil,

My category names in the top nav bar are wrapping onto a second line, even though the name are not long and I am viewing on a large screen. Can you please let me know how to increase the field witch so they won't wrap.

How can we turn off the subheader? I though adding subheader = false to the configure file would work, but it didn't.

The list price is showing (with a line though it) when the retail price is the same on the thumbnail images of category pages. Can you please let us know how to adjust this so retail only shows when list is lower?

Also, can you please let me know how to decrease the height of the top and lower headers and the breadcrumb font and area?

Thank you for your help

PhilJ 10-17-2016 03:55 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template

My category names in the top nav bar are wrapping onto a second line, even though the name are not long and I am viewing on a large screen. Can you please let me know how to increase the field widch so they won't wrap.
Two ways, either decrease the font-size, or decrease the number of header parent categories on display from 8 to 6.

For the latter, edit skin/customer/header/header_categories.tpl

{if $smarty.foreach.count.index eq 7}

{if $smarty.foreach.count.index eq 5}
Then replace...

{if $smarty.foreach.count.index gte 7}

{if $smarty.foreach.count.index gte 5}
Then edit css/altskin.css

nav.tile-nav li { overflow: visible; width: 12.5%; }

nav.tile-nav li { overflow: visible; width: 16.66%; }


nav.tile-nav li { width: 25%; }

nav.tile-nav li { width: 33.33%; }


How can we turn off the subheader? I though adding subheader = false to the configure file would work, but it didn't.
You'd need to comment them out, but don't forget, every page needs a H1 tag.


The list price is showing (with a line though it) when the retail price is the same on the thumbnail images of category pages. Can you please let us know how to adjust this so retail only shows when list is lower?

In skin/ultra/customer/main/products_t.tpl

{if $product.list_price ne 0}<span class="product-price text-danger text-sm"><s>{currency value=$product.list_price}</s></span> {/if}

{if $product.list_price ne 0 && ($product.list_price ne $product.taxed_price)}<span class="product-price text-danger text-sm"><s>{currency value=$product.list_price}</s></span> {/if}


Also, can you please let me know how to decrease the height of the top and lower headers and the breadcrumb font and area?
Modify the paddings in the following CSS rules...

.header-upper {} (css/altskin.css)
header {} (css/altskin.css)
.breadcrumb-container {} (css/bootstrap.overrides.css)

Bluemonk 10-17-2016 05:49 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Thanks Phil.

On the header, I only have 5 categories. What numbers do I need to put in for 5 categories?

Also, I would like to get the speed bar in the upper header. How can I do that?

Thank again.

PhilJ 10-17-2016 07:24 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template

On the header, I only have 5 categories. What numbers do I need to put in for 5 categories?
If you get in touch by live chat or whatever, I'll talk you through it.

Also, I would like to get the speed bar in the upper header. How can I do that?
You could insert a compact dropdown speedbar menu in skin/ultra/custom/header/header_upper_style_x.tpl with code like this...

<div class="btn-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-info dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Links</button>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
{section loop=$speed_bar name=sb step=-1}
{if $speed_bar[sb].active eq 'Y'}
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="{$speed_bar[sb].link|amp}" title="{$speed_bar[sb].title}">{$speed_bar[sb].title}</a></li>

You can see what I mean at the very bottom of this page.

Bluemonk 10-26-2016 05:42 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Hi Phil, Can you please let me know how to adjust the size and color of the slider overlay in Ultra? Thanks

PhilJ 10-26-2016 06:04 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Look in skin/ultra/css/swipers.css

.swiper-caption { ... }

If you don't use it already, I strongly recommend Firebug for tracking down CSS.

cflsystems 10-26-2016 07:44 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
There is an issue with Ultra and the stock Banners module.

When banner is created and only one image is added it can be set to static so there is no rotation. With Ultra however the template takes over and converts all banners into slider. So no matter how you set the banner with one image - it will just loop itself.

Phil you should look into this and not convert banners into slides if not necessary.
Or am I missing some setting?

PhilJ 10-26-2016 08:33 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
@Steve, in skin/ultra/modules/Banner_System/banner_rotator.tpl


{foreach from=$banners item=banner}
{if $banner.content ne ''}
{if $banner.nav eq 'Y'}


{foreach from=$banners item=banner}
{if $banner.content ne '' && $banner.content|@count gt 1}
{if $banner.nav eq 'Y'}

Then in skin/ultra/js/custom/swipers.js underneath BANNER SYSTEM


          autoplay: 3000,


            autoplay: $this.find('.swiper-slide').length > 1 ? 3000 : false,

If need be, do the same for grabCursor and loop...

            grabCursor: $this.find('.swiper-slide').length > 1 ? true : false,
            loop: $this.find('.swiper-slide').length > 1 ? true : false,

cflsystems 10-26-2016 10:46 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Thanks Phil, we managed to code a solution that works for us. I just wanted to post for others to know and for feature versions of the skin to be corrected.

PhilJ 10-27-2016 10:26 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
27th October 2016 - v1.0.3 (X-Cart v4.7.6)
  • New 'header_lower_cats' setting for # of header menu parent categories
  • New 'single_product_redirect' setting to redirect to the product page, if only 1 product in category / search result
  • New 'email_header_logo' and 'admin_header_logo' settings added
  • New 'descriptions_on_thumb_hover' setting to display short description snippet on thumbnail hover - Example
  • New header customer account quick access dropdown menu for when logged in
  • 'Smart Grid' and 'Masonry Grid' widgets added
  • 'Animated elements on scroll' feature added - Examples
  • New 'Easy Custom Contact Forms' addon included
  • New 'Product Additional Data' addon included for product downloads and FAQ - Example
  • Product 'Quick View' improved to display product detailed images gallery
  • Products 'live' sort and 'standard' sort now combined - Example
  • Google maps added to customer address book (not in popup dialog box)
  • Banner system module tweaked to prevent sliding if only 1 banner in the location
  • Various tweaks to the Blog addon, title tags, author names added, footer block fix
  • New glossary addon options, caseSensitive and exactMatch
  • Minor tweaks and improvements
  • Uses Bootstrap v4 Alpha 4

PhilJ 11-02-2016 08:24 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
New 'Product Additional Data' addon included, up to 5 downloads and 10 FAQs per product. Example | Admin | Admin.

SEO is working well.

cflsystems 11-02-2016 09:02 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
When the addons are not installed - in particular "featured category", "testimonials", "wp"... - the log files get filled up with sql errors. The altskin_common.php runs on every page load and queries database for tables which do not exist. This could have been coded in a better way to check for the features or tables and not the way currently is.
Imagine if the site has sql errors email active - admin will get one each time page is loaded....

PhilJ 11-02-2016 10:55 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
I don't get any errors whatsoever. Log files are one of the things I check most closely.

You might have an version of altskin_common.php

You can send me the log files if you like and I'll investigate.

cflsystems 11-02-2016 11:09 AM

Re: X-Cart - Ultra - Responsive Template
Here is an example


[29-Oct-2016 04:41:59] SQL error:
SQL query : SELECT * FROM xcart_categories WHERE avail='Y' AND featured='Y' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 8
Error code : 1054
Description : Unknown column 'featured' in 'where clause'
Request URI: /xcart/home.php?shopkey=cflsystems


[29-Oct-2016 04:41:59] SQL error:
SQL query : select 1 from `altskin_testimonials` WHERE approved = 'Y' LIMIT 1
Error code : 1146
Description : Table 'xc47x.altskin_testimonials' doesn't exist
Request URI: /xcart/home.php?shopkey=cflsystems

[29-Oct-2016 04:41:59] SQL error:
SQL query : select 1 from `wp_posts` WHERE post_status = 'publish' LIMIT 1
Error code : 1146
Description : Table 'xc47x.wp_posts' doesn't exist
Request URI: /xcart/home.php?shopkey=cflsystems

The 2 tables and "featured" field in categories do not exist since the addons are not needed and not installed

Also even if the WP is installed the mod will look for its tables within the same XC database. I would never put the blog tables within XC database - it will have its own database. With WP this is mandatory given the fact it is the most hacked platform.

Unless I am missing some setting in admin

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