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oates 07-08-2014 11:06 AM

Edit Multiple Items
In X-CART 5...where did it go!!!!

Also where are product dimensions? They used to be on the product page and they affect shipping rates.

Two strangely missing things in the new (better?) x-cart 5? Or am I missing something?

cflsystems 07-08-2014 11:10 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
No not missing it. Just not in XC5...

oates 07-08-2014 11:14 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Hmm...do you know the reason why?

I thought new versions would make things better not less functional. The front end changes are great, but I wonder why they stripped away those two things. Especially dimensions, how does that help shipping to be accurate?

People keep pushing me to magento...maybe I need to start looking at it.

cflsystems 07-08-2014 01:29 PM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by oates
I thought new versions would make things better not less functional.

That's the idea yes...

qualiteam 07-09-2014 12:40 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by oates
Edit Multiple Items - In X-CART 5...where did it go!!!!

X-Cart 5 is a new software written from the scratch. Editing multiple items at once is a feature that has not been implemented yet.


Originally Posted by oates
Also where are product dimensions? They used to be on the product page and they affect shipping rates.

Choose "Yes" in the "Ship in a separate box" setting when editing a product and the dimension fields will show up.

totaltec 07-10-2014 06:11 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by oates
People keep pushing me to magento...maybe I need to start looking at it.

This article will give you a good idea on the costs of such a website:

Actually these prices quoted are below industry standards. Go for it! This software is a bloated beast, and the companies that work with it are just preying on the public. You will get much more bang for your buck with XC.

oates 07-10-2014 01:58 PM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by qualiteam
X-Cart 5 is a new software written from the scratch. Editing multiple items at once is a feature that has not been implemented yet.

Choose "Yes" in the "Ship in a separate box" setting when editing a product and the dimension fields will show up.

Hi there,

we generally ship in one envelope or box, so does that mean we don't need to define each product dimensions? just trying to understand that part.

Thanks for responding.

qualiteam 07-10-2014 10:44 PM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by oates
we generally ship in one envelope or box, so does that mean we don't need to define each product dimensions? just trying to understand that part.

Here is how it works when you do not specify product dimensions:
1. In settings you configure the "general" parcel dimensions.
2. When calculating the shipping cost XC5 will put all ordered products into a single parcel having the "general" dimensions. The only exception is when ordered products exceed the max weight allowed for a parcel by the carrier. In this case products will be split into multiple "general" parcels by weight.

And if you specify dimensions for a product, it is assumed that this product is so large that can't fit the "general" parcel along with other products, so it has to be shipped in a dedicated parcel.

GreatLakesVacuum 09-30-2014 01:04 PM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by qualiteam
Here is how it works when you do not specify product dimensions:
1. In settings you configure the "general" parcel dimensions.
2. When calculating the shipping cost XC5 will put all ordered products into a single parcel having the "general" dimensions. The only exception is when ordered products exceed the max weight allowed for a parcel by the carrier. In this case products will be split into multiple "general" parcels by weight.

And if you specify dimensions for a product, it is assumed that this product is so large that can't fit the "general" parcel along with other products, so it has to be shipped in a dedicated parcel.

This is not good enough as UPS charges for dimensional shipping. We need to be able to have it work like it did in X-Cart 4... all items get dimensions (which can be viewable on the product page under specifications which is nice for helping people know they are getting the right product) ... then it needs to calculate if they all fix in a box. Admin should have a list of box sizes we carry. Then it should put them all in the smallest box that they all fit in. If they don't fit it should split to 2 boxes. Just by weight is not good enough.

Please consider adding a module that adds box sizes and works this way.

Ship in seperate box is bad... you turn that on and then your order now ships in 2 boxes regardless of what the sizes of the objects were.

dpeykar 10-10-2014 07:23 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
Any time frame for the ability to edit multiple products simultaneously? This is an extremely important feature.

tony_sologubov 10-14-2014 11:47 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
Hi guys!

@GreatLakesVacuum I agree that integration with UPS that supports dimensional shipping would be great. On the other hand, the way it works in X-Cart 4 is faulty, because the packing algorithm is not trivial task and X-Cart 4 sometimes calculates total dimensions incorrectly (not even close).

That is why it is better to pass package boxes to shipping service side, so that they could calculate it properly. Of course, if they support such routine.

I agree that it should be done, so please report an idea at ideas.x-cart.com and we will come to it in the future.

@dpeykar Bulk-editing of products is something we want to add in the near future, but I cannot give any ETA right now.


cflsystems 10-14-2014 02:03 PM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by tony_sologubov
I agree that integration with UPS that supports dimensional shipping would be great. On the other hand, the way it works in X-Cart 4 is faulty, because the packing algorithm is not trivial task and X-Cart 4 sometimes calculates total dimensions incorrectly (not even close).

Tony - if I remember correctly dimensional shipping was coded in XC way back in 4.2.x I think. Statement like this just tells everyone - yes we know we coded it wrong to begin with and we never bothered to fix it for 5 years and we never will fix it now because after the Xc5 release XC4 is second hand shopping cart...
So if you guys know shipping in XC does not work properly why this was not fixed? Not even an attempt to fix it...

So now this makes me question the coding in XC5 - is it done properly or in 5 years someone from QT will admit it was wrong? hope not...

tony_sologubov 10-15-2014 04:45 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Tony - if I remember correctly dimensional shipping was coded in XC way back in 4.2.x I think. Statement like this just tells everyone - yes we know we coded it wrong to begin with and we never bothered to fix it for 5 years and we never will fix it now because after the Xc5 release XC4 is second hand shopping cart...
So if you guys know shipping in XC does not work properly why this was not fixed? Not even an attempt to fix it...

So now this makes me question the coding in XC5 - is it done properly or in 5 years someone from QT will admit it was wrong? hope not...

I would say that we tried to do the thing that we should not have been trying to do. Packing algorithm is not what we should have done, but we did it and then realized that the task is bigger than we thought.

That is why in X-Cart 5 we are not making the same mistake.

cflsystems 10-15-2014 06:00 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
Maybe this belongs to its own thread but - does XC5 has dimensional shipping and any type of packing products together? How does shipping work with real time rates so to give close enough rates for proper weight and package(s)?

tony_sologubov 10-17-2014 05:31 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Maybe this belongs to its own thread but - does XC5 has dimensional shipping and any type of packing products together? How does shipping work with real time rates so to give close enough rates for proper weight and package(s)?

Here is how it works now. Each product can define the box it will be shipped in. This box info is length, width and height + how many products can be packed into this box.

If a box can contain up to 3 products, but you order 5 products, then X-Cart will assume that you need 2 boxes.

At the checkout stage, X-Cart will calculate how many and what boxes are needed, then pass this info to shipping service.

Of course, you can set up to ship a product one per box and you will get the most accurate rates

cflsystems 10-17-2014 05:51 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
This is for when customer orders only one product. But what if they order 5 different products with different quantities and they all have their own boxes setup... I know this is something hard to achieve virtually - it is not like physically putting items in boxes and trying to fit them - but how it is handled.?

tony_sologubov 10-17-2014 06:20 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
You can set up it one product = one box and X-Cart will pass this info to the shipping service side.

cflsystems 10-17-2014 07:06 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
I don't think this will work. Let's say I have product - pen - and I set it up one item in one box. Box dimensions are 5x5x5. Now I have a customer to order 30 pens - that means 30 boxes. But I can fir them all in one box. The cost of shipping will be significant 30 boxes vs one box

tony_sologubov 10-20-2014 06:05 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
That is why you can set up a box 5x5x5 dimensions for a pen product and specify that it can contain up to 30 pens.

This way, when it comes to shipping calculation, only one box will be passed to shipping system side no matter whether you order 1 pen or 30 pens.

cflsystems 10-20-2014 06:10 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
Thanks Tony

GreatLakesVacuum 11-27-2014 10:41 PM

Re: Edit Multiple Items

Originally Posted by tony_sologubov
That is why you can set up a box 5x5x5 dimensions for a pen product and specify that it can contain up to 30 pens.

This way, when it comes to shipping calculation, only one box will be passed to shipping system side no matter whether you order 1 pen or 30 pens.

And if you do that with markers too...

Then customer orders 1 pen, and 1 marker and gets shipping estimate for 2 boxes!

This new way does NOT work. It has to be smarter than XC4. This is no good at all for people selling products that don't weigh much. I have 2 box sizes and can't tell the system that some of my products need the bigger box because then if they order 1 "big" item and 1 "small" item, they get charged for 2 boxes even though the small item could fit in the big box with the big item.

This is not good enough!

tony_sologubov 11-28-2014 04:11 AM

Re: Edit Multiple Items
Yes, I agree with you GreatLakesVacuum.

As I have said earlier (http://forum.x-cart.com/showpost.php?p=378443&postcount=11), we do want to add a support of routine that shipping calculator will calculate the final size of the package itself (of course, if shipping calculator supports it). But we are not going to add X-Cart 4 routine, because its packing algorithm is wrong and it cannot be easily solved. Moreover, it is shipping calculator's job to calculate best package size.

That is why our position is:
1) Give easy algorithm of packing goods. The current version can be improved, but not dramatically. We can add a support of product classes, so pen/marker problem will be solved.
2) Give a way to use a complex algorithm of packing goods provided by shipping calculator.

If you want to see either option faster, please register such idea and upvote it in our ideas tracker (ideas.x-cart.com).


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