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-   -   XC SEO v1.1.0 Released (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=25297)

intel352 09-27-2006 08:16 AM

[MODULE] XC SEO v1.2.0 Released

The XC SEO team is proud to announce the release of XC SEO version 1.2.0.
XC SEO is completely free, and licensed under the GNU GPL 2 license.
All code is versioned and available from our repository at:

A zip of the release is available at the url provided above.
This release is for X-Cart 4.1.7

A couple of sites using XC SEO:==============================

intel352 09-27-2006 08:23 AM

Re: [MODULE] XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
The documentation for 4.0x refers to /cache/modules.php, could someone please verify that the reference is correct?

This release was developed solely on 4.1.x, so verification that the 4.0.x instructions are correct would be greatly appreciated :-)

Additionally, hopefully you'll all notice that under the Administration -> Modules section, you'll now be able to Enable/Disable XC SEO, and additionally configure options for the module (currently only 1 option is presented, but there will be more added going forward).


EDIT: something that was forgotten in the documentation, if you're upgrading, you can delete the following files (after you install the NEW release)

Jerrad 09-27-2006 08:46 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
First of all, thanks for this new version of this great mod!

While applying the sql commands, I received this message:

INSERT INTO xcart_config VALUES ('xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','','XC_SEO',10,'text','','')

intel352 09-27-2006 08:48 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Ah, shame, looks like table structure must be different for 4.0.x, I'll check into it, and update with the needed SQL queries for ya.

Jerrad 09-27-2006 09:02 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I've got it installed and it works great!
Also in the admin zone I can access the xc seo module and
turn it on and off - really great!

No idea what is missing because of the (partially) failed sql patch?

Jerrad 09-27-2006 09:33 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
The new sql patch for 4.X.X works great.

intel352 09-27-2006 10:07 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Please use the following SQL for installing on 4.0x:


INSERT INTO xcart_modules (module_name, module_descr, active) VALUES ('XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Y');
INSERT INTO xcart_config (name,comment,value,category,orderby,type,defvalue) VALUES ('xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','','XC_SEO',10,'text','');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_descr_XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Modules');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_name_XC_SEO','XC SEO','Modules');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','option_title_XC_SEO','XC SEO options','Options');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','opt_xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','Options');

Scott DeToffol 09-27-2006 10:13 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
What's the new SQL patch for 4.x.x?

**never mind :)

Scott DeToffol 09-27-2006 10:20 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
The instructions say:


/cache/modules.php (the file will automatically regenerate)

Modules.php is in /admin for 4.x.x, there is no /cache folder. Do I delete that one?

intel352 09-27-2006 10:22 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
No, do NOT delete that one :-)

I don't have a 4.0x test environment available, so I'm not sure if/where 4.0x caches module information. Look in the root of your installation, check templates_c, or if you have a /var directory, check inside there.

Or, to keep things simpler, once you've installed the SEO module, go into the Administration -> Modules menu, Disable XC SEO, and then Enable XC SEO.

If there's any type of module cache, that step should reset the cache.

Scott DeToffol 09-27-2006 10:25 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Thanks for this great mod.

By the way, the Administration -> Modules menu section lists the XC SEO module twice.

intel352 09-27-2006 10:28 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Curious. Did you happen to submit the SQL patches more than once?

You can execute the following SQL to uninstall/reinstall the SQL, to make sure everything is inserted properly and get rid of duplicates:

DELETE FROM xcart_modules WHERE module_name='XC_SEO';
DELETE FROM xcart_config WHERE name='xcseo_keyword_injection';
DELETE FROM xcart_languages WHERE name IN ('module_descr_XC_SEO','module_name_XC_SEO','option_title_XC_SEO','opt_xcseo_keyword_injection');
INSERT INTO xcart_modules (module_name, module_descr, active) VALUES ('XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Y');
INSERT INTO xcart_config (name,comment,value,category,orderby,type,defvalue) VALUES ('xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','','XC_SEO',10,'text','');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_descr_XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Modules');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_name_XC_SEO','XC SEO','Modules');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','option_title_XC_SEO','XC SEO options','Options');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','opt_xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','Options');

teddychan 09-27-2006 10:30 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
for the 1.0.6 - 1.1.0 upgrade doc.

i think we can add:

Remove file:

acutally, i have paid my my domain to use DSEFU

but i have switch my site to this SEO already, why?

becuase l love it is open source and DSEFU has bugs in 1.0.6 and still not fixed yet.

Scott DeToffol 09-27-2006 10:31 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released

Originally Posted by intel352
Curious. Did you happen to submit the SQL patches more than once?

Yes, the first time with the original patches in the install file where I received an error. The second time with the 4.x.x version you posted in this thread.

And your posted fix did the trick.

intel352 09-27-2006 11:17 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
@teddychan: good to know that you had a commercial seo mod and switched, I'm happy to have the support :-)

additionally, the delete information will be included in 1.1.2 (it won't hurt users for those files to be there for right now, and I forgot to add those lines a 2nd time, hehe)

@scott: glad the fix worked ;-)


Just released 1.1.1 with a fix to seo.php (bug was preventing seo.php from redirecting the old urls, bug existed as of 1.1.0). Sorry for releasing so often, but I'd rather people not have issues with the mod ;-)




XC SEO 1.1.1 (rev 32 - September 27, 2006)

* Fixed a bug within seo.php, occurring due to the new module structure
* Updated documentation with more accurate SQL queries.

teddychan 09-27-2006 01:13 PM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
when viewing product ID 3, using english.
and switch the language to Chinese (any other lanauge is okay)

suppose it is stay in the same page, however, now it will be redirect to the main page.

i hope this function can be added soon.

2ndly, to help other to switch from paid SEO to this one.

i think it can add this in .htaccess:

RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-([0-9]*)-c-([0-9]*)-sort-(.*)-sdir-([0-9]*).html$ home.php?cat=$3&page=$2&sort=$4&sort_direction=$5 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-([0-9]*)-c-([0-9]*).html$ home.php?cat=$3&page=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-([0-9]*).html$ home.php?cat=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-mid-([0-9]*)-p-([0-9]*)-sort-(.*)-sdir-([0-9]*).html$ manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=$2&page=$3&sort=$4&sort_direction=$5 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-mid-([0-9]*)-p-([0-9]*).html$ manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=$2&page=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-mid-([0-9]*).html$ manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-([0-9]*).html$ product.php?productid=$2&$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-sp-([0-9]*).html$ pages.php?pageid=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-([0-9]*).html&xid=(.*)$ product.php?productid=$2&xid=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-([0-9]*).html&xid=(.*)$ home.php?cat=$2&xid=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-mid-([0-9]*).html&xid=(.*)$ manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=$2&xid=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-sp-([0-9]*).html&xid=(.*)$ pages.php?pageid=$2&xid=$3

after the line:
##### / XC SEO Lite

3rdly, it can also add the rewrite rule:


RewriteRule sitemap.html sitemap.php
RewriteRule contactus.html contactus.php
RewriteRule home.html home.php

at the end of the .htacess file.

so that x-cart will look more likly to have static page~

intel352 09-27-2006 01:23 PM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
@teddy: so you're having trouble viewing a product page after changing your viewing language? hmmm
could you provide me with an example url so that I can test?


regarding the DSEFU mod, it would be best to change the [L] to [R=301] for any rules that overlap with XC SEO's rewrite rules. that way, search engines will be redirected to the .php url, and then be redirected again by seo.php, to the new html structure (to avoid duplicate content). I'll have to look at the Safetynet rules tomorrow to provide you with rule changes that should work.


regarding home.php and other pages not currently supported, I'll see what I can do :-)

longhorn180 09-27-2006 01:30 PM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I just installed this mod on 4.1.3 and it works great. Thanks so much for taking the time to not only make the mod, but also provide it for free. Very generous donation of your time and skills.

intel352 09-27-2006 01:50 PM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Glad you like it :-D



Okay, everyone, I apologize, but I found another bug. Again, due to the change to the module structure, I missed another Conditional statement :-( (in the documentation)

In your froogle.php file, search for the line:

                        # Post string

The line that immediate follows was not updated in the Install documentation. Replace the line after "Post String" so that the section looks like the following:


                        # Post string
                        if (!empty($active_modules["XC_SEO"])){

Originally the code read "if ($seo_enable) {", which is an obsolete variable as of 1.1.0. Additionally, the documentation for 4.1.3 read:
"if (!empty($active_modules["XC_SEO_Lite"])){"

Which again, is incorrect, because the module name is XC_SEO as of 1.1.0

I apologize for the confusion. These changes will be reflected in the documentation for version 1.1.2, to be released tomorrow.

JeremyL 09-27-2006 07:00 PM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I won't get a chance to work on it tonight I think. I first need to first get to know the module code. But here is a list of ToDo's on the code for me. What do ya think Intel?

-force all lower case urls
-make home.php 301 to base dir (prevent dupe content with / & /home.php)
-filter urls to point to base dir for home page not home.php (prevent dupe content with / & /home.php)
-Send bots to 401 when it's a printable or sorted page (I'm afraid the 301 will send the bot into a loop which would be bad)
-Add no index,nofollow tag if it's a printable or sorted page (in case bot detection fails)
-Add nofollow links to printable and sorted urls (in case bot detection fails)
-Make option to not rewrite sorting and printable urls (no need with other features)

mrkenzie 09-28-2006 02:47 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I already have the DSEFU mod, is there any benefit of switching to this mod?


intel352 09-28-2006 04:45 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Those ToDos all sound good. One additional thing:

-Verify that url being visited is a legit url, otherwise redirect to the legit url (to prevent duplicate content if someone changed a product title)
-Make lower-case urls optional in admin

Regarding sending bots to 401 for printable, I've tested the redirection by flagging myself as a bot, it works fine in my tests, no loop. Unless you're talking about more of a situation such as "the bot got redirected to the origin page, and tried to visit the print page again" type of thing, but that won't happen either, because if the bot is detected, the Print/Sort links are written differently for bots (if you're a bot, you will NOT see a Print/Sort url in the page content, the print/sort flags are removed, so the only time you would be redirected is if you followed some external link)

Good thought about the nofollow, noindex. That should be simple to implement, similar to the TITLE tag insertion

ecommerce 09-28-2006 06:35 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Intel - Thanks for this!!!

If using 4.0.18, do we need to apply the following patch?


INSERT INTO xcart_modules (module_name, module_descr, active) VALUES ('XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Y');INSERT INTO xcart_config (name,comment,value,category,orderby,type,defvalue) VALUES ('xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','','XC_SEO',10,'text','');INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_descr_XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Modules');INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_name_XC_SEO','XC SEO','Modules');INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','option_title_XC_SEO','XC SEO options','Options');INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','opt_xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','Options');

If so,
1. Where do we do this?
2. Do we do it before installation or after installation?

intel352 09-28-2006 06:45 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
@ecommerce: my pleasure ;-)

Regarding the SQL patch, the SQL that you just referenced SHOULD be in the install documentation. Yes, that SQL needs to be executed (once) to ensure that XC SEO is installed into your X-Cart database. Be sure to follow the steps in the install docs, and refer back to this thread for the current Froogle fix. (on page 2 I believe)

@mrkenzie: I apologize, I missed your post. Another user has already switched from DSEFU to this mod, but I would not recommend switching just yet, otherwise users & search engines may experience issues accessing your products/categories (or they may even encounter duplicate content).

in the near future, I'll implement support for users migrating from the other SEO modifications, I'd suggest that you wait until then, so that you don't lose any PR for your site

ecommerce 09-28-2006 06:47 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Will this mod in any way slow down the website?

If I donwload the addon today, do I still need to apply the patch for

intel352 09-28-2006 09:53 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
As of the current release, 1.1.1, the install instructions are accurate, with the exception of the Froogle modification (which means you can ignore posts about the SQL patches being wrong). Please refer to page 2 of this thread for those details.

The installation instructions will tell you to apply 4 or 5 SQL commands, just follow the instructions and you should be fine.

Regarding the speed of websites, please check the first post to see sites that are running this modification. In my experience, any speed decrease is negligible.

josebueso 09-28-2006 06:03 PM

Re: [MODULE] XC SEO v1.1.1 Released

Originally Posted by intel352
The XC SEO team is proud to announce the release of XC SEO version 1.1.1.
XC SEO is completely free, and licensed under the GNU GPL 2 license.
All code is versioned and available from our repository at:

A zip of the release is available at the bottom of this post.
This release is for X-Cart 4.0.x and 4.1.x

As of this release, XC SEO now functions as an X-Cart module. Future development will continue down this path, and an Installer is currently in development.

Sites using XC SEO:==============================

Previous thread for XC SEO Lite release (XC SEO Lite has now been renamed to XC SEO)

When using the provided .htaccess file, please be aware of the RewriteBase directive, and change as needed.
Additionally, the catalog/ directory has a .htaccess file for redirecting catalog-generated urls, edit this as well if needed

A .htaccess file is included, it is recommended that you open the .htaccess file and COPY the contents into your existing .htaccess file.
Additionally, a default robots.txt has been included. The robots.txt file should be used with discretion and modified as needed for your own website.

Any incoming product/manufacturer/category/pages links are properly 301 redirected to their html alias, so any existing pagerank should be transferred properly.

================================================== =======

XC SEO functions similarly to DSEFU, in that it requires 0 template edits, and writes all Product/Manufacturer/Category/Static Page urls to .html page aliases: sitename.com/categoryname.html

In the near future, I intend to release a version that will function similar to the original XC SEO release (and similar to CDSEO), with the ability to rewrite urls using categories as folders: sitename.com/category1/category2/productname.html



I tried to download this file but I get a error message: The compressed file is invalid or currupted.

Can you tell what I am doing wrong?


ShishaPipeUK 09-28-2006 08:33 PM

Re: [MODULE] XC SEO v1.1.1 Released
Intel352 i have tried this on a unix server http://www.system-maintenance.com/maint/home.php and is OK, then i tried it on a NT server on another one of my sites at http://www.shisha.co.uk/shopcart/home.php and i am getting a 404 error when clicking on any product item or cat. I have turned this off in the module section at the moment as i dont want to loose any sales.

When turned on you can see the full path ending in html but once clicked goes to the 404 error (Page can not be displayed)

Has anyone else had this problem on a NT server ?

X-Cart 4.0.19
PHP 4.3.6
MySQL server 4.0.18-nt
MySQL client 3.23.49
Web server Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Operation system Windows
Perl 5.006001
XML parser (expat) 1.95.6

JeremyL 09-28-2006 08:50 PM

Re: [MODULE] XC SEO v1.1.1 Released

Originally Posted by ShishaPipeUK
Intel352 i have tried this on a unix server http://www.system-maintenance.com/maint/home.php and is OK, then i tried it on a NT server on another one of my sites at http://www.shisha.co.uk/shopcart/home.php and i am getting a 404 error when clicking on any product item or cat. I have turned this off in the module section at the moment as i dont want to loose any sales.

When turned on you can see the full path ending in html but once clicked goes to the 404 error (Page can not be displayed)

Has anyone else had this problem on a NT server ?

X-Cart 4.0.19
PHP 4.3.6
MySQL server 4.0.18-nt
MySQL client 3.23.49
Web server Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Operation system Windows
Perl 5.006001
XML parser (expat) 1.95.6

The mod requires mod_rewrite which is an apache module. If you are using IIS it won't work.

tron 09-29-2006 03:26 AM

Re: [MODULE] XC SEO v1.1.1 Released
After installing this mod my catalog generator makes all my html files in 0 bytes.

Also my Embedded static pages and root static pages does not generate html or cant find them.
Get "You are not authorized to view this page".

On all my products I get this :

The requested resource
is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. Please remove all references to this resource.

intel352 09-29-2006 04:48 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
@jose - try downloading again, try using a different browser. the download works fine for other users, so I recommend just keep trying.

@shisha - you have to have a REWRITE mod installed for IIS. This post links to a few solutions:

@tron - there's no point in having a catalog if you use this mod. the intention of this mod is to provide html urls dynamically. Additionally, regarding your product.php issue, that suggests that in your htaccess file you have blocked access to product.php

mrkenzie 09-29-2006 04:48 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
For windows servers, you might want to try to install the following so you can use this mod:

ISAPI Rewrite: http://www.isapirewrite.com/


IISMODS: http://www.iismods.com/url-rewrite/index.htm

Either of them have the same functionality as mod_rewrite, but I don't know if the code would need to be changed. They need to be installed on the server.

intel352 09-29-2006 05:52 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I don't think the code should need to be changed, but again, I don't have a windows server to test on. Either way, if someone installs rewrite on IIS and has issues with the rules, I'll work with you to help you get it sorted out.

intel352 09-29-2006 06:30 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
On Sound Choice Store, I've implemented a simple Search url rewrite, along with a small mod to display Recent Searches. would anyone be interested in this functionality? If not, I'll leave the search url rewrite *out* of the mod

For Recent Searches, look at the left side column.

JeremyL 09-29-2006 07:48 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released

Originally Posted by intel352
On Sound Choice Store, I've implemented a simple Search url rewrite, along with a small mod to display Recent Searches. would anyone be interested in this functionality? If not, I'll leave the search url rewrite *out* of the mod

For Recent Searches, look at the left side column.

As long as it's an option, i see no reason not to add it as long as the code is already written. It will help keep your code and the project code the same so it's easier to keep updating too.

intel352 09-29-2006 08:01 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
It's not an option yet, but will be ;-)

dgreen 10-03-2006 07:15 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Does this work for Hebrew characters (in the url rewrite)? I have been using dsefu and I had to use the sku number in my hebrew products and category names because it wasn't working properly.

intel352 10-03-2006 07:18 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
ha, that's a good question. currently the mod replaces accented characters with their non-accented equivalent, and that's the extent of any "language" support.

if you can give me examples to work with, I could try to work up a solution for you.

Scott DeToffol 10-04-2006 11:37 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I'm getting some errors at Google Base with the Froogle export. Google Base dosesn't like apostrophes or trademark characters (R) TM (C). This only showed up after installing this mod.

teddychan 10-04-2006 11:51 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I also have the problem on the froogle export.
i did notice and modify the bugs in page 2 ( if ($seo_enable){ )

however, after changed the code. all the froogle export will included the html code (suppose it should be strip out)

2ndly, it is working fine when using NONE module versoin of XC SEO.

is there any bug fix for that?

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