X-Cart: shopping cart software

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seyfin 01-10-2011 05:57 AM

X-Cart v4.4.2 released
We are glad to announce that the new X-Cart v4.4.2 is now available for downloading in the "File area" section in your HelpDesk account at https://secure.qtmsoft.com.

NOTE: The distribution packages will be also available for downloading at http://www.x-cart.com/download.html in 1 business day.

v4.4.2 is a minor bug-fix release which also features improved stability, security and performance. For the detailed changes description see the CHANGELOG file included into the distribution package.

Find the installation guide at http://help.qtmsoft.com/index.php?title=X-Cart:Installation

NOTE: The upgrade pack from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 will be available in a week approximately. You will be updated in this forum thread.


The upgrade pack for X-Cart from v4.4.1 to v4.4.2 has been released and available for downloading in the "My licenses" section in your personal Helpdesk

http://help.qtmsoft.com/index.php?title=Using_your_Qualiteam_Account#My_li censes

seyfin 01-10-2011 05:59 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
Changelog part 1


------------------ X-CART v4.4.2 RELEASED


[!] 01 Oct 2010, aim – Bug ( 0099607, 0099718 ): E-mail tooltip blocks some elements of the form on the One-Page Checkout page. Fixed.
[!] 15 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099842): Selecting 'Disable online payment methods for orders containing egoods' on the One-Page Checkout page creates an infinite loop. Fixed.
[!] 19 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099835): Fast Lane checkout not allowed for cart with zero in total_cost. Fixed.
[!] 03 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100626): The 'Place Order' button appears disabled in some cases in the One-Page Checkout module. Fixed.
[!] 03 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0099674): The One-Page Checkout module occasionally doesn't allow selecting a payment method. Fixed.
[*] 05 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0100187): Added international charset support to the One-Page Checkout module. (AJAX functionality).
[!] 05 Jan 2011, aim – Bug (0099512): Problems with the 'Modify address' link in the Fast_Lane_Checkout module. Fixed.


[!] 30 Sep 2010, aim – Bug (0099212): A problem with PNG images (log, rating stars) in alternative skins for IE6. Fixed.
[!] 04 Oct 2010, ferz – Bug ( 0099348 ): Header missing for the related products section on the product details page ("display as tabs" option disabled). Fixed.
[!] 19 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099682): Multiple problems with auxiliary CSS (modules, skins) in the Speed-Up CSS and Normal CSS modes. Fixed.
[!] 22 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099803): 'Error: there is no attribute "alt"' w3c error. Fixed.
[!] 26 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0098064): Product rows appear highlighted in the multicolumn mode in the vivid violet scheme. Fixed.
[*] 15 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0096902): Site title and breadcrumb navigation bar are now formed independently of one another.
[*] 15 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0099847): HTML entities are now allowed in product names.
[!] 18 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug ( ): Image Verification: Fixed the position of the Submit button.
[!] 22 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0101505): Attempting to rate a product pops an error message. Fixed.
[!] 24 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0101633): Missing image in the Special Offer demo data. Fixed.
[!] 07 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug ( 0100738 ): The 'Ask a Question' pop-up form on the product detail page appears cropped in IE7. Fixed.
[!] 09 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0100116): HTML tags not allowed for some content entities. Fixed.
[!] 17 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0100809): W3C errors on the category pages. Fixed.
[!] 20 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug (0099015): Chrome browser crops long lines of text in "Terms and Conditions". Fixed.


[*] 01 Jul 2010, igoryan – Improvement (0100840): Minor improvements in user interface.
[*] 27 Oct 2010, ferz – Improvement (0100349): Message/warning on-screen time now can be edited in the Appearance settings.


[!] 26 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099885): Missing language variables. Fixed.
[*] 15 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0101195): Slight optimization in the func_get_langvar_by_name function.
[!] 08 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug (0100413): Grammar error. Fixed.
[!] 21 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug (0102546): Typo error on the 3D Secure Transaction settings page. Fixed.
[*] 06 Jan 2011, aim – Improvement (0103211): Adjusted txt_login_email_not_match label.


[!] 17 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug ( 0102328 ): ZIP code in the shipping address is always the same as ZIP code in the billing address on the order info page in the Admin area. Fixed.


[!] 11 Oct 2010, aim – Bug ( 0099128 ): Destination location does not show in the cart when 'Presume that a not logged in customer is from the default country' is enabled. Fixed.
[!] 03 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug (0100562): FedEx real-time shipping rate calculator ignores some configuration settings. Fixed.
[!] 05 Jan 2011, aim – Bug (0102496, 0038896): Issues related to USPS shipping methods. Fixed. USPS shipping methods updated.


[!] 09 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug (0100837): Deleted tax data remained in some database tables. Fixed.


[!] 01 Oct 2010, ferz – Bug (0078329): On login failure sends the administrator's login failure message instead of of the customer's one. Fixed.
[!] 04 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099071): Multiple functionality problems related to the 'Password recovery' and 'Add admininstaror profile' features and the 'Use password strength check' setting. Fixed.
[!] 08 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099479): The delete user procedure fails to delete some user-related entities. Fixed.
[!] 12 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099712): "Default customer options" do not show up by default in the user registration/user profile forms. Fixed.
[!] 12 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099599): Zip4 codes like 0039 not saved correctly with the 'Enable ZIP+4 support for US customers' setting enabled. Fixed.
[!] 21 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0100120): Empty address fields on the Fast Lane checkout page and some other pages. Fixed.
[!] 25 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099401): Occasionally fails to save the state and county fields. Fixed.
[!] 08 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100001): Fails to use the user information, typed on the cart checkout page, on the payments/store pages. Fixed.
[!] 29 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug (0101802): Deleting user with the Special Offers module turned off raises issues. Fixed.
[!] 16 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug (0100567): The Provider field on the order details page shows user id instead of login/email. Fixed.
[!] 28 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug (0102984): Title fails to appear properly in the Admin area -> Profile details section. Fixed.


[!] 02 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100452): 'MD5 transaction signature is incorrect' error in AuthorizeNet - AIM payment module. Fixed.
[!] 10 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100799): 3D secure engine occasionally fails to decline fake orders. Fixed.
[*] 10 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0099201): Added the 3D Secure feature for the 'RBS WorldPay - Global Gateway' payment gateway.
[!] 18 Oct 2010, aim - Bug (0098771): Problem with the Website Payments Pro methods on the One-Page Checkout page. Fixed.
[!] 11 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug (0099843): Quantum Gateway: Wrong redirect with the register_globals PHP variable turned off. Fixed.
[!] 11 Nov 2010, aim – Bug(0100661): Some payments failed to work because of empty phone/fax user fields. Fixed.
[*] 18 Nov 2010, ferz – Improvement ( 0087218 ): HSBC: An additional note added to the HSBC configuration page.
[!] 30 Nov 2010, aim – Bug ( 0101498 ): "ChronoPay" payment module. Uses obsolete HTTP_POST_VARS variable. Fixed.
[!] 01 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0099723): Query library not included in the payment template for iframe-based payments. Fixed.
[*] 17 Dec 2010, ferz – Improvement (0102120): Changed Authorize.net URL.
[*] 27 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0099384): Line items feature added for PayPal express checkout.


[!] 01 Oct 2010, ferz — Bug ( 0068004): Generates wrong product page URL when the search string is found in the product description but not found in the product name. Fixed.
[!] 20 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0100490): Fails to refresh product count for category when adding a new product. Fixed.


[!] 17 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0099595): Fails to properly sort categories after adding a new category. Fixed.


[!] 20 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099804): Importing products returns wrong category count. Fixed.
[!] 11 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100810): Importing products generates wrong image path. Fixed.
[!] 11 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100602): Fails to generate product thumbnails upon completion of importing. Fixed.


[!] 05 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099440): Obsolete code in the XPayments_Connector module. Fixed.
[!] 11 Oct 2010, aim - Bug (0099621): Typo error in the Product_Options module. Fixed.
[!] 20 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099757): 'Warning: include(/include/check_useraccount.php)' appears on the One-Page Checkout page. Fixed.
[*] 25 Nov 2010, ferz – Improvement (0099732): Updated MailChimp: MCAPI.class.php to version 1.2.6.
[!] 28 Oct 2010, ferz – Bug (0100054): WYSIWYG editor causes problems with the short product description. Fixed.
[!] 10 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug ( 0100218 ): News Management: Fails to switch the news list status to 'Sent'. Fixed.
[*] 29 Nov 2010, ferz – Improvement (0099090): XML sitemap: Added an additional note to the XML Sitemap options page.
[!] 30 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug (0101660): Discount Coupons: Stores wrong information on the use of coupons, allowing in some to use limited coupons more times than it is specified by the Admin. Fixed.
[!] 30 Nov 2010, ferz – Bug ( 0092348 ): Discount Coupons: Option "Discount is applied once per order" fails on products with variants when the cart contains multiple variants of the product. Fixed.
[!] 08 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug (0102156): Product Wholesale module occasionally causes JS error when the "Show quantity selector as input textbox" option is used. Fixed.
[!] 08 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug ( 0100518 ): The gift certificate field does not appear on the checkout page in the Vivid Dreams schemes when Fast Lane Checkout is used. Fixed.
[!] 15 Dec 2010, ferz – Bug (0102375): Gift Certificates: The "Allowed values" format does not reflect the "Primary currency display format" setting. Fixed.
[!] 16 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0100007): Extra Fields: Fails to clear extra field value on the modify product page. Fixed.
[!] 23 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0102835): SQL errors related to the Wishlist and Gift_Registry modules. Fixed.
[!] 23 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0096499): Free product bonus fails to work properly in the Special Offers module. Fixed.
[!] 28 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0102966): SQL errors related to the Special offer module. Fixed.
[!] 29 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0100872): PHP fatal error occurs when applying a coupon. Fixed.

seyfin 01-10-2011 06:00 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
Changelog part 2


[*] 12 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0090129): Optimized language cache generation.
[!] 15 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0101133): Inefficient use of languages cache. Fixed.
[!] 16 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0101276): func_get_categories_list stalls on large category count. Fixed.
[*] 16 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement ( 0101208 ): func_get_categories_tree call is now cached.
[*] 18 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0098443): Added Flyout_Menus cache autogeneration.
[!] 19 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0087411): Optimized displaying Smarty templates. Added an option to skip deleting empty strings in templates. Fixed.
[*] 22 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0099710): Speeded up CSS/JavaScript tools.
[*] 24 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0100709): Special offer optimization: func_get_offers_categoryid is now cached.
[*] 24 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0095413): Optimized Smarty. (Affects only for MySQL version 5.0.17 and single-language stores).
[*] 25 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0100744): Optimized performance of the recommends module with the 'Select recommended products randomly' mode disabled.
[*] 26 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0101551): Slightly optimized static page select query.
[*] 26 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0100715): Slightly optimized special offer module query.
[*] 26 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0101534): Slightly optimized session expiry logic.
[!] 29 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0101793): Optimized the X-Cart init procedure. Configuration test is now cached. Fixed.
[!] 29 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100740): Statistics module shows poor performance. Fixed. Smarty display templates optimized.
[*] 30 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0070427): Estimate directory size link is added for Summary and Maintenance admin pages.
[*] 01 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0101504): Fancy cache is now turned on by default.
[*] 01 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0101945): Added a new 'Generate X-Cart cache every N hour(s)' setting. TTL for X-Cart cache is changed to 12 hours.
[*] 03 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0102036): Smarty optimization: alter_currency not available for empty alternative currency symbol.
[*] 06 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0080385): Added the 'Enable this to check only main category condition for products selection and product search' option.
[*] 09 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0102071): Added settings: "Do not check product's category availability and product's category membership on all the product related pages" and "Use simple sort by productid on all the product related pages".
[*] 09 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0092173): Slightly optimized init.php. variables are now cached for 10 minutes.
[*] 09 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0102161): Slightly optimized orders functionality.
[*] 09 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0102154): Fixed the problem with func_data_cache_get. Added PEAR lib. Added PEAR::Cache_Lite package.
[*] 13 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0102320): Smarty templates now recompile when the 'Use cache for language variables' option changes.
[*] 15 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0087566): Added a new 'Do not check if templates are changed (Smarty compile_check)' option.
[*] 16 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0100793): Removed BINARY from sql selects. Optimized importing.
[*] 22 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0102824): Slight optimization. (pi Index for xcart_quick_flags table is changed to UNIQUE)
[*] 23 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0102839): Slightly optimized product search. Changed indexes for the xcart_categories, xcart_variants and xcart_feature_classes SQL tables.
[*] 29 Dec 2010, aim – Improvement (0101765): Disabled saving sessions for Internet bots.


[!] 30 Sep 2010, aim – Bug (0099235): Fails to properly disable the 'Send Invitations' functionality with admin_safe_mode enabled. Fixed.
[*] 01 Oct 2010, ferz – Improvement (0099681): mysql_num_rows() occasionally pops a warning message. Fixed.
[*] 12 Oct 2010, aim – Improvement (0099586): Refactored code for the func_test_htaccess function.
[!] 13 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099735): The shopkey in "The storefront is closed" link does not work. Fixed.
[!] 13 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099750): Typo error in the One-Page Checkout address info template. Fixed.
[!] 14 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0099514): Wrong substitution symbol used in the clean urls and HTML catalog links. Fixed.
[!] 29 Oct 2010, aim – Bug (0100401): Problem related to the func_esd_in_cart function. Fixed.
[!] 01 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100433): Clean URLs and 'CSS and JavaScript optimization tools' fail to work on shared SLL hostings. Fixed.
[!] 18 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0101335): 'Cannot redeclare func_generate_codes()' error occurs in PHP version 4.4.9. Fixed.
[!] 18 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0101412): The "Terms & Conditions" and "Privacy statement" links do not work on the One-Page Checkout page. Fixed.
[*] 24 Nov 2010, aim – Improvement (0101536): Contact us image(contact_us.jpg) changed for fashion_mosaic schemes.
[*] 25 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0090151): test_expat() causes server crash on some configurations. Fixed.
[!] 30 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0099604): Problem with gzip content. Fixed.
[*] 08 Dec 2010, ferz – Improvement (0102125): Tabs in the account details section fail to show up on some servers. Fixed.
[!] 17 Dec 2010, aim – Bug ( 0102558 ): Multiple issues related to a new PHP version. Fixed.
[!] 20 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0102706): SQL errors occur during cart recalculation related to the Special Offers free products feature. Fixed.
[!] 20 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0102717): SQL errors occur when customer clicks the 'Add products for special price' button in the cart. Fixed.
[!] 20 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0101217): jQuery colorbox fails to work properly with the new jQuery version in the Detailed Product Image popup window. Fixed. jQuery colorbox updated to version 1.3.15.
[!] 21 Dec 2010, aim – Bug (0102747, 0102739, 0102689): Multiple SQL errors found by the internal audit. Fixed.
[!] 23 Dec 2010, aim – Bug ( 0102798 ): Typo errors in some files. Fixed.
[!] 05 Jan 2011, aim – Bug (0102605): Privilege issues related fulfillment accounts. Fixed.
[!] 06 Jan 2011, aim – Bug ( 0103168 ): Cache_Lite: 'Unable to remove cache' error occurs sometimes. Fixed.
[*] 06 Jan 2011, aim – Improvement (0102504): Added auto-generation of the installation auth code.

PhilJ 01-10-2011 08:03 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
Installed, but none of the skins work!

During the install, the skin previewer doesn't work either (I used IE8 with x-cart gold)

Serious bug somewhere... it appears to not be loading the CSS files.

cflsystems 01-10-2011 08:16 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
Good, 4.4.2 is already here. Not a "minor" bug fix btw. I don't see anything about address book in the fixes so I guess you guys decided the address book is ok even though there are numerous complains and posts in the bug tracker to fix the way address book is designed and works. Why you don't listen to us?

PhilJ 01-10-2011 09:47 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
Looks like distribution files have been updated now... time to try again.

PhilJ 01-10-2011 10:56 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
Anyone else attempted an install yet? I'm still getting the same error with the skins...

Shehzad 01-10-2011 11:39 AM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
Yes, I too am having the same problem with the skin. Tried the pro version.

seyfin 01-10-2011 12:02 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Good, 4.4.2 is already here. Not a "minor" bug fix btw. I don't see anything about address book in the fixes so I guess you guys decided the address book is ok even though there are numerous complains and posts in the bug tracker to fix the way address book is designed and works. Why you don't listen to us?

The majority of bugs related to the Address book functionality have been fixed by this commit:


[!] 08 Nov 2010, aim – Bug (0100001): Fails to use the user information, typed on the cart checkout page, on the payments/store pages. Fixed.

This is related to the ticket:

Some issues regarding the Address Book feature (like http://bugtracker.qtmsoft.com/view.php?id=38417) have not been addressed yet, unfortunately.

ADDISON 01-10-2011 12:08 PM

Re: X-Cart v4.4.2 released
1 Attachment(s)
Very funny installation! Is this a final version?

1) They changed the installation script. If the databases was not created, you should go and create it. If I remember starting with v4.2, if the database was not created, the script was able to create it for you. It is a shame we lost the ability to let the script to create the database for us.

2) Look in attachment how bad is looking the layout preview. This is the Frontend after installation is done. If you look into the source code from line 12 to 85 there is content missing. For sure we can scary the customers with such of layouts :mrgreen:

It is hard to realize v4.4.1 installer was OK and this one is not. Why you are making changes in files which were OK? With an XC5 gone with the wind and XC4 too stressed, What shall we say? Nothing for the moment O:)

QT please make the right changes to get a professional installation script!

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