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cflsystems 01-26-2014 10:28 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
BUG - http://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=43175

Product pricing on product search / category list / product details pages different due to incorrect select query for the product option.

cflsystems 01-27-2014 09:03 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
I want so much to file this as bug but I have the feeling the answer will be - this is how it is designed to work...

For quite some time now there is "quick search" in admin - top right corner. According to the help popup - it allows you to do quick search on products, orders and users. I never used that and I did not think anyone is actually seriously using it.

Well today I had a client told me their newly upgraded cart from 4.2.0 to 4.6.1 shows incorrect product count, prices and quantities when they search for products in admin. So I did a search and everything shows properly. The screenshot they send me though reveals they used the "quick search" to search for a product by entering a keyword. According to the popup help the products search is on productid, sku and product title so let's disregard the incorrect number of products returned - since the search doesn't search in description like the normal search.

But the incorrect price and quantity - this quick search searches only products table. Well we all know when you have variants product quantity, weight and price is being replaced by the variants. Not to mention that each variant has its own sku - which means if you search by variant sku you get no results.

Since this is not explained in the quick search popup help I can safely assume (just like my client) that this search should return products with correct quantity and price. If the quick search was intended to search products table only please specify in its help or better yet - remove it from there. This quick search is useless on products with variants.

So to me this should be either recoded to do proper product search or product search removed from the quick search. I think there is plenty of time to get this done with 4.6.2 release... Maybe not a bug but it is a broken functionality if you ask me...

carpeperdiem 01-27-2014 09:23 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by cflsystems
which means if you search by variant sku you get no results.
This quick search is useless on products with varian.


I use quick search every day for something.

Yes -- searching for a SKU or variant doesn't work. But it is still very useful.

I agree with you -- if we report this as a bug, we will get the "but we designed it this way..." reply.

OBVIOUSLY a sku or variant string should return the expected result.

cflsystems 01-27-2014 09:32 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
Then QT should recode it to take variants into consideration. The search I tried returned actual product quantity and price from the products table which of course is incorrect since that product has variants and the quantity of all was 0 + different pricing. So when you search for this product in admin with the normal search you get one set of numbers and the quick search shows different one - this to me is wrong and has to be fixed.

Again - the quick search may do very well on orders and customers, this is only for products search

cflsystems 01-28-2014 08:19 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
Just an update on post 201 above - http://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=43175

QT has confirmed the bug

The fix will be included in upcoming XC release 4.6.2.

Thank you Steve.

Since this is the only reply to the bug report I would assume what I posted as fix is legit and earlier versions (before 4.6.2) of XC affected by it can use this fix.

Thanks QT for that

RoeBoeDog 01-28-2014 02:56 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
Does anybody have any info about new modules for x-cart now that XC5 is released

Will they still continue to develop modules for XC4? Or are these the final and last modules that will be released?>

OpheliaPayne 02-04-2014 08:56 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by Ksenia
Hi again. Please see attached.

I have a question on this. We applied this patch, which seemed to fix the issue, but we are still seeing the cache issue when providers add a product to a new category. How can we fix that as well?

For websites that add products frequently or change categories, this cache feature really is frustrating.

Ksenia 02-04-2014 11:07 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by RoeBoeDog
Does anybody have any info about new modules for x-cart now that XC5 is released

Will they still continue to develop modules for XC4? Or are these the final and last modules that will be released?>

Yes, we will. The modules developed already will be supported ( to be compatible with the new versions of the 4th branch),there are also several new modules which are being developed for X-Cart 4 Classic.

Ksenia 02-05-2014 12:24 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by OpheliaPayne
I have a question on this. We applied this patch, which seemed to fix the issue, but we are still seeing the cache issue when providers add a product to a new category. How can we fix that as well?

For websites that add products frequently or change categories, this cache feature really is frustrating.

So far it's not absolutely clear for me ( and developer who helped with the patch), how exactly to reproduce the problem and thus to fix it. As I know there was no problem with publishing new products. It was about re-activating the existing ones. It also looks like the discussion shifts towards the problem specific to a particular store, so unfortunately we can no longer provide free support within this thread. I recommend that you submit a new ticket and request a solution (probably, a commercial one, probably,it will be a custom modification)

cflsystems 04-03-2014 01:18 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
It's the little rock that flips over the wagon right...

Can someone please answer this very simple question: Why is the latest and greatest XC4 version (4.6.3) still caries this piece of code in bread_crumbs.tpl:

<font class="bread-crumb{if $smarty.foreach.location.last} last-bread-crumb{/if}">{if $webmaster_mode eq "editor"}{$l.0}{else}{$l.0|amp}{/if}</font>

With every single release I have to go in there and change it. Why <font> tag is being used? After it has been mentioned few times? Any smart answers?

For those who don't know <font> tag has been deprecated since HTML4.01 and entirely removed from HTML5 - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/font. This is many years ago, not just last year...

But XC has always had this piece of code in like this. Is my browser running on HTML3 only by any chance?

As right now XC skins look like IE8 - they work but you need to fight with it all the time and do some magic...

I do appreciate all the new modules and fixes and the little addons but if the foundation needs to be enforced and the roof is leaking you don't fix the roof first... What good a dry house will do if the foundation is not strong enough to support it....

Ksenia 04-04-2014 01:16 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
Hi Steve,
Thank you for reporting the problems of our sioftware.

I have just shown your message to the maintenance team. The problem is confirmed and queued to be fixed. Most probably, not in the nearest release of 4.6.4, though.

cflsystems 04-04-2014 10:00 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
This is an extremely simple change - replace <font> with <span>, not sure why it has to be delayed any more...

Here is another one which exists since Clean URLs functionality was introduced


Checking database integrity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Error: The table xcart_pages contains some records for which related data in the table xcart_clean_urls has not been found:
pageid: xx
pageid: yy
pageid: zz
. . . . . . . .

Total: 3

These are root pages, stock XC root pages. They don't have clean url since they are .html to begin with. They exists in xcart_pages table. The integrity check though makes no difference between root and embedded static pages - it only checks if there is clean url or not. This is BUG

cflsystems 04-07-2014 09:55 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Ksenia
Hi Steve,
Thank you for reporting the problems of our sioftware.

I have just shown your message to the maintenance team. The problem is confirmed and queued to be fixed. Most probably, not in the nearest release of 4.6.4, though.

Thank you Ksenia. I pointed out just one of the places which is very annoying but I also found same used in admin

<font class="Star">....</font>

And this is not just one place on customer and admin side... And not just <font> tag I assume but other loooong time deprecated html code as well.. Let me list it for you - only <font> tag

Ok it is too long and I can't post it unless I make like 5 posts so let me just attached a file

cflsystems 04-11-2014 01:29 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

contains the following


{elseif $main eq "product_options"}
{if $active_modules.Product_Options ne ""}
{include file="modules/Product_Options/global_prodopts.tpl"}

First of all spelling error - prodopts I assume means products
Second - there is no such file in XC

This bug exists in all 4.6.x, not sure about earlier versions

cflsystems 04-11-2014 04:51 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
The Social Login module (aka Janrain or X-Auth) in XC Gold+ is different from the standalone version of the same. The one incorporated in XC Gold+ does not work and gives xeven smarty function error.
Copied files from the standalone version - makes the error to disappear. Very much possible the built-in version doesn't work properly with Janrain services as well...

carpeperdiem 04-11-2014 05:26 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by cflsystems
The Social Login module (aka Janrain or X-Auth) in XC Gold+ is different from the standalone version of the same. The one incorporated in XC Gold+ does not work and gives xeven smarty function error.
Copied files from the standalone version - makes the error to disappear. Very much possible the built-in version doesn't work properly with Janrain services as well...

Hi Steve,

As you know, the Gold+ version of social login was a hot mess in version 4.5.4 and later (useless for production) and the "new and improved" version that I was asked to beta in 4.6 and 4.6.1 failed on every UX element. I moved on and gave up.

See: http://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?p=359506#post359506

As an owner of Gold+, I sure would like it if the standalone would be made available to me, if X-Cart has solved the design defects.

Has X-Cart designed a built a good social login integration, as described here:

Is it a better design now?

cflsystems 04-12-2014 12:55 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
I don't know about the design, don't know if it works properly or not. 4.6.3 Gold+ clean install with X-Auth module active - starts logging fatal php error - could not find smarty function xevent. With module off all works. So I replaced all fiels with the standalone module and all works now. While overwriting files they had not only date differences but size as well. I did not compare to see exact changes but this was not my intention.

I just don't understand why this is happening. It's like 2 separate teams are working on the module - one on the included with XC files and the other on the standalone files... It's frustrating

aim 04-14-2014 12:01 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Here is another one which exists since Clean URLs functionality was introduced

These are root pages, stock XC root pages. They don't have clean url since they are .html to begin with. They exists in xcart_pages table. The integrity check though makes no difference between root and embedded static pages - it only checks if there is clean url or not. This is BUG


Thank you.


kuzma 04-14-2014 01:13 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by cflsystems
The Social Login module (aka Janrain or X-Auth) in XC Gold+ is different from the standalone version of the same. The one incorporated in XC Gold+ does not work and gives xeven smarty function error.
Copied files from the standalone version - makes the error to disappear. Very much possible the built-in version doesn't work properly with Janrain services as well...

We have investigated the issue and it seems you are right. To get the module to work correctly you should copy modules/XAuth/ext.core.php from archive of standalone module. I will discuss with our x-cart architect if we can repack distributive for 4.6.3 tomorrow.
To prevent such situation in the future we have aggregated all code repositories in to one.

kuzma 04-15-2014 03:19 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by cflsystems
The Social Login module (aka Janrain or X-Auth) in XC Gold+ is different from the standalone version of the same. The one incorporated in XC Gold+ does not work and gives xeven smarty function error.
Copied files from the standalone version - makes the error to disappear. Very much possible the built-in version doesn't work properly with Janrain services as well...

We have repacked and reuploaded Gold+ and Platinum distributives of X-Cart v 4.6.3. So the problem is fixed for all future downloads.

Thank you.

carpeperdiem 04-15-2014 03:26 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by kuzma
We have repacked and reuploaded Gold+ and Platinum distributives of X-Cart v 4.6.3. So the problem is fixed for all future downloads.

Any solution to install this for 4.5.4 (version that never worked) ?

kuzma 04-15-2014 03:43 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
Any solution to install this for 4.5.4 (version that never worked) ?

A few months ago we updated Social login module(v 4.5.4 - 4.6.3) according to the new Janrain API. Your version number is included to the list. Please find the latest distributives in the File Area.

Thank you.

carpeperdiem 04-15-2014 03:49 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by kuzma
A few months ago we updated Social login module(v 4.5.4 - 4.6.3) according to the new Janrain API. Your version number is included to the list. Please find the latest distributives in the File Area.


x-auth-4.5.4.tgz (TGZ-archive) 69 Kb Apr 14 14 16:30:43

I guess I could start here, and try to replace the gold+ files ?
Any guidance to replace the 4.5.4 bundled with gold+ with the individual distribution?

kuzma 04-15-2014 04:05 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
I guess I could start here, and try to replace the gold+ files ?
Any guidance to replace the 4.5.4 bundled with gold+ with the individual distribution?

Just unzip the latest distributive over g+ installation and manualy apply all patches from xauth.patches directory.

cflsystems 04-17-2014 10:18 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.6 released
Another bug or maybe just improper behavior. Recently Viewed module shows the product you are on as "recently viewed" at the time of viewing it. This should not happen when product has not been visited before - it is not recently viewed since you are visiting its page at the moment for first time and you are still on it.
I believe this exists in all XC versions since this module was introduced.

Bug report - https://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=43391

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