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Chheang Leng 07-31-2014 11:00 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi X-cart team

Can I delete file in log directory? If I delete file in log directory it have effects other class? think for reply

tony_sologubov 08-01-2014 02:06 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
The fix of that problem with cache rebuilding process is totally free for you, because it was caused by the bug.

tony_sologubov 08-01-2014 02:07 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Yes, you can safely remove log files. They will not affect classes.


Originally Posted by Chheang Leng
Hi X-cart team

Can I delete file in log directory? If I delete file in log directory it have effects other class? think for reply

shaz 11-26-2014 09:24 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
I'm having the exact same problem on a clean install (only change is products have been migrated in using cart2cart).

Error log shows the below.... sad to find so many issues with x-cart 5 :(

[27-Nov-2014 06:18:36] Error (code: -9999): We are deploying new changes to our store. One minute and they will go live!
Server API: cgi-fcgi;
Request method: GET;
URI: /;
#0 /home/storename/public_html/Includes/ErrorHandler.php(352): Includes\ErrorHandler::throwException('We are deployin...', -9999)
#1 /home/storename/public_html/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(484): Includes\ErrorHandler::fireError('We are deployin...', -9999)
#2 /home/storename/public_html/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(624): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::checkIfRebu ildStarted()
#3 /home/storename/public_html/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(654): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::runStep(5)
#4 /home/storename/public_html/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(946): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::runStepCond itionally(5)
#5 /home/storename/public_html/top.inc.PHP53.php(108): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::rebuildCach e()
#6 /home/storename/public_html/top.inc.php(45): require_once('/home/storename/...')
#7 /home/storename/public_html/cart.php(33): require_once('/home/storename/...')
#8 /home/storename/public_html/index.php(30): require_once('/home/storename/...')
#9 {main}

Deploying store [step 5 of 11], please wait...

Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_UpdateSchema" plugin...
An error occurred in your store.
ERROR: "23000" (code N/A)
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`storename_xstore`.`#sql-675c_6d2f4`, CONSTRAINT `FK_385AA392BF396750` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `xc_attribute_options` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) SQL query: ALTER TABLE `xc_attribute_option_translations` ADD CONSTRAINT FK_385AA392BF396750 FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `xc_attribute_options` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

shaz 11-27-2014 03:32 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Further on to the above, I've disabled all modules and it still occurs.

I only seem to be able to regain access by over writing the /var folder from a working backup.

Any ideas?

SignTorch 11-27-2014 05:48 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
shaz, the Integrity constraint violation is not an x-cart error it is an error in the database where one row references another row in another table and the row that is being referenced does not exist

in this case there must be an extra or incorrect row in table xc_attribute_option_translations which has an id field value that does not match any existing row with the same id field value in table xc_attribute_options,

the only way to fix that error is to correct all mis-matches between all rows in all associated tables, hopefully you don't have too many so that it can be corrected manually without much trouble

tony_sologubov 11-28-2014 03:54 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi shaz!

Did you migrate data into X-Cart 5 from other store? If so, who made these changes? SignTorch is right, the problem is that xc_attribute_option_translations contains records that refer to records in the xc_attribute_options table that do not exist.

You can find these records if you call the following MySQL query:


SELECT * FROM xc_attribute_option_translations LEFT JOIN xc_attribute_options ON xc_attribute_option_translations.id = xc_attribute_options.id WHERE xc_attribute_options.id IS NULL;


shaz 11-30-2014 03:15 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Thanks so much guys, I found/fixed the 5 x instances in that table. It did make a small difference (i.e. when I updated the modules it actually went to the pre-update warnings page, but unfortunately I still get the below error at step 5.

Yes, I used the Cart2Cart service, which failed initally and they mad to manually fix the migration. I have raised a ticket with them, while they claim it couldn't have caused damage they have offered to check so I will sent them a link to this thread.

Cheers, Shaz


Deploying store [step 5 of 11], please wait...

Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_UpdateSchema" plugin...
Sorry, there seems to be a problem with the site. Please, try again later.

SignTorch 11-30-2014 05:39 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
I just spent all day trying to get e-goods to work after uploading to host - I didn't unzip the attachment folder ](*,)

you will probably have to check the error logs to see if there's a reason given

or move on to step12....


warning: may cause fire, bullet holes in the wall, pain, blood loss, worsening depression, etc...

shaz 12-01-2014 03:51 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Cart2Cart said last night they would look at it but sadly nothing has been done.....

so yep, starting from scratch so I can atleast keep working and try and meet my Friday deadline :/ atleast I can move forward... will get them to retry the migration again tonight.

and yes, can confirm cache rebuild completes perfectly with a clean DB. It was definitely something to do with the product migration.

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