X-Cart: shopping cart software

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-   -   X-Cart 4.7.10 released (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=76592)

Tim Soles 11-08-2018 05:37 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Not sure if I am looking in the right place, but I cannot see the PayPal setting “Account Optional” to switch on the Guest Checkout option.

In Payment Methods we have PayPal Express Checkout. If I click Configure I get to the Settings page where Express Checkout is selected. Beneath that API Credentials is selected. Simplified Checkout is ticked followed by all the API details.

There are some optional settings at the bottom of the page relating to Order Prefix, Gradient Colour and Header Image URL, but nothing that appears to relate to the new feature.

cherie 11-08-2018 06:58 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Tim Soles
Not sure if I am looking in the right place, but I cannot see the PayPal setting “Account Optional” to switch on the Guest Checkout option.

Pretty sure that is something you change over in your PayPal account.

Tim Soles 11-08-2018 09:26 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by cherie
Pretty sure that is something you change over in your PayPal account.

The 4.7.10 Upgrade Notes state:

"Set PayPal Account Optional set to 'On' within the PayPal account settings to turn on Paypal Guest Checkout."

I cannot find it in either x-Cart or our PayPal account

aim 11-08-2018 11:41 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Tim Soles
The 4.7.10 Upgrade Notes state:

"Set PayPal Account Optional set to 'On' within the PayPal account settings to turn on Paypal Guest Checkout."

I cannot find it in either x-Cart or our PayPal account


Which PayPal method do you use?

Here are the ticket

and the how-to article
Refer to the 'Enabling the PayPal account optional setting' section in the article.

Thank you.

aim 11-12-2018 11:28 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released. 'Add To Cart Popup'/'Product Options' fixes
1 Attachment(s)

I have uploaded a small patch to fix 2 problems.

1) 'Add To Cart Popup' didn't work when there were 1 or 2 upselling products.
2) Product widgets didn't work when the 'Product Options' module was enabled and there were no any variants.

Thank you.

Sembroidery 11-13-2018 01:22 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
There seems to be a problem with cart in 4.7.10 with Ideal responsive skin. When viewing the cart contents, if the customer wants to change the quantity of a given product by changing the quantity value and clicking the "Apply" button below the field, the page will refresh, but the value will NOT be changed. It will revert back to what it was before the change.
If after changing the value one would click "Update cart" instead of "Apply" the value will be changed and the order amount will be re-calculated accordingly. Problem is that the "Apply" button below the quantity field is the obvious choice and customers will click on it, instead of "Update cart".

P.S. Further experimenting shows that if one adds more products to the cart, one would be able to change the quantity for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. product by using the "Apply" button, but the quantity of the first product in the cart still cannot be changed in this way.


Originally Posted by aim

I have uploaded a small patch to fix 2 problems.


I seem to have a problem applying the patch. After choosing the patch file and hitting "Apply", I get:

Step 1 of 2: Testing patch applicability and generation list of files with a result "include/func/func.product.php OK"

When trying to continue by clicking "Apply patch" the page refreshes but nothing changes. Still displaying step 1 of 2 ...

P.S. Update on the second issue: When trying to do the patching using another browser (Firefox) I got "Already patched". Some of the first attempts may have in fact succeeded after all, although the page stayed on "step 1 of 2" using Chrome.

aim 11-13-2018 08:37 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

1) I cannot replicate the same issue using our demo store

Could you please provide me with the valid SSH/FTP or Control Panel access info to your server so I can see what's causing the issue directly.

Please do not post the access here, instead post it in X-Business access list section here:

2) You can skip the patch applying as your store is already patched.

3) I have posted a ticket

Thank you.

Sembroidery 11-13-2018 09:37 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
This morning the issue was gone and Apply is working normally. Sorry for any inconvenience. Guess this may have something to do with some changes in settings which were made on the server, aimed at improving site speed by caching.

Tim Soles 11-14-2018 03:01 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Still testing and we seem to have a problem at the checkout.

Ideal Responsive and Fast Lane Checkout. On the Place Order page, when we click the Submit Order button, a red popup message appears:

"Error: You must accept the terms and conditions to be able to place orders."

However, there is no tick box for the terms and conditions on the Place Order page.

We have run exactly the same order sequence on our live 4.7.9 site and there is no problem - the submit order button takes you to the payment processor and there is no tick box requirement on the Place Order page.

aim 11-14-2018 04:52 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Tim Soles
Still testing and we seem to have a problem at the checkout.

Ideal Responsive and Fast Lane Checkout. On the Place Order page, when we click the Submit Order button, a red popup message appears:

"Error: You must accept the terms and conditions to be able to place orders."

However, there is no tick box for the terms and conditions on the Place Order page.

We have run exactly the same order sequence on our live 4.7.9 site and there is no problem - the submit order button takes you to the payment processor and there is no tick box requirement on the Place Order page.


Here is the patch related to the 'Fast Lane Checkout' and GDPR addons.
Or you can download the updated upgrade packs.

Thank you.

Tim Soles 11-15-2018 03:44 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Still testing and we have a problem with Detailed Images

Ideal Responsive and Fast Lane Checkout.

When you click on Detailed Images you get a distorted frame and no image.

Same result in IE and Firefox

Tim Soles 11-15-2018 04:08 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Tim Soles
Still testing and we have a problem with Detailed Images

Ideal Responsive and Fast Lane Checkout.

When you click on Detailed Images you get a distorted frame and no image.

Same result in IE and Firefox

Seems to be a cache problem. Pressing F5 in IE seems to fix the problem for individual images.

In x-cart tools we are trying the Re-Generate the Image Cache to see if that fixes the problem. Looks like it will take a while to run.

Not had this with previous upgrades

aim 11-15-2018 06:37 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Tim Soles
Still testing and we have a problem with Detailed Images

Ideal Responsive and Fast Lane Checkout.

When you click on Detailed Images you get a distorted frame and no image.

Same result in IE and Firefox

The update of the colorbox library should fix it.
The files are here

Thank you.

Tim Soles 11-16-2018 05:31 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by aim
The update of the colorbox library should fix it.
The files are here

Thank you.

Thanks for your quick response and fix.

We are now live on 4.7.10 with everything working well.

aim 11-16-2018 06:37 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Tim Soles
Thanks for your quick response and fix.

We are now live on 4.7.10 with everything working well.

Thank you for you patience. Your feedback is very important to us.

voodoo1967 11-20-2018 02:55 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Tim Soles
Thanks for your quick response and fix.

We are now live on 4.7.10 with everything working well.

Have you noticed a speed increase Tim ?

Tim Soles 11-21-2018 12:19 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by voodoo1967
Have you noticed a speed increase Tim ?

We have not run any speed tests to compare before and after the upgrade, but we are very happy with the speed of our site which seems faster than many other sites we view.

Stizerg 11-30-2018 05:23 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Looking at downloaded files of 4.7.10, some php files have missing "?>" at the end. Is it supposed to be like this?

cflsystems 11-30-2018 05:36 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
The php syntax starts with


and it may or may not end with


Php files can include only php code, only html code or mix both.
When there is only php code in the file the closing tag "?>" is not required.
The php interpreter starts processing the file when it sees the opening tag and will go to the end of file or until it hits the closing tag.

So if the file only has php code in it it is acceptable not to use the php closing tag.


cherie 11-30-2018 05:46 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Stizerg
Is it supposed to be like this?


PhilJ 01-08-2019 06:13 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Admin homepage bug.

The recent Mailchimp patch notification 'Hide' link doesn't work.


Other updates:
Mailchimp subscription is broken A patch is available.Hide <-- not working

Instead it links to https://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=50227#211226

Edit: SQL patch hides it...

INSERT INTO xcart_config (name,value,defvalue,variants) VALUES ('applied_patches',',bt_50227-ver1','','') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = CONCAT_WS(',',value,'bt_50227-ver1');

PhilJ 01-28-2019 11:45 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Seems to be a v4.7.10 bug in the Advanced Customer Reviews module, add review form.


stars_cost is not defined

In skin/common_files/modules/Advanced_Customer_Reviews/vote_bar.tpl this code is commented out...

var stars_cost = {$stars.cost|default:1};
Reviews can't be added unless it's uncommented.

aim 01-29-2019 09:47 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by PhilJ
Seems to be a v4.7.10 bug in the Advanced Customer Reviews module, add review form.


In skin/common_files/modules/Advanced_Customer_Reviews/vote_bar.tpl this code is commented out...

var stars_cost = {$stars.cost|default:1};
Reviews can't be added unless it's uncommented.


Could you please reply to
https://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=50414#211627 ?

Thank you.

voodoo1967 02-07-2019 05:06 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Are there any outstanding bug fixes left ?

aim 02-07-2019 05:32 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by voodoo1967
Are there any outstanding bug fixes left ?


You can safely upgrade to X-Cart 4.7.10.

Thank you.

Dougrun 02-12-2019 04:16 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
not sure if you have it planned for the next update but the socialize module should remove google + references since it is EOL.


Google has announced that Google+ for consumers will be sunset. As part of the sunset, all Google+ web integrations will stop serving on March 7, 2019. This has the potential to affect website layouts and/or functionality if no action is taken by website owners.

aim 02-19-2019 03:16 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by Dougrun
not sure if you have it planned for the next update but the socialize module should remove google + references since it is EOL.


It has been removed.

Thank you for the update.

elmirage001 03-07-2019 04:06 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
1 Attachment(s)
We've been up and running on X-Cart 4.7.10 PHP 7.2 using Phil's reBOOT 4.7.10 template for just over a week now and we couldn't be happier. We're running around 15 to 20% faster but the best surprise was the gains showing in Google Search Console for impressions and clicks. I'm attaching an image showing both the impression/click data and a GTmetrix comparing my site vs my 2 biggest competitors and my friends X-Cart 5 site who's also in my small niche. (FYI - my X-Cart 5 friend is still working on his site so I expect his results to greatly improve in the future.)

Thank you so much to everyone on the X-Cart team, and to Phil for his reBOOT template! :D/

I hope showing this will help more XC4 users decide to upgrade.

Attachment 5313

cflsystems 03-07-2019 05:05 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Not to give you a cold shower :) but you have to remember these are just numbers. They don't do you much good unless you compare identical pages claimed to be optimized the same way.

If your page has 2 images on it, your site doesn't call any external services, fonts, etc and the competitor site age has 20 images, uses FB, Twitter, etc - the comparison is like apple and oranges.

GTmetrix will not tell you all this and will not take it into account. Also you have to take into account the hosting and its optimization.

XC4 will always be faster than XC5 on the same server under same environment. It is the platform itself.

And lastly - none of these page speed services uses real user connection / device to test pages. They try to set it close to this but still not real people.

However - keep using them and try to follow as much as possible whatever makes sense for your website/platform to adjust and improve. Comparing to others is sort of useless but using it to improve your site virtual load times - it is good.
Sometimes they point out issues you won't see or encounter yourself or your dev.

The improvement you see with Phill's theme is because the XC stock one sucks. Qt after so many years and posts still does CSS extremely wrong and this has an affect on sites. XC CSS is so bloated it is a nightmare to use. Applies to both XC4 and XC5.

Anyway. Good job.

mattstyle2 03-07-2019 07:59 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by elmirage001
We've been up and running on X-Cart 4.7.10 PHP 7.2 using Phil's reBOOT 4.7.10 template for just over a week now and we couldn't be happier. We're running around 15 to 20% faster but the best surprise was the gains showing in Google Search Console for impressions and clicks. I'm attaching an image showing both the impression/click data and a GTmetrix comparing my site vs my 2 biggest competitors and my friends X-Cart 5 site who's also in my small niche. (FYI - my X-Cart 5 friend is still working on his site so I expect his results to greatly improve in the future.)

Thank you so much to everyone on the X-Cart team, and to Phil for his reBOOT template! :D/

I hope showing this will help more XC4 users decide to upgrade.

Attachment 5313

You inspired me.. WHILE I did not upgrade fully to XC4.7.10, I took the optimization parts from 4.7.10 to improve the template loading since my install is very customized..

parts I used include:

1) files in \include\templater\plugins\
2) modded the skin\common_files such as meta.tpl and customer\service_js load..
3) added the new config values for speedup_js and speedup_css

added the \include\lib\vendor folder for the new minify

disabled the reboot minify script..

Page speed insights improvements for 4.7.7 and Reboot:

25 - desktop
4 - mobile

very bad!

72 - Desktop
30 - Mobile

better.. could use improvement..

some inner pages hit 89 on desktop for page speed.

I code alot of sh*t and don't recommend trying this at home..


elmirage001 03-07-2019 11:35 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by mattstyle2
You inspired me.. WHILE I did not upgrade fully to XC4.7.10, I took the optimization parts from 4.7.10 to improve the template loading since my install is very customized..

parts I used include:

1) files in \include\templater\plugins\
2) modded the skin\common_files such as meta.tpl and customer\service_js load..
3) added the new config values for speedup_js and speedup_css

added the \include\lib\vendor folder for the new minify

disabled the reboot minify script..

Page speed insights improvements for 4.7.7 and Reboot:

25 - desktop
4 - mobile

very bad!

72 - Desktop
30 - Mobile

better.. could use improvement..

some inner pages hit 89 on desktop for page speed.

I code alot of sh*t and don't recommend trying this at home..


I just checked Page Speed Insights and got the following values with reBOOT Minify on then off and then on again. Desktop has pretty stable results but mobile varies quite a bit. I have not tried to do any optimization yet and I don't have memcache turned on yet. I see you use Alterdcarts Carts Cash Rewards also. I had to edit a few things to work on 7.2 and reBOOT but it's working fine.

reBOOT Minify - On
96 - Desktop
93 - Mobile

reBOOT Minify - Off
94 - Desktop
75 - Mobile

reBOOT Minify - On Again
97 - Desktop
81 - Mobile

Thank you very much for your input and I don't think I'll every be brave enough to do what you did :D

voodoo1967 03-08-2019 03:25 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
I hope to be doing the same soon. I brought Phil's previous template - but we never got it installed. Now 4.7.10 seems stable and Phil's template is ok with 4.7.10 Im hoping to get everything up to date

Will be interesting to see what GTMetrix and pingdom etc make of it.
As it stands GTmetrix (fast broadband)

80 - 76 - 6.2s - 579kb - 47

Performance Grade - 83 , page size 557 , load 4.83s , Requests 49

elmirage001 03-08-2019 01:55 PM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Not to give you a cold shower :) but you have to remember these are just numbers. They don't do you much good unless you compare identical pages claimed to be optimized the same way.

If your page has 2 images on it, your site doesn't call any external services, fonts, etc and the competitor site age has 20 images, uses FB, Twitter, etc - the comparison is like apple and oranges.

GTmetrix will not tell you all this and will not take it into account. Also you have to take into account the hosting and its optimization.

XC4 will always be faster than XC5 on the same server under same environment. It is the platform itself.

And lastly - none of these page speed services uses real user connection / device to test pages. They try to set it close to this but still not real people.

However - keep using them and try to follow as much as possible whatever makes sense for your website/platform to adjust and improve. Comparing to others is sort of useless but using it to improve your site virtual load times - it is good.
Sometimes they point out issues you won't see or encounter yourself or your dev.

The improvement you see with Phill's theme is because the XC stock one sucks. Qt after so many years and posts still does CSS extremely wrong and this has an affect on sites. XC CSS is so bloated it is a nightmare to use. Applies to both XC4 and XC5.

Anyway. Good job.

Hi Steve, the purpose of my post was to say IMHO that upgrading to 4.7.10 and PHP 7.x is a good move. It took a lot of work and time (at least for me) to move from 4.6.6 PHP 5.6 to 4.7.10 PHP 7.2 and I'm so happy I did it. There have been questions on here if 4.7.10 is ready and if there were any speed benefits. For me and my experience so far the answer is yes. Thank you as always for your input! Paul

shwekhaw 03-21-2019 11:28 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released
Just installed latest 4.7.10 for development. I was hoping to have UPC field in product page and it is no where to be found. Are we still going to need extra fields to use upc? Follow link seem to show it was added as part of product table but I do not see it in latest version.

https://help.x-cart.com/X-Cart:POS_system_for_X-Cart#Adding_UPC_codes_for_new_and_existing_product s

aim 03-25-2019 03:23 AM

Re: X-Cart 4.7.10 released

Originally Posted by shwekhaw
Just installed latest 4.7.10 for development. I was hoping to have UPC field in product page and it is no where to be found. Are we still going to need extra fields to use upc? Follow link seem to show it was added as part of product table but I do not see it in latest version.

https://help.x-cart.com/X-Cart:POS_system_for_X-Cart#Adding_UPC_codes_for_new_and_existing_product s


You can enable the 'POS system for X-Cart' module without adding a POS operator in order to use UPC fields for products and variants.

Thank you.

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