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-   -   "Loyalty Program" module for X-Cart 5 (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=68951)

hartwellj 02-21-2016 08:09 AM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
The problem with loyalty points is that customers who already purchased a ton of products, don't get rewarded. So if I implement this, I'll get a ton of upset customers.

Is there anyway to make this module retroactive?

kevinrm 02-21-2016 10:39 PM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
You don't want that, trust me. If they get upset, then go look back at their order history and assign them points manually. Otherwise you will be paying out some big bonuses.

xplorer 02-21-2016 11:55 PM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
I think I don't remember a website that ever rewarded me for my past orders like this. Usually I receive a "Now we have a reward program! Start receiving points!" e-mail when an online store where I did purchases implements some kind of a reward program. And I'm not upset on this.

Why would customers be upset? When they placed their orders there was no any loyalty program on your website. You have no obligations to reward them for past orders. And, as Kevin said, you can reward your most valuable customers manually by going into their profiles and giving them some points.

kevinrm 02-22-2016 12:37 AM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
One of my competitors complains about "other sites" (mine) which have a bonus point system, lol. He says they're rather just give the discount upfront in the form of cheaper prices, even though his aren't. Translation: his cart is not technically able to do a bonus point system.

If you have a customer with points sitting in his account, and you have a lot of competitors, where do you think they going to make their next purchase? Most of them will want to use up their points first. They get points on ever order, however, so they'll always have points after the first order.

This bonus point thing really works well if you are in a competitive environment.

xplorer 03-07-2016 03:41 AM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
Loyalty Program v5.2.10 has been released.

It fixes the issue with no points being given to users for orders paid with X-Payments.

kevinrm 03-07-2016 07:15 AM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
When I tried to upgrade, it died on step 13 and I got this error:

Run the "Upgrade_PostRebuildActions" plugin...
...Invoke actions for QSL\LoyaltyProgram
...Invoke classes/XLite/Module/QSL/LoyaltyProgram/upgrade/5.2/10/post_rebuild.php hook for QSL\LoyaltyProgram...
ERROR: "Includes\ErrorHandler::FATAL_ERROR" (code 2)

Call to a member function getCode() on null

It also locked me out of the store. I had to remove xcart_dir>/var/.rebuildStarted to get back into the admin, but the store would not reopen. So I rebuilt the cache, and got stuck again on step 13. Repeated removing said file. Now I'm back in admin, store is open, and module version is 5.2.10. However, I'm pretty sure if I try to recache my store this will occur again, and I'm not really sure this thing is working or not.

xplorer 03-09-2016 08:26 AM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
Hello Kevin,

My bad :( I will fix the problem as soon as possible.

xplorer 03-09-2016 09:49 AM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
Hello Kevin,

Please upgrade to 5.2.11 - this should fix the problem.

kevinrm 03-09-2016 10:23 PM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5

I saw the module upgrade and it ran smoothly without problems. The module is now working correctly and assigning points to credit card users. Thank you for the fix!

xplorer 06-22-2016 07:08 AM

Re: Loyalty Program module for X-Cart 5
I've uploaded the 5.2.12 version of the module to the module marketplace server.

This version fixes the problem with reward points being assigned for "authorized" orders (so users could use the points and cancel the authorized ones).
Now reward points are given only for orders that are paid in full.

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