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-   -   x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied? (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=65355)

carpeperdiem 11-15-2012 01:53 PM

Re: x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied?

I applied the patch and x-payments AMEX tansaction using the iFrame interface now fails, with this error:

in the admin:

/error_message.php?error=error_ccprocessor_error&bi ll_message=Error%3A+Your+order+was+lost

in the log file, x-errors_xpay_connector-121115.php

[15-Nov-2012 15:42:56] (shop: 15-Nov-2012 16:42:56) xpay_connector message:
Process callback data. Transaction id is not found
Request URI: /payment/cc_xpc.php

in the log file, x-errors_php-121115.php

[15-Nov-2012 15:42:58] Warning: implode() [<a href='function.implode'>function.implode</a>]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/user/public_html/payment/cc_xpc_iframe.php on line 56

I had this error with a coupon applied. I then removed the coupon and the same exact errors.

I reverted to the original file and I no longer have these errors without a copuon applied. have not tested with a coupon since last error.

Just sharing.

Was this patch only for PayPal transactions?

seyfin 11-15-2012 11:35 PM

Re: x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied?

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
Was this patch only for PayPal transactions?

This patch removes sending line items (product details) from X-Cart to X-Payments for any payment methods, including PayPal.

carpeperdiem 11-16-2012 04:22 AM

Re: x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied?

Originally Posted by seyfin
This patch removes sending line items (product details) from X-Cart to X-Payments for any payment methods, including PayPal.

This patch kills the functionality of credit card payments via iframe "lite interface" in OPC. I had to remove it. I provided the error messages. Can we try again, please?

ambal 11-19-2012 01:10 AM

Re: x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied?
> Can we try again, please?

I am sorry. We do not have an immediate fix right now.
As I said earlier - this is a complex issue and we are going to address it in XC4.5.5.
Once our developers come up with a fix - I'll make sure it is posted here, too.

seyfin 11-19-2012 04:07 AM

Re: x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied?

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
This patch kills the functionality of credit card payments via iframe "lite interface" in OPC. I had to remove it. I provided the error messages. Can we try again, please?

Actually, I believe the patch provided should not cause the error you reported. We have not faced such issue with this patch installed.

Are there anyone else experiencing the same problem after having the path installed?

Anyway, our support engineers need to investigate the case in your particular X-Cart installation. Please create a support request in your personal Helpdesk area.

Please also let us know what payment module is integrated with your X-Payments/X-Cart installation.

Thank you.

carpeperdiem 11-19-2012 04:28 AM

Re: x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied?

Originally Posted by seyfin
Actually, I believe the patch provided should not cause the error you reported. We have not faced such issue with this patch installed.

Are there anyone else experiencing the same problem after having the path installed?

Anyway, our support engineers need to investigate the case in your particular X-Cart installation. Please create a support request in your personal Helpdesk area.

Please also let us know what payment module is integrated with your X-Payments/X-Cart installation.

Thank you.

Thanks, Sergey - but I don't seem to be having the issue that requires this patch (working or not)

I use elevon payment gateway and I do not use PayPal in xpayments and I do not need to pass coupon or other line information to the gateway.

I'm gonna sit this round out, since it appears that the patch kills my xpayments and it works without the patch.


carpeperdiem 11-26-2012 08:52 AM

Re: x-payment won't go thru with coupon code applied?
I think I got bit by this bug just now. Gave customer a free shipping coupon. It reduced their total by $9.00. The total in the cart was $124.15, yet the total sent to the gateway (Elavon via x-payments) was $133.15.

I can't use the patch provided as it kills the checkout if using the x-payments lite interface.

Can we please try another fix?

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