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Chheang Leng 07-17-2014 05:19 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi X-cart team

Are you have any solution for check code error or file problem? who can fix error? I hope x-cart team have solution and can fix this error. thank for reply
this url error https://secure.cdworlds.com/admin.php?target=main&1405589788.6134&cpid=6c6f912 8906712e49a728ac31ccc70aa


file decorator.log.2014-07-18.php
<?php die(); ?>
Re-building cache [step 5 of 9], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_UpdateSchema" plugin...


ERROR: "23000" (code N/A)

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1217 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails SQL query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `xc_product_attachments`

Chheang Leng 07-17-2014 06:02 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi X-cart team

this some code at directory var/log php_errors.log.2014-07-18.php


[18-Jul-2014 01:17:46] Error (code: -9999): We are deploying new changes to our store. One minute and they will go live!
Server API: cgi-fcgi;
Request method: GET;
URI: /khmer_movie;
#0 /home/www/cdworlds.com/Includes/ErrorHandler.php(334): Includes\ErrorHandler::throwException('We are deployin...', -9999)
#1 /home/www/cdworlds.com/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(480): Includes\ErrorHandler::fireError('We are deployin...', -9999)
#2 /home/www/cdworlds.com/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(620): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::checkIfRebu ildStarted()
#3 /home/www/cdworlds.com/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(650): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::runStep(5)
#4 /home/www/cdworlds.com/Includes/Decorator/Utils/CacheManager.php(913): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::runStepCond itionally(5)
#5 /home/www/cdworlds.com/top.inc.PHP53.php(111): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::rebuildCach e()
#6 /home/www/cdworlds.com/top.inc.php(45): require_once('/home/www/cdwor...')
#7 /home/www/cdworlds.com/cart.php(33): require_once('/home/www/cdwor...')
#8 {main}


static::throwException($message, $code);

* @param string $step Current step name
$stepStatus = static::runStepConditionally($step);

if (!defined('LC_DO_NOT_REBUILD_CACHE'))

require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . LC_DS . 'top.inc.PHP53.php');

require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'top.inc.php');

think for reply

tony_sologubov 07-18-2014 02:02 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete

Sent you an email.

Chheang Leng 07-18-2014 08:05 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi tony sologubov and X-cart tean

I was sent FTP Account at Post access info. If someone in x-cart team get FTP account don't forget reply.

tony_sologubov 07-21-2014 04:40 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi Chheang!

We are checking the problem and I will report you once we find any meaningful results.


cflsystems 07-21-2014 07:20 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi Tony

There are so many reports here of store upgrade or cache rebuilt just falling apart and making stores unusable. I see you are getting on each and every one and trying to help.
Can you share details of what is causing all this - XC upgrade procedure, bugs, user error...?

tony_sologubov 07-23-2014 06:30 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Most of the time, the problem is caused by low time limits on the server.

Also, there is a problem that migration does not take into account some data and the incorrect data starts the problem.

Anyway, I am trying to post reasons publicly once I figure out why the problem happened.

tony_sologubov 07-29-2014 06:38 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi Chheang!

I am sorry, I could not investigate the problem with cache rebuilding process during last couple of days. I am working on it right now and will report about results today.


tony_sologubov 07-30-2014 02:31 AM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
So, I checked this problem and it was caused by the bug that X-Cart could not delete related tables correctly if some part of them was previously deleted.

To be more clear: imaginе the situation that you have table (A) and three others (B, C, D) have a foreign key in this table. For some reason, B and C tables were removed, but the last one remained. Bug was that X-Cart tried to remove the A table disregarding table D.

This bug is fixed in 5.1.4.

Chheang Leng 07-30-2014 11:17 PM

Re: Re-building cache not complete
Hi, tony!

the last version free or not free for fix my site. think tony for help.

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