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-   -   altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+ (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=76935)

keystone 06-06-2019 01:23 PM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
I did get this error with the php code checker...


Warning: There is 1 array declaration that contains a single equal sign '=' instead of '=>':


array(func_query_first_cell("SELECT categoryid FROM $sql_tbl[products_categories] WHERE productid='".$product['productid']."' AND main='Y'"))

It that really an error or is the code ok?

keystone 06-07-2019 10:33 AM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
So i've made a few changes to the OnSale mod to try and get it in line with php7.2 and here one I'm stuck on... I currently have

                if (db_query("UPDATE xcart_onsale SET begin='$begin', end='$end', saletype='$saletype', criteria='".addslashes(serialize($product_criteria))."', coupon_code='$coupon_code', uses='$times_to_use', home_display='$home_display', onsale_product_display='$onsale_product_display', onsale_display='$onsale_display', per_customer='$per_customer', productids='$productids', catids='$catids', provider='$login', status='".mysqli_real_escape_string($sale_status)."' WHERE onsaleid='$edit_update'")){
and get the error

Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in /home/keyston1/public_html.dev/admin/onsale.php on line 677

Apparently I need to add the connection to the db in the mysqli function part

I'm not sure what $my_connection should actually say...?
and am I headed in the right direction?

Thomasb134 06-07-2019 10:56 AM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
Don't update the original code to use mysqli_real_escape_string(). Instead, leave the old code as-is and recreate the missing mysql_real_escape_string() function that was removed in PHP7.

The details on how to do it are explained here:

keystone 06-07-2019 11:57 AM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
I notice that post says if it is the ionCube version than that fix won't help. The instructions in the Bills unencrypted source code says that

The licensing for the module uses ionCube

does that mean I can't use the fix?

Thomasb134 06-07-2019 12:12 PM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
In the Final weeks of Bill closing down his business he provided unencrypted source code (ioncube removed) to existing customers for a small fee. It was a limited time offer.

If that is what you have then you can ignore the ioncube license comment in his instructions since it does not apply.

keystone 06-07-2019 12:13 PM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
Looks like it may have worked, stand by.

keystone 07-05-2019 09:47 AM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
I'm still working through this and am getting this Warning...

count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

here are the 2 lines of code it referring to...


$smarty->assign('pidCount'count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable, count(isset($sale['criteria']['purchase_products']) ? $sale['criteria']['purchase_products'] : 0)+count(isset($sale['criteria']['received_products']) ? $sale['criteria']['received_products'] : 0)+1);
        $smarty->assign('wPidCount', count(isset($sale['criteria']['wholesale']) ? $sale['criteria']['wholesale'] : 0)+1);                       

Should this be different for php7?

Thomasb134 07-05-2019 10:46 AM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
That warning was suppressed in earlier PHP versions. But now PHP7.2+ has elevated the warning to encourage better coding practices.

The solution is to test the variable to confirm it is countable BEFORE counting it. It would be something like this:

$smarty->assign('wPidCount', (($sale['criteria']['wholesale'] instanceof Countable) && count(isset($sale['criteria']['wholesale'])) ? $sale['criteria']['wholesale'] : 0)+1);

This is just a coding example and may not work as-is. My example is just to give you a fundamental idea on how to fix it.

BTW, PHP7.3 introduced the is_countable() function as alternate way to do the "instanceof Countable" var test. Details here:


keystone 07-30-2019 01:04 PM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
I've worked through the changes that were suggested and still don't have this working right. I get a bunch of Undefined index: and Undefined variable: notices and have no idea how to fix them. For example...

Undefined index

Notice: Undefined index: use_taxed_price_product in /home/keyston1/public_html.dev/modules/alteredCart_On_Sale/onsale_sessions.php on line 23
Notice: Undefined index: no_globals_w_ind in /home/keyston1/public_html.dev/modules/alteredCart_On_Sale/onsale_sessions.php on line 39


// Load Settings //
$GLOBALS['onsale_settings'] = unserialize(func_query_first_cell("SELECT settings FROM xcart_onsale_settings WHERE os_set_id='1'"));

// Taxed Price //
$GLOBALS['onsale_settings']['use_taxed_price'] = $GLOBALS['onsale_settings']['use_taxed_price_product'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : ''; // LINE 23
$smarty->assign('onsale_settings', $GLOBALS['onsale_settings']);


$smarty->assign('onsale_messages', $_message);

// Get the Coupon Code //
$coupon_code = '';       

// Array of saletypes with discounts that load on the product/catalog page //
$cp_display = array('5', '10');

if ($GLOBALS['onsale_settings']['no_globals_w_ind'] == 'Y'){    // LINE 39
        $ind_pids = onsale_load_ind_productids();

example of Undefinded variable

Undefined variable: p_query in /home/keyston1/public_html.dev/modules/alteredCart_On_Sale/onsale_functions.php on line 524


        $query = "SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[onsale]
                        WHERE begin < '".$__time."'
                        AND end > '".$__time."'
                        AND status IN ('A', 'S', 'E') $p_query $c_query $ospage_filter    // LINE 524
                        ORDER BY order_to_apply ASC";
        $md5 = md5($query);

can someone give me an example of what I should do so I can fix the rest of them? I tried google but they talk way over my head so it's like comparing apples to oranges.

cflsystems 07-30-2019 04:22 PM

Re: altered carts OnSale mod for php 7+
These are notices not even warnings. So you can ignore them. If you want them to go away you will have to assign a value no matter what.

So for example for the $p_query you need to find where its value is assigned somewhere before this line 524 and check if value is not assign and you can do something like

$p_query = '';

It will highly depend on the code there what it does and how it does it to decide how to assign the variable value.

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