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-   -   Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5 (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=74277)

snowboard 11-20-2017 12:37 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
Hi Slava,

I went back to the cart via the link in the email, and did not change the cart.

So it is not a new cart...

I tried both going to the cart page and not clicking to the checkout page, and also tested at another time, going to cart page then checkout page, but in both cases no change to the cart at all...

and I get repeat emails 1 and 2 (non coupon version if it is the second email 2).

For me, I agree, a revised cart or new cart is probably OK to start again... but for non revised, I am getting multiple emails, which it shouldn't...

I am using the module I purchased about a week ago, and I see that there is an update to it.

If I update, will it be the same functioning?


P.S. I am hosting with xcart

qualiteam 11-22-2017 07:15 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
The update fixes a fatal error that happens on Abandoned Cart Statistics pages in some X-Cart versions.
It doesn't include any fix for the issues being discussed in this thread.

snowboard 11-29-2017 02:33 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
Hi Alex,

With the issue of multiple email 1 and 2 being sent out, by revisiting the site, without cart being changed etc... as we mentioned, this is not the intended behaviour of the module.

X cart hosting says there seems the cron job is set up correctly.

If this is an issue related to the coding of the Abandoned Reminder module, can this be handled by paid support $199/month?

Or can they only handle issues related to eg incorrect installation of the module, and other simpler things, but not make these changes or fixes to the module itself?


xplorer 11-29-2017 09:49 PM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
I've checked this on my local installation and I can confirm that this is how the module works at the moment (it how it was designed in the first place): when a customer visits the shop his cart is considered "abandoned" again, even if items in the cart didn't change.


For me, I agree, a revised cart or new cart is probably OK to start again... but for non revised, I am getting multiple emails, which it shouldn't...

Yes, but...

1. Let's say a customer added a product to his cart and left the shop. You send them a reminder (email 1), then another one (email 2). The customer returns back, doesn't change items in the cart and leave the shop again. What should happen then? Should the module send "email 3" (or stop sending reminders if there is no "email 3")? Technically the customer has left the shop again, so without sending another email you cannot remind him of the abandoned cart.

2. Prices could change. So, from the technical point of view it is a revised cart.

snowboard 11-30-2017 12:16 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
Hi Slava,

Thanks for the reply!

I wanted to check something...

If I define:
abandonment time as 1 hour
set email 1 to be sent at that time, and
set email 2 to be sent at 24 hours.

Then if the person returns to the cart 3 times in that 24 hour period, are they:

a) supposed to get 3 x email 1, before getting email 2?


b) are they supposed to get email 1, then email 2 24 hours later (despite going back the 3 times in that 24 hrs)?

And, if the answer is a), ie they did visit 3 times in 24 hours, are they then going to email 1 sent 3 times plus 2 sent 3 times, or if not, how often is email 2 sent?

Thanks for claryfying!

xplorer 11-30-2017 12:26 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5

Originally Posted by snowboard
a) supposed to get 3 x email 1, before getting email 2

At the moment the module works this way.


Originally Posted by snowboard
are they then going to email 1 sent 3 times plus 2 sent 3 times, or if not, how often is email 2 sent?

The module uses the last visit date to determine what reminder to send.

In your example, the automatic reminder function finds an abandoned cart the first time and sends email 1. Then the customer returns - this resets the last visit date. The reminder function finds this cart again, so it sends email 1 again. The same happens one more time, so another "email 1" is sent. Then 24 hours passes and the reminder function finds that this cart was left more than 24 hours ago, so it sends "email 2".

I don't say that this is the best way to send automatic e-mails and I appreciate your thoughts on this.

I can change the module so that it will use the first reminder's date (if any) instead of the last visit date. This will guarantee that the same reminder is never sent for the same cart unless items in the cart change. But it has its own drawback - if a user visits your site after you sent "email 2", there will be no more reminders at all. I'm not sure if this is what you need.

snowboard 11-30-2017 08:18 PM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
Hi Slava,

Thanks for explaining, I do get what you mean about the pros and cons.

If it works by the current logic, it is more thorough in sending emails.

So in this situation, my question is:

If a person requests to not be sent any abandoned cart emails (sometimes this does occur and it is best to ensure we can comply to avoid major issues with our email providers), is there a place to put their email so that this person does not get send emails from the abandoned cart module?

I am thinking this because, if someone does not want to not receive them, or threatens spam complaint, then I will need to disable the entire addon to ensure no emails go to them...


xplorer 12-04-2017 04:04 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5

Originally Posted by snowboard
If a person requests to not be sent any abandoned cart emails (sometimes this does occur and it is best to ensure we can comply to avoid major issues with our email providers), is there a place to put their email so that this person does not get send emails from the abandoned cart module?

I am thinking this because, if someone does not want to not receive them, or threatens spam complaint, then I will need to disable the entire addon to ensure no emails go to them...

Good point! I will check what I can do there from my module.

snowboard 12-04-2017 04:36 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
Hi Slava,


With the above, either manual unsubscribe as a temporary measure, or better, is automatic unsubscribe link on bottom of the email)


While you are looking into it, I was reading about best practices for abandoned cart emails land the articles were talking about the "Frequency Cap"

That is, after a customer receives one sequence of emails, then to use a feature to set "x" number of days, before they can get another email series sent to them.

Thanks for considering!

xplorer 12-13-2017 12:19 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder for X-Cart 5
2 Attachment(s)
The new 5.3.6 version of Abandoned Cart Reminder module has been released.

It introduces two new features:

1. In the module settings you can find a new checkbox that enables "Unsubscribe" link in email reminders about abandoned carts. If a customer follows the link, his e-mail address will no longer receive such e-mail reminders.

2. If you have expired coupons, a new button appear on the Coupons backend page. Clicking on the button will delete all expired coupons at once.

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