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amy2203 06-30-2006 12:12 PM

I wanted it in addition to - I haven't written the new tpl as i will need it to use a different one, I think the problem is that the php file is designed to run on it's own - it includes auth.php etc, and tries to launch it's own tpl. I just want to make the array available in the front page, so I can style it as I like with a new tpl

xcell67 07-14-2006 02:54 PM

can someone please post their 4.1.2 version? I'm going to launch soon and I really need this mod, THANKS :D

bardolino 07-24-2006 11:55 AM

Just installed it, works likes a charm! Thanks!

Just got one question though, I would like to have 3 products per row. What part should i adjust/modify?


admintds 08-06-2006 05:06 AM

Is anyone still around on this thread to maybe help me out? I've tried it all and can't seem to get products to actually show up in my new products box that's on the homepage. Any ideas???

I reset everything I have done and am abut to start over. There are so many "changes" to the mod thru this thread that I'm not quite sure which ones to follow. I know if I do just what is in the first post alone it doesn't work.

Also...someone I know just bought the xcart pro version...do you know if these mods will work for her too?

Thanks so much in advance.... :)

girlsbits 08-06-2006 06:53 AM


Meaning it will show newest 5 items in currently selected category or if there are none, will do a global search.

I didn't like the "global search" function as this meant that products were displayed in unrelated categories, so to change this ( ie. not show any new products unless they are specific to the current category) delete the following code from modules/bestsellers.php:

if (empty($bestsellers) and $cat)
$bestsellers = func_search_products($search_query2, @$user_account["membership"], $order_by2, 999);

wildelectronics 10-20-2006 08:53 AM

Re: Newest Products
I've done everything as per described.

When you visit www.wildelectronics.com.au/store/customer you'll see an error.

Why is it showing only 1% GST?

Can someone please help?

Regards Kurt

laffe 11-01-2006 02:17 AM

Re: Newest Products
I am in no way a programmer, and I just try to follow the intructions here.
I have a few questions:

Where must the newest.tpl template be stored?
where is welcome.tpl located?

Not to sure what ammend means.
Does it mean just add this code?

Hope someone will help.

Thanks in advance.


tron 11-01-2006 02:42 AM

Re: Newest Products
Both are stored and located in: skin1/customer/main/

raveworx 11-14-2006 12:58 PM

Re: Newest Products
I'm heavily using product option variants on my site. The newest.php code seems to be picking up multiple variants of the same item, and displaying these as different new items. (I suppose because each variant is a different SKU.)

In other words, I'm seeing 5 of the same product on my newest.tpl screen. I didn't notice that until recently when I added an option with multiple variants.

Can anyone help with this? I think what's required is tweaking the SQL query to filter out variants of the same item. Thanks a lot!

MCM 01-10-2007 01:12 PM

Re: Newest Products

I tried adding this to a cart (4.0.18) and have run into the following error at newproducts.php

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in customer/main/newproducts.tpl line 40]: syntax error: unidentified token '[/img]{/if' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 1384) in /home/jmscoins/public_html/Smarty-2.6.9/Smarty.class.php on line 1088

The rest of the page also doesn't show up properly: http://www.jmscoins.com/newproducts.php

Here are the files I added and where:

newproducts.php is in the xcart root directory. The only adjustment I made was the line change around page 13.

newproducts.tpl is in customer/main/


{* $Id: newproducts.tpl,v 2005/09/23 01:00:00 jfc Exp $ *}
{* This uses
        $lng.lbl_newproducts_since        => "Products added since"
        $lng.lbl_newproducts                => "New Products"

{if ($navigation_page eq "")||($navigation_page eq "1")}{$current_category.description|regex_replace:"/[\n]/":"

{capture name=dialog}

{assign var="tmp" value="0"}
{assign var="url" value="newproducts.php?"}

{* ext-1 - this could be moved to a new .tpl file *}
<font size="2">{$lng.lbl_newproducts_since}:
        {foreach from=$newproducts_dayrange key=name item=field}
        {if $name eq $days}{$field}{else}{$field}{/if}
{* ext-1 *}

{if $products ne "" }
<BR clear="left">
<HR size="1" noshade>


{if !empty($products) && is_array($products)}
        {* ext-2 - this could be moved to a new .tpl file *}
        {if $sort_fields}
                <DIV align="right"><font size="2">
                        {foreach from=$sort_fields key=name item=field}
                                {if $name eq $sortby}[img]{$ImagesDir}/{if $sortdirection eq [/img]{/if}{$field}{if $name eq $sortby}{/if}
        {* ext-2 *}       

        {if $total_pages gt 2}
{ include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl" }

        <HR size="1" width="100%">
        {include file="customer/main/products.tpl" products=$products}

{include file="dialog.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_newproducts content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

{ include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl" }

This is line 40:

{if $name eq $sortby}[img]{$ImagesDir}/{if $sortdirection eq [/img]{/if}{$field}{if $name eq $sortby}{/if}

This is at the bottom of home_main.tpl before the else clause


{elseif $main eq "newproducts"}
{include file="customer/main/newproducts.tpl"}

I also uploaded the language variables.

If anyone has any insight, I'd really appreciate it. Also, is there any way to append "NEW" to the title of any new product wherever displayed in the store?



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