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-   -   Want a WYSIWYG detailed description text area? (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=7407)

gallica 04-14-2006 05:27 AM

To get this one working you might do the following :

Extract content of archive into /provider/

Modify single/home.tpl, and right after the </HEAD> put

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="wysiwyg.js">

and then finaly, amend the skin1/main/product_details.tpl like that for product detail description

<TEXTAREA id="textarea1" name="fulldescr" cols="45" rows="12" class="InputWidth" id="wysiwyg1">{$product.fulldescr|escape:"html"}</TEXTAREA>
    <script language="javascript1.2">

mffowler 05-13-2006 03:04 AM

In my case, the install was on an X-Cart Pro package and you can edit products in admin. If you are a "provder", then you just need to apply the mod to those respective files.

- Mike

TA 05-14-2006 02:01 PM

I have just installed htmlarea and it is working fairly well. I am using it on detailed desc. and static pages.

Is there a way to use the editor for short descriptions and detailed? I found the code for detailed, but I can't make them both work.

Also has anybody ever figured out a fix on the multiple refreshing that is sometimes required?

mffowler 05-14-2006 02:53 PM


Add the id="wysiwyg1" to the TEXTAREA to correspond. Change the ID for multiple instances.
That should solve your issue (the change ID part)... make the first one wysiwyg1 and the second one wysiwyg2 and change the call in both instances per usage.

- Mike

TA 05-14-2006 03:41 PM

Here is what I ended up doing and it seems to have worked. I first removed the code from the top of product_modify.tpl that I had added during original install. Then I added this code to product_details.tpl.


<TD colspan="3" align="center">
<INPUT type="submit" value=" {$lng.lbl_save} "></TD>


<script language="JavaScript1.2" defer>

<script language="JavaScript1.2" defer>




I now have the editor for both descriptions and no errors. I also have this coded for the static pages and I did have to refresh that a few times, but that is a much less used area, so the hassle factor is minor to me.

mffowler 05-14-2006 04:54 PM

It may help to just remove the "template cache" as the editor just takes a few clicks to install... and the vanilla code should work for most versions.

- Mike

jsa 05-20-2006 06:28 PM

Languages WYSIWYG editor + Firefox question for OpenWYSIWYG
Thanks mffowler for the awesome OpenWYSIWYG solution! Nice!

If you want to use this in your languages area, it's a little more complex. Here's what you do.

open up skin1/admin/main/languages.tpl


<TD align="left"><TEXTAREA cols="35" rows="6" name=var_value[{$data[di].name}]>{$data[di].value|escape:html}</TEXTAREA>


<script language="JavaScript">

Also, I have a question.

Oddly, this doesn't work in Firefox for me, just IE. It's weird, because example.html shows the WYSIWYG box in all browsers for me.

Anybody have any guesses as to why that may be?

jsa 05-20-2006 06:33 PM

This also works super duper great for static content. Add the "vanilla" code mffolwer gives to admin/main/page_edit.tpl

like this:


<script language="JavaScript">

You can't believe how much easier this makes 4.0.17 to use.

Now if only there was a spell checker built-in to double check my work ;)

jsa 05-20-2006 07:02 PM

Ooops - spoke too soon.

While the HTML editor shows up everywhere, it's not saving my edits. I think I may have misread something somewhere, or made a wrong assumption. I'll keep working on it.

mffowler 09-23-2006 06:09 AM

Re: Want a WYSIWYG detailed description text area?
Yes, in hindsight- my original post wasn't very complete. Although this is a simple mod that most can install... there are a few version differences that I have noted.

But, with most Gold pre-4.1.x installs, you simply need to put the contents of the "wysiwyg_beta" folder into your root "admin" directory. Then add the previously mentioned code. I was just also just able to do it for the new modify tpl which makes a client very happy..

- Mike

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