X-Cart: shopping cart software

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Freakmode 07-02-2015 04:45 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil - how do I remove lazy loading of category images?
Product images are very quick now but still get spinning disc and delay on cat images.


PhilJ 07-04-2015 07:54 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Phil - how do I remove lazy loading of category images?

Edit skin/reboot/customer/main/subcategories_t.tpl replace...


<img class="lazy" src="{$AltImagesDir}/spacer.gif" data-src="{get_category_image_url category=$subcategory}" alt="{$subcategory.category|escape}" />

<img src="{get_category_image_url category=$subcategory}" alt="{$subcategory.category|escape}" />
reBOOT v4 will use a different lazy loading technique. Planning to release v4 mid July.

johngwms 07-14-2015 05:02 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

How can I make reB3.51 WordPress Post Titles have an H1 Tag?

At the moment my posts do not have H1 defined and Google never seems to pick them up.

PhilJ 07-14-2015 05:15 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hi John, on blog pages, it should already be a H1, but for blog page listings, edit /blog/wp-content/themes/alienship/inc/template-tags.php

Find line 150, replace...

$entry_title = sprintf( '<h2 class="entry-title"><a class="entry-title" title="%s" rel="bookmark" href="%s">%s</a></h2>', the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ), get_permalink(), $title );

$entry_title = sprintf( '<h1 class="entry-title"><a class="entry-title" title="%s" rel="bookmark" href="%s">%s</a></h2>', the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ), get_permalink(), $title );

Freakmode 08-04-2015 02:22 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Removed - just my inability to read

johngwms 08-04-2015 02:38 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hi Phil

That fix works but unfortunately it also converts all blog titles on the blog home page to H1 tags also. It seems that the is_singular() funtion on line 146 is not functioning as it should.

mendyo 08-04-2015 09:06 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

I am updating my site and want to know if I need to purchase an update to go from 2.32 to the latest version. I believe you are very close to releasing the latest version 4.7.3. Do you have an availability date?

Please let me know what I need to do ASAP as my developer needs to know how to proceed.


Mendy Ouzillou

elmirage001 08-05-2015 08:23 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by mendyo

I am updating my site and want to know if I need to purchase an up to date to go from 2.32 to the latest version. I believe you are very close to releasing the latest version 4.7.3. Do you have an availability date?

Please let me know what I need to do ASAP as my developer needs to know how to proceed.


Mendy Ouzillou

Hi Mendy!

Phil is testing now. You can keep up to date here --> https://www.xcartmods.co.uk/reboot/#tab3

reBOOT v4 nearly ready, coming early August ...

5th August - Final testing / optimization in progress ...
So should be very soon :-)

Hope this helps!

Paul (The Meteorite Exchange, Inc.)

mendyo 08-06-2015 06:54 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Thank you Paul. I did see that and was hoping for a more definitive date.

My developer is stuck until I can get the latest release which seems well worth waiting for.


PhilJ 08-06-2015 10:07 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hi All, it will be released on Monday 10th. Apologies to everyone for the delay, but better to be safe than sorry.

I'm just finalising the product page and the header layouts. I'll be optimising, documenting and testing all weekend in readiness for Monday.

PM me or go on my live chat for a preview link.


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