/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /** * Functions for product options module * * @category X-Cart * @package X-Cart * @subpackage JS Library * @author Ruslan R. Fazlyev * @version $Id: func.js,v 2010/12/08 14:44:45 ferz Exp $ * @link http://www.x-cart.com/ * @see ____file_see____ */ var current_taxes = []; var product_thumbnail = document.getElementById('product_thumbnail'); var availObj = document.getElementById('product_avail'); /** * Rebuild page if some options is changed */ function check_options(id) { var product_price_id = 'product_price'+id; var local_taxes = []; var is_rebuild_wholesale = false; var variantid = false; if (typeof(taxes) != 'undefined') { for (var t in taxes) { if (hasOwnProperty(taxes, t)) local_taxes[t] = taxes[t][0]; } } if(typeof(id) != "undefined" && id !== null) { price = eval("default_price" + id); } else { price = eval("default_price" + productid); } /* Find variant */ for (var x in variants) { if (!hasOwnProperty(variants, x) || variants[x][1].length == 0) continue; variantid = x; for (var c in variants[x][1]) { if (!hasOwnProperty(variants[x][1], c)) continue; if (getPOValue(c) != variants[x][1][c]) { variantid = false; break; } } if (variantid) break; } /* If variant found ... */ if (variantid) { var max_avail = variants[variantid][0][1]; price = variants[variantid][0][0]; orig_price = variants[variantid][0][4]; avail = variants[variantid][0][1]; /* Get variant wholesale prices */ if (variants[variantid][3]) { product_wholesale = []; for (var t in variants[variantid][3]) { if (!hasOwnProperty(variants[variantid][3], t)) continue; var _tmp = modi_price(variants[variantid][3][t][2], cloneObject(variants[variantid][3][t][3]), variants[variantid][3][t][4]); product_wholesale[t] = [ variants[variantid][3][t][0], variants[variantid][3][t][1], _tmp[0], [] ]; /* Get variant wholesale taxes */ for (var c in _tmp[1]) { if (hasOwnProperty(_tmp[1], c)) product_wholesale[t][3][c] = _tmp[1][c]; } } is_rebuild_wholesale = true; } /* Get variant taxes */ for (var t in local_taxes) { if (hasOwnProperty(local_taxes, t) && variants[variantid][2][t]) local_taxes[t] = parseFloat(variants[variantid][2][t]); } if (!product_thumbnail) product_thumbnail = document.getElementById('product_thumbnail'); /* Change product thumbnail */ if (product_thumbnail) { if (variants[variantid][0][2].src && variants[variantid][0][2].width > 0 && variants[variantid][0][2].height > 0) { if (getImgSrc(product_thumbnail) != variants[variantid][0][2].src) { if (getImgSrc(product_thumbnail) == product_image.src && typeof(product_image.isPNG) == 'undefined') { product_image.isPNG = isPngFix(product_thumbnail); product_image.width = product_thumbnail.width; product_image.height = product_thumbnail.height; } product_thumbnail.src = variants[variantid][0][2].src; product_thumbnail.width = variants[variantid][0][2]._x; product_thumbnail.height = variants[variantid][0][2]._y; if (typeof(window.saved_product_thumbnail) != 'undefined' && saved_product_thumbnail) saved_product_thumbnail = false; if (variants[variantid][0][6] && $.browser.msie) pngFix(product_thumbnail); } } else if (getImgSrc(product_thumbnail) != product_image.src) { product_thumbnail.src = product_image.src; if (product_image.width > 0 && product_image.height > 0) { product_thumbnail.width = product_image.width; product_thumbnail.height = product_image.height; if (typeof(window.saved_product_thumbnail) != 'undefined' && saved_product_thumbnail) saved_product_thumbnail = false; } if (product_image.isPNG) pngFix(product_thumbnail); } if (max_image_width > 0 && product_thumbnail.width > max_image_width) { product_thumbnail.height = Math.round(product_thumbnail.height*max_image_width/product_thumbnail.width); product_thumbnail.width = max_image_width; } if (max_image_height > 0 && product_thumbnail.height > max_image_height) { product_thumbnail.width = Math.round(product_thumbnail.width*max_image_height/product_thumbnail.height); product_thumbnail.height = max_image_height; } } /* Change product weight */ if (document.getElementById('product_weight')) document.getElementById('product_weight').innerHTML = price_format(variants[variantid][0][3]); if (document.getElementById('product_weight_box')) document.getElementById('product_weight_box').style.display = parseFloat(variants[variantid][0][3]) > 0 ? "" : "none"; /* Change product code */ if (document.getElementById('product_code')) document.getElementById('product_code').innerHTML = variants[variantid][0][5]; } if (pconf_price > 0) price = pconf_price; /* Find modifiers */ var _tmp = modi_price(price, local_taxes, orig_price, id); price = _tmp[0]; local_taxes = _tmp[1]; if (!variantid) { product_wholesale = []; for (var t in _product_wholesale) { if (!hasOwnProperty(_product_wholesale, t)) continue; _tmp = modi_price(_product_wholesale[t][2], _product_wholesale[t][3].slice(0), _product_wholesale[t][4]); product_wholesale[t] = [ _product_wholesale[t][0], _product_wholesale[t][1], _tmp[0], _tmp[1] ]; } is_rebuild_wholesale = true; } /* Update taxes */ for (var t in local_taxes) { if (!hasOwnProperty(local_taxes, t)) continue; if (document.getElementById('tax_'+t)) { document.getElementById('tax_'+t).innerHTML = price_format(Math.max(local_taxes[t], 0)); } current_taxes[t] = local_taxes[t]; } if (is_rebuild_wholesale) rebuild_wholesale(); /* Update form elements */ /* Update price */ if (document.getElementById(product_price_id)) document.getElementById(product_price_id).innerHTML = price_format(Math.max(price, 0)); /* Update alt. price */ if (alter_currency_rate > 0 && document.getElementById('product_alt_price')) { var altPrice = price*alter_currency_rate; document.getElementById('product_alt_price').innerHTML = price_format(Math.max(altPrice, 0)); } /* Update Save % */ if (document.getElementById('save_percent') && document.getElementById('save_percent_box') && list_price > 0 && dynamic_save_money_enabled) { var save_percent = Math.round(100 - (price / list_price) * 100); if (save_percent > 0) { document.getElementById('save_percent_box').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('save_percent').innerHTML = save_percent; } else { document.getElementById('save_percent_box').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('save_percent').innerHTML = '0'; } } /* Update product quantity */ $('.product-quantity-text').html(avail > 0 ? substitute(txt_items_available, "items", (variantid ? avail : product_avail)) : lbl_no_items_available); $('.product-quantity-number').html(avail > 0 ? (variantid ? avail : product_avail) : 0); if ((mq > 0 && avail > mq+min_avail) || !is_limit) avail = mq + min_avail - 1; avail = Math.min(mq, avail); var select_avail = min_avail; /* Update product quantity selector */ availObj = document.getElementById(quantity_input_box_enabled ? 'product_avail_input' : 'product_avail'); if (availObj && availObj.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'SELECT') { // Select box if (!isNaN(min_avail) && !isNaN(avail)) { var first_value = -1; if (availObj.options[0]) first_value = availObj.options[0].value; if (first_value == min_avail) { /* New and old first value in quantities list is equal */ if ((avail-min_avail+1) != availObj.options.length) { if (availObj.options.length > avail-min_avail+1) { var cnt = availObj.options.length; for (var x = (avail-min_avail+1 < 0 ? 0 : avail-min_avail+1); x < cnt; x++) availObj.options[availObj.options.length-1] = null; } else { var cnt = availObj.options.length; for (var x = cnt+min_avail; x <= avail-min_avail+1; x++) availObj.options[cnt++] = new Option(x, x); } } } else { /* New and old first value in quantities list is differ */ var cnt = availObj.options.length - 1; while (cnt >= 0) availObj.options[cnt--] = null; cnt = 0; for (var x = min_avail; x <= avail; x++) availObj.options[cnt++] = new Option(x, x); } if (availObj.options.length == 0 || min_avail > avail) availObj.options[0] = new Option(txt_out_of_stock, 0); } select_avail = availObj.options[availObj.selectedIndex].value; } else if (availObj && availObj.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT' && availObj.type.toUpperCase() == 'TEXT') { // Input box if (!isNaN(min_avail) && !isNaN(avail)) { availObj.minQuantity = min_avail; availObj.maxQuantity = max_avail; } if (isNaN(parseInt(availObj.value)) || availObj.value == 0) availObj.value = min_avail; select_avail = availObj.value; } check_wholesale(select_avail); if (alert_msg == 'Y' && min_avail > avail) alert(txt_out_of_stock); /* Check exceptions */ var ex_flag = check_exceptions(); if (!ex_flag && (alert_msg == 'Y')) alert(exception_msg); if (document.getElementById('exception_msg')) { if (ex_flag) { document.getElementById('exception_msg').style.display = 'none'; } else { document.getElementById('exception_msg').innerHTML = exception_msg_html; document.getElementById('exception_msg').style.display = ''; } } return true; } /** * Calculate product price with price modificators */ function modi_price(_price, _taxes, _orig_price, id) { var return_price = round(_price, 2); if(typeof(id) != "undefined" && id !== null) { var modifiers = eval("modifiers"+id); } else { var modifiers = eval("modifiers"+productid); } /* List modificators */ for (var x2 in modifiers) { if (!hasOwnProperty(modifiers, x2)) continue; var value = getPOValue(x2); if (!value || !modifiers[x2][value]) continue; /* Get selected option */ var elm = modifiers[x2][value]; return_price += parseFloat(elm[1] == '$' ? elm[0] : (_price*elm[0]/100)); /* Get tax extra charge */ for (var t2 in _taxes) { if (hasOwnProperty(_taxes, t2) && elm[2][t2]) _taxes[t2] += parseFloat(elm[1] == '$' ? elm[2][t2] : (_orig_price*elm[2][t2]/100)); } } return [return_price, _taxes]; } /** * Check product options exceptions */ function check_exceptions() { if (typeof(exceptions) === 'undefined') return true; /* List exceptions */ for (var x in exceptions) { if (!hasOwnProperty(exceptions, x) || isNaN(x)) continue; var found = true; for (var c in exceptions[x]) { if (!hasOwnProperty(exceptions[x], c)) continue; var value = getPOValue(c); if (!value) return true; if (value != exceptions[x][c]) { found = false; break; } } if (found) return false; } return true; } /** * Rebuild wholesale tables */ function rebuild_wholesale() { var div = document.getElementById('wl-prices'); var wl_table = $('table', div).get(0); var wl_taxes = $('div', div).get(0); if (!div || !wl_table || !wl_taxes) return false; /* Clear wholesale span object if product wholesale prices service array is empty */ var i = wl_table.rows.length - 1; while (i > 0) wl_table.deleteRow(i--); if (!product_wholesale || product_wholesale.length == 0) { div.style.display = 'none'; return false; } /* Display wholesale prices table */ var str = ''; var r; for (i in product_wholesale) { if (!hasOwnProperty(product_wholesale, i) || product_wholesale[i][0] == 0) continue; r = wl_table.insertRow(-1); insert_text = (product_wholesale[i][1] == 0) ? product_wholesale[i][0] + '+' : (product_wholesale[i][1] - product_wholesale[i][0] > 0 ? product_wholesale[i][0] + '-' + product_wholesale[i][1] : product_wholesale[i][0]); r.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = insert_text + ' ' + (product_wholesale[i][0] == 1 ? lbl_item : lbl_items); r.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = price_format(product_wholesale[i][2] < 0 ? 0 : product_wholesale[i][2], false, false, false, true); } if (wl_table.rows.length <= 1) { div.style.display = 'none'; return false; } /* Display wholesale prices taxes */ var display_taxes = false; if (taxes.length > 0) { for (i in taxes) { if (hasOwnProperty(taxes, i) && current_taxes[i] > 0) display_taxes = true; } } if (!display_taxes) wl_taxes.style.display = 'none'; else wl_taxes.style.display = ''; div.style.display = ''; return true; } /** * Display current wholesale price as product price */ function check_wholesale(qty) { if ((typeof(product_wholesale) == 'undefined') || product_wholesale.length == 0) return true; var wl_taxes = current_taxes.slice(0); var wl_price = price; for (var x = 0; x < product_wholesale.length; x++) { if (product_wholesale[x][0] <= qty && (product_wholesale[x][1] >= qty || product_wholesale[x][1] == 0)) { wl_price = product_wholesale[x][2]; wl_taxes = product_wholesale[x][3].slice(0); } if (document.getElementById('wp' + x)) { var wPrice = price-default_price143+product_wholesale[x][2]; document.getElementById('wp' + x).innerHTML = price_format(Math.max(wPrice, 0)); } } if (document.getElementById(product_price_id)) document.getElementById(product_price_id).innerHTML = price_format(Math.max(wl_price, 0)); if (alter_currency_rate > 0 && document.getElementById('product_alt_price')) { document.getElementById('product_alt_price').innerHTML = price_format(Math.max(wl_price * alter_currency_rate, 0)); } /* Update Save % */ if (document.getElementById('save_percent') && document.getElementById('save_percent_box') && list_price > 0 && dynamic_save_money_enabled) { var save_percent = Math.round(100 - (Math.max(wl_price, 0) / list_price) * 100); if (save_percent > 0) { document.getElementById('save_percent_box').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('save_percent').innerHTML = save_percent; } else { document.getElementById('save_percent_box').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('save_percent').innerHTML = '0'; } } for (var x in taxes) { if (hasOwnProperty(taxes, x) && document.getElementById('tax_'+x) && wl_taxes[x] && current_taxes[x]) { document.getElementById('tax_'+x).innerHTML = price_format(Math.max(wl_taxes[x], 0)); } } return true; } /** * Get product option value */ function getPOValue(c) { if (!document.getElementById('po' + c) || document.getElementById('po' + c).tagName.toUpperCase() != 'SELECT') return false; return document.getElementById('po'+c).options[document.getElementById('po'+c).selectedIndex].value; } /** * Get product option object by class name / class id */ function product_option(classid) { if (!isNaN(classid)) return document.getElementById("po" + classid); if (!names) return false; for (var x in names) { if (!hasOwnProperty(names, x) || names[x]['class_name'] != classid) continue; return document.getElementById('po' + x); } return false; } /** * Get product option value by class name / or class id */ function product_option_value(classid) { var obj = product_option(classid); if (!obj) return false; if (obj.type != 'select-one') return obj.value; var classid = parseInt(obj.id.substr(2)); var optionid = parseInt(obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value); if (names[classid] && names[classid]['options'][optionid]) return names[classid]['options'][optionid]; return false; } /** * Hide the "Options are expired message" and update product in the cart */ function close_opts_expire_msg(cartid) { var post_params = 'target=cart&mode=update&product_options=1&id=' + cartid; var cart_message_box = document.getElementById('cart_message_' + cartid); $.ajax({type: 'POST', url: 'popup_poptions.php', data: post_params}); if (cart_message_box) { cart_message_box.style.display = 'none'; } return false; }