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Old 05-22-2006, 07:03 AM
Grant Grant is offline

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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 171

Default Display HTML in Extra fields

I would love to say I wrote this but alas I didn't.
It cost me a whole bunch of support points to get this coded by X-cart and seeing as.....

a) I see this mod/fix asked for quite a bit by newbs like myself
b) This should be a standard feature of X-Cart - not a required mod and
c) I have received lots of invaluable help from peeps here like Balinor, Zaja et al.....

I thought I would share this with the group


This MOD is for those that want to display extra fields containing HTML anywhere on your site (almost)..
One of the ways I used this mod was to enable small clickable images that linked to audio previews.

1. Create the following file and name it modifier.extrafield.php then upload it to the include/templater/plugins directory :

if (!defined('XCART_START')) { header("Location: ../../../"); die("Access denied"); }

function smarty_modifier_extrafield($value, $mode) {
global $config, $sql_tbl;

$return = func_query_first_cell("SELECT value FROM ".$sql_tbl["extra_field_values"]." WHERE productid = $value AND fieldid= $mode");

if ($return)
return $return;
return "";


2. Modify skin1/customer/main/products.tpl by adding the following wherever you want it to display :

Note : You must replace the following parts of this code with your own field variables....

NEWFIELD - replace this with the name of the field you wish to display - ie 'Size'
# - replace this with the field number of the field you wish to display - ie '2'

{assign var="NEWFIELD" value=$products[product].productid|extrafield:#} {if $NEWFIELD ne ""}


3. Modify skin1/customer/main/products_t.tpl exactly the same way as described in step 2.

4. Open admin/product_modify.php & provider/product_modify.php and look for the following :

$trusted_post_variables = array("product_lng","product_new_descr","product_n ew_full_descr","descr","fulldescr","posted_data"," js_code","javascript_code");

Replace with :

$trusted_post_variables = array("product_lng","product_new_descr","product_n ew_full_descr","descr","fulldescr","posted_data"," js_code","javascript_code", "efields");

Do the same for both files.

5. To make it a bit easier to enter and edit all your lovely HTML code on the Admin backend do the following...

Open modules/Extra/product_modify.tpl and find :

<INPUT type="text" name="efields[{$extra_fields[field].fieldid}]" size="24" value="{if $extra_fields[field].is_value eq 'Y'}{$extra_fields[field].field_value|escape: "html"}{else}{$extra_fields[field].value|escape:"html"}{/if}">

Replace with :

Note. Make sure you change the following part of this code with your own field name.

NEWFIELD - Change this to the name of YOUR field. ie 'Size'

{if $extra_fields[field].field eq "NEWFIELD"}
<TEXTAREA name="efields[{$extra_fields[field].fieldid}]" rows="10" cols="45">{if $extra_fields[field].is_value eq 'Y'}{$extra_fields[field].field_value|escape: "html"}{else}{$extra_fields[field].value|escape:"html"}{/if}</TEXTAREA>
<INPUT type="text" name="efields[{$extra_fields[field].fieldid}]" size="24" value="{if $extra_fields[field].is_value eq 'Y'}{$extra_fields[field].field_value|escape: "html"}{else}{$extra_fields[field].value|escape:"html"}{/if}">

And thats it

This works a charm and is a doddle to install.


X-Cart version : 4.0.18
Mod : Customer Also Bought
Mod : Custom catergory Templates
Mod : Custon Product Templates
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