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Old 10-03-2011, 05:50 PM
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cflsystems cflsystems is offline

Join Date: Apr 2007
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Default Re: X-Cart v4.4.4 released

This is not new and it's been asked few times and still not fixed. When running the upgrade from admin the screen after the initial files check has this at the bottom


Tick here to continue upgrading regardless of the found problems

which is checked by default. "Apply patch" and "Go back" buttons are too close to each other and one can easily hit the wrong button. Applying the patch when there are "could not patch" errors will result of not all files being patched and the database not patched as well. This should not be checked by default and the "Apply patch" button should be disabled unless box is checked.

For your own safety do this and keep it in there. Open "admin/main/patch_apply.tpl" and at the top of the file insert this

<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ {literal} var agree_checkboxes = ['try_all']; function check_agree(form) { for (var i = 0; i < agree_checkboxes.length; i++) { var c = form.elements.namedItem(agree_checkboxes[i]); if (c && !c.checked) return false; } return true; } function patch_agree(o) { var valid = true; for (var i = 0; i < agree_checkboxes.length && valid; i++) { var c = o.form.elements.namedItem(agree_checkboxes[i]); if (c && !c.checked) valid = false; } $('input[name=submit]').button(valid ? 'enable' : 'disable') return true; } {/literal} //]]> </script>

then find

<form action="patch.php" method="post">

and replace with

<form action="patch.php" method="post" onsubmit="javascript: return check_agree(this);">

then find

<label for="try_all">{$lng.lbl_tick_here_to_apply_patch}</label><input type="checkbox" id="try_all" name="try_all" /><br />

and replace with

<label for="try_all">{$lng.lbl_tick_here_to_apply_patch}</label><input type="checkbox" id="try_all" name="try_all" onclick="javascript: patch_agree(this);" /><br />

then find

<input type="submit" value="{$lng.lbl_apply_patch|strip_tags:false|escape}" />

and replace with

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="{$lng.lbl_apply_patch|strip_tags:false|escape}"{if $could_not_patch ne "0" and $mode ne "sql"} disabled="disabled"{/if} />


Come on QT, this is your own code, just copy/paste, and you can't implement it to something as important as running a patch
Steve Stoyanov
Web Development