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Old 09-20-2006, 07:16 AM
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dalmuti dalmuti is offline

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Posts: 343

Default Product Variant Thumbnails - How To Display?


I am working on 4.1.3 with the Product Options/Variants and have added options and attached a thumbnail to each one.

When you view the product detail page the thumbnail image changes as you change the product option, which is fine. But, what I also want to do is display each option/variant thumbnail separately. Maybe in another table below the product details but above the Send to Friend, etc.

I've tried the debug and don't quite understand what variables, etc I need to use.

There may be a few thumbnails or many....isn't there a way to create a loop do display them?

Ultimately what I would like to do is have the thumbnails with qty and checkboxes and be able to order multiple items from that one screen. But, I would be happy to get the first step of displaying the thumbnails.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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